
Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

author:Loving Home Joy Reading

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Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

In 2018, the world-renowned actor Xiang Mei stepped into the second half of her life, but fate seemed to play a ruthless and cruel joke on her. It was an ordinary working day, Xiang Mei devoted herself to the heavy work as usual, but unexpectedly, this peace and tranquility was suddenly broken, and she suddenly fell to the ground unconscious, which frightened all the staff present.

At first, everyone thought that Xiang Mei was just suffering from heat stroke because of the high temperature, but the truth is far from so simple.

When Chi Xidao received a call and rushed to the hospital, the doctor had already clearly diagnosed Xiang Mei with the early stage of cerebral infarction. As Xiang Mei's lifelong partner, Chi Xidao's mood at the moment is undoubtedly extremely sad, and they have survived 64 years of ups and downs together.

Faced with the moment of life and death, Xiang Mei and Chi Xidao did not choose to give up, but firmly chose to actively accept treatment and support each other to tide over the difficulties.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

Under the careful treatment of the doctors, Xiang Mei's condition gradually stabilized, and finally successfully escaped the danger of life. Although she had to say goodbye to her acting career at this time, she was lucky to be able to save her life.

This sudden illness undoubtedly cast a haze on the later life of this loving couple, but they did not succumb to it, but once again defeated the impermanence of fate with their perseverance and vitality.

In Xiang Mei's youth, an insignificant dream seed quietly sprouted in her heart. Despite her excellent academic performance, friends and family persuaded her to choose science and engineering, believing that it was more in line with her personal characteristics.

However, Xiang Mei's love for performing arts has long been deeply imprinted in her heart.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

Without hesitation, she chose Tianjin University to major in architecture, opening a new chapter in her career. During her college years, Xiang Mei never gave up her inner dream, and under the careful guidance and encouragement of her mentor, her acting talent was gradually discovered and improved.

In 1957, an unexpected piece of good fortune befell Xiang Mei. The famous director Xie Jin happened to see a photo of Xiang Mei and praised her appearance and temperament, so he enthusiastically invited her to star in her film debut "Women's Basketball No. 5".

For Xiang Mei, who has had a dream for many years, this is undoubtedly great news, and she is ecstatic, but she can't help but feel confused and uneasy.

Unexpectedly, what pushed Xiang Mei out of her comfort zone behind this was a relative who knew her passionate pursuit and deeply understood her dreams! When the relative came across the open call for the film in the newspapers, he decisively helped Xiang Mei firmly grasp this once-in-a-lifetime acting opportunity.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

Xiang Mei, who bravely met the challenge, did not encounter too many difficulties, but devoted herself to it wholeheartedly, and made full preparations and research for the role.

As expected, Xiang Mei won a warm response and high praise from the audience immediately after the release of the movie with her outstanding acting talent. This good news is undoubtedly the greatest recognition of her firm belief over the years, and it also injects endless courage and motivation into her future acting career.

As a result, Xiang Mei was warmly retained by the film production company and officially started her career as an actor full of twists and turns.

However, although Xiang Mei's acting career was smooth sailing at first, the good times were short-lived, and her career gradually went into a downturn after she married a producer who was eight years older than herself in 1959.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

In the crew, Xiang Mei seems to have few opportunities to make a name for herself, and the road to fame seems out of reach.

In this way, Xiang Mei entered middle age, and her career has fallen into confusion in the past 20 years, and she can't see any hope. From 1966 to 1977, she even fell into the dilemma of having no scenes to film, and her life fell into the lowest point.

In the face of various setbacks in life, Xiang Mei will inevitably feel confused and disappointed.

Just as she was about to give up on her dream, in 1979, an important turning point finally came. Xiang Mei has aroused widespread attention from all walks of life with her wonderful performance in the movie "The Gunshots of the Secret Bureau".

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

The image of "Shi Xiuying" created by her deeply touched the hearts of the audience and made people appreciate her extraordinary acting skills. In this way, Xiang Mei's career was revitalized, and she once again stood at the peak of her career.

In the following years, Xiang Mei was like a night flower that bloomed late at night, and finally showed the most gorgeous style. She starred in one after another well-received film and television masterpieces, such as the well-known "North Country Jiangnan", etc., allowing the audience to appreciate her superb acting skills and unique personal charm.

In 1986, at the age of 55, Xiang Mei made a major decision to turn her focus to her family, temporarily retreat from the background, and enjoy a quiet life. However, fate was not as calm as she expected, and in 1996, Xiang Mei ushered in two happy events in her life - one was the successful birth of love crystallization; The second is the various drama appointments that followed.

As a professional woman, Xiang Mei faced a major life decision. In the end, she chose to devote herself to her career, ignoring the importance of family life. Although her husband Chi Xidao was dissatisfied, based on his understanding of his wife's pursuit of career, he could only endure the heartache and express his support.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

Time flies like an arrow. Xiang Mei's only son has grown into a brilliant young man. In order to realize his self-worth, his son resolutely decided to go overseas to work hard.

As parents who love their children deeply, although Xiang Mei and Chi Xidao are full of reluctance, they still go all out to support their son's decision.

A few years later, when his son established himself in a foreign country, he sincerely invited his parents to come and share the joy of family life many times. However, due to their deep attachment to their homeland, Xiang Mei and Chi Xidao politely declined their son's kindness.

They prefer to live out their old age in a familiar environment.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

The elderly couple are not alone, they have hired a professional nanny to take care of the daily chores. Although their son is far away, they are able to keep in close contact with him every day with the help of modern technology, keeping an eye on his work and life.

In this way, although the family of three lives separately in the cape, they are still able to spend quality time together in a special way. However, fate doesn't seem to want them to live too peacefully.

Late one night in 2021, a sudden disaster befell the family.

That night, Chi Xidao unfortunately fell to the ground when he got up to go to the bathroom, and his condition was very critical. Xiang Mei was alone and couldn't help him up, so she had to call the emergency number immediately. Chi Xidao was quickly taken to the hospital, and his condition was so serious that he was repeatedly issued critical illness notices, which made the whole family worried.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

Fortunately, after the doctors' all-out treatment, Chi Xidao finally struggled back from the brink of life and death, and his body gradually recovered. The accident hit the whole family hard and even sparked some false gossip on the Internet.

Some people maliciously spread rumors, accusing Xiang Mei's son and daughter-in-law of dereliction of duty when their parents were in trouble, and did not even bear the basic medical expenses. As soon as these rumors spread, they quickly detonated public opinion, and Xiang Mei and Chi Xidao's originally peaceful lives were instantly shattered.

In the face of the sudden and unwarranted malicious slander and rumors, Ms. Xiang Mei and Mr. Chi Xidao did not choose to back down or endure it, but issued a statement with a firm and decisive attitude, effectively defending themselves and their families.

They made it clear that they always hired a professional nanny to take care of their daily lives despite their son's foreign location.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

In addition, the son keeps in close contact with them by phone every day and keeps an eye on his parents' physical and mental health.

Regarding the issue of medical expenses, Ms. Xiang Mei and Mr. Chi Xidao do not need to worry about their son, because they have the financial strength to bear it independently. After this detailed clarification and explanation, the rumors gradually dissipated, and Xiang Mei's family regained a quiet and peaceful life.

Today, Ms. Xiang Mei and her husband, Mr. Chi Xidao, who have entered their old age, still spend their old age hand in hand and live a happy old age. Although the son's family lives in a different place, they still return to their hometown regularly to reunite with their children and share the joy of family life.

Seeing the success of their children's careers and harmonious families, the hearts of the two old people were filled with endless joy and satisfaction.

Famous actor Xiang Mei: She has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, and she had a cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now how is she doing at the age of 86

The years have passed, but the feelings of this loving couple are as warm and sweet as their first love. Ms. Xiang Mei once said with emotion: "Life is like a drama, full of endless possibilities and unknowns.

We should approach it with reverence and a positive attitude. "It's true that life is short, but it's only a few decades. Thankfully, Ms. Xiang Mei and her husband were able to support each other and go through the long journey of life together.

The course of life is destined to be full of ups and downs, but as long as it is nourished by sincere love, it will never dry up.

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