
Qualitative "disaster"! The secretary and governor bowed three times to the Meida Expressway and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed

author:Li Jiao beast has material

At about 2:10 on May 1, a landslide accident occurred on the Chayang section of Meida Expressway, according to the latest statistics, 48 people have died and 30 people have been injured;

Qualitative "disaster"! The secretary and governor bowed three times to the Meida Expressway and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed

This afternoon, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, held a press conference to report the latest casualty data, it is worth noting that the word "disaster" has been used in the video when the road collapse is mentioned!

Perhaps, this has already made a qualitative nature of this event, and it may be a disaster.

The May Day holiday was originally a good day to travel or return to their hometown for reunion, in order to avoid high-speed congestion, some people will choose to set off overnight, no one would have thought that there would be a landslide on the way to the journey......

Qualitative "disaster"! The secretary and governor bowed three times to the Meida Expressway and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed

The danger of a landslide on the highway road caused such serious consequences, the families of the victims were very heavy, and thousands of netizens also expressed regret for the victims, and the secretary of the provincial party committee of Guangdong Province and the governor of Guangdong Province, as the parents of the ruling party, also came to the scene of the accident in person, and they bowed three times to the Meida high-speed collapse to express their deep condolences to the victims!

Qualitative "disaster"! The secretary and governor bowed three times to the Meida Expressway and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed

Such a heavy disaster occurred on the first day of the May Day holiday, which cast a shadow on the mood of netizens across the country;

There was a lot of discussion in the comment area of netizens

Some netizens said that the collapse of the Meida Expressway was mainly due to the soft soil in the local area, coupled with the heavy rain for several days, which greatly increased the probability of risk;

Qualitative "disaster"! The secretary and governor bowed three times to the Meida Expressway and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed

There are also many netizens who said that they should take this as a lesson, draw inferences from one another, and always ring the alarm bell and prevent first;

To avoid avoidable disasters and accidents, investigate possible hidden dangers, and put the safety of people's lives and property in the first place!

Qualitative "disaster"! The secretary and governor bowed three times to the Meida Expressway and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed

Some netizens believe that the collapse accident should be investigated in detail, and the results of the investigation should be made public in a timely and continuous manner.

Qualitative "disaster"! The secretary and governor bowed three times to the Meida Expressway and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed

Event Reviews

It is hoped that all people can learn the corresponding lessons from this accident; the driver should try to walk at night as little as possible, after all, the light is not good, and the emergency situation is not easy to deal with; the relevant departments should investigate the hidden dangers that may occur in time, especially after the local extreme weather, they should be more vigilant; the project contractor should take this as a lesson, safety is no trivial matter, and the quality of the project must not be compromised in the slightest!


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