
Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

author:Zero Quarter Entertainment


In other words, in our entertainment industry, there is such a number one person, he can not only make you lean forward and backward, but also blow out melodious suona, this is our "Northeast Living Treasure" - Cheng Ye.

In the black land of the Northeast, when it comes to Cheng Ye, everyone knows it, and no one knows it.

With his unique sense of humor and stunts, this buddy has become a veritable duo in Mr. Zhao Benshan's Zhao family class, and has become a veritable two-person big name.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

When it comes to Cheng Ye, I have to mention his master Zhao Benshan.

Back then, when Cheng Ye was 22 years old, he worshiped under Zhao Benshan and became the No. 20 disciple.

Master Zhao Benshan favored him very much, not only took him to shine on the stage, but also let him show his face in a masterpiece like "Sending the Play", and played the role of "Cheng Shuzi", which made the national audience remember this young man who kept laughing.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

Recently, Cheng Ye did another big thing, receiving former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, which exploded on the Internet.

June 29th, guess what? Cheng Ye posted a video on his social media to share the warm moment of this meeting.

In the video, Cheng Ye is simply the spokesperson of the all-round talent of civil and military affairs, not only the funny kung fu that we usually know, but this time he also showed his hand and wrote a calligraphy work to Mr. Hatoyama with his own hands.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

What's even more interesting is that the interaction between the video mileage and the Hatoyama couple is called a kind and natural, laughter constantly, like a gathering of old friends.

The funniest thing is that Cheng Ye's bold scene at the birthday banquet, picking up the wine glass is to the end, the straightforwardness and heartiness of the Northeast man can be felt across the screen, which simply shows the character of our Northeast people vividly.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

However, the show didn't last long, and as soon as the video spread, netizens were not calm! Some like and support, thinking that this is a good thing for cultural exchanges; There are also people who start to talk about it, and they have their own opinions.

In short, in this wave of operations, Cheng Ye once again pushed himself to the cusp of public opinion, and people had to convince him of his ability to "do things"!

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

When it comes to Yukio Hatoyama, a veteran of Japanese politics, his name is not only echoed in Japan, especially after he bravely apologized for the Nanjing Massacre, which made his popularity index in China soar and gained the goodwill of many Chinese.

But as soon as this matter was put on the table, the comment area of netizens immediately became lively like an explosion, and it was divided into two factions with clear barriers.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

On the one hand, there is an "atmospheric applause faction", and they feel that Cheng Ye's hand is clever, building bridges in the name of art, and letting the river of culture flow happily between the two countries.

On the other hand, there is the "Historical Remembering School", and the small ditch called "History" in my heart is churning and waves, and I always feel that the past is not as good as smoke, and I will inevitably have some complicated emotions in my heart when Japanese guests visit.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

And our Comrade Cheng Ye, this is not the first time that he has played the role of a "little captain of friendship" on the international stage.

Since April in the spring, he has been like getting a VIP card for cultural exchange that is universally accepted, and he has a hot fight with bigwigs from all over the world, and intimate exchanges seem to be commonplace.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

Every time such a cross-border handshake can cause a small "earthquake" on the Internet, this intersection with Yukio Hatoyama is naturally a hot topic, which makes people have to sigh, Cheng Ye's cultural exchange work is really prosperous!

Speaking of which, we have to mention the subtle attitude of the public when confronted with historical issues.

The Chinese still remember those unbearable chapters of aggression, and this sensitivity is simply engraved in their DNA.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

But having said that, cultural exchange is a two-way street, and vehicles on both sides have to drive smoothly, so how to promote the spiritual fit and friendship between the two sides at the same time as remembering history has become a big problem that we need to scratch our heads and ponder.

This little turmoil is simply a big stage for Brother Cheng Ye, which is not only a starlight moment to show his personal charm, but also a testing ground to test whether he can be as stable as an old dog in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

After all, once a person becomes famous, it's like living under a magnifying glass, and even picking your nose can make headlines.

And to learn some lessons from Cheng Ye's response this time, it is not a good thing for us who eat melons - the key is to communicate with an open heart, and at the same time hold the two rulers of principles and bottom lines in our hands, neither losing our demeanor nor losing our position.

It's like finding a way through the thorns of history, not only to flexibly avoid the spikes, but also to be firm in the direction, and maybe to pick a few small flowers of understanding and understanding by the way.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

In the grand view garden of the Internet, opinions are as colorful as a palette, and some people praise Cheng Ye's diplomatic skills, thinking that he shows a gentle and elegant demeanor of a great country; There are also people who play the role of "historical guards", worrying that being too close to characters in a specific historical context may accidentally step on the minefield of memory.

This scene of "a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending" is actually a vivid display of our social and cultural diversity and ideological inclusiveness, as if to say: "Look, our ideological market is so lively!" ”

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations

Swimming in such a sea of controversy, we should be like a wise man who explores the deep sea with diving goggles, keep a cool head, and rationally analyze the ebb and flow of the tide.

How to respect the flow of the long river of history, not touch sensitive reefs, and at the same time raise the sails to promote world peace and development, so that the boat of friendship can move forward steadily, is a profound science.

It's like making a delicate dish, which has to take into account the historical taboos of ingredients, as well as nutrition and deliciousness, so that every guest at the table can have a good time eating and chatting.

Actor Cheng Ye is hotly discussed! Personally received the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented calligraphy, and had a meal with intimate conversations


Cheng Ye's reception of Yukio Hatoyama is not only an episode of cultural exchange, but also a test of public sentiment.

In the interweaving of history and reality, we see complex emotions and hope.

In the end, whether it is Cheng Ye or every ordinary person, when facing historical issues, we should have a peaceful and firm heart, neither forget the past, nor close the door to future exchanges.

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