
The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

author:Black and white life paths
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The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old
The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Text: Black and white

Edited in black and white

Everyone knows that Xiang Mei is a "living fossil" in our domestic film industry. As a veteran actor who started filming in the 50s of the last century, her experience can be described as rich and moving.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

It is not easy for a person who has been shrouded in the fog of life several times to regain sunshine and love in his old age. Let's take a closer look at how turbulent the life course of this "goddess of immortality" is.

Ordinary start, late bloomer

As a native of Peking (today's Beijing), Xiang Mei grew up in an intellectual family, and her father was a professor at Peking University. It stands to reason that a child like her should be the most deserving of books.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

But who knew that Xiang Mei had a fanatical love for art performance since she was a child, and she studied ballet in front of the mirror at home at every turn. The family was also helpless when they saw this, so they had to indulge her, a caterpillar-like quirky little girl.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

After going to university, Xiang Mei still devoted herself to the art of dance, although she was assigned to the Department of Architecture of Tianjin University. Who would have thought that she would also shine on the theater stage? By chance, in a campus art event, Xiang Mei's lively and handsome performance strength attracted the attention of director Xie Jin.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

In this way, a little girl who does not learn and has no skills is photographed and embarks on a new path in life. In 1957, Xiang Mei, who was only in her early 20s, officially stepped onto the screen with her debut "Women's Basketball No. 5" and started her acting career. Although this is only a supporting role, her smart eyes and lively and cute image immediately made the audience remember this unique baby face.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Since then, Xiang Meilu has successively filmed many masterpieces, such as "Red Detachment of Women" and "Golden Phoenix". It wasn't until she was in her 40s that she became completely famous, and she was called a "late bloomer" idol.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

But just when her career was in full swing, a sudden social upheaval hit Xiang Mei hard, and her career fell into a 14-year stagnation.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Put cow paper cups to get through the darkness

In 1966, the relentless "Wenge" frenzy began to sweep across the land. Xiang Mei, who was born in an intellectual family, was naturally not spared. She and her husband, Chi Xidao, were sent to the countryside to work and lived a life of "shattered spiritual home and upside down physical world". Xiang Mei once said in an interview that in addition to working in the fields every day, she picks up paper cups for a living.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Fortunately, although the living environment is poor, Xiang Mei's inner ideals have not been affected in the slightest. Her husband, Chi Xidao, always supported and comforted her mentally, allowing her to maintain hope and fighting spirit in that turbulent era.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

In this way, from 1966 to 1979, Xiang Mei survived 13 spring and autumn periods under the wind of the "Cultural Revolution". It wasn't until the catastrophe finally ended in 1976 that she was able to return to the film and television industry and resume her old career.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

In 1979, after the end of the Cultural Revolution, a film called "The Guns of the Secret Bureau" once again pushed Xiang Mei to the peak of her career. In the play, she brilliantly interprets the role of an agent and shows a high level of acting strength on the big screen. The audience saw Xiang Mei's mature and old, calm and introverted side, which was in stark contrast to her previous lively and playful appearance.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

With this masterpiece, Xiang Mei won the Best Actress at the 18th Big Diamond Award in one fell swoop, and also made her a household name at the age of 50.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Since then, she has also starred in a series of excellent works such as "Blue Archive" and "Qilianzhou", which can be described as a full career. Even if she is over half a hundred years old, she still has an outstanding figure, so she is also known as the "goddess of immortality".

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

However, everyone's body has limits after all. In 1988, Xiang Mei suffered a lumbar spondylolisthesis due to overwork and was forced to temporarily withdraw from the entertainment industry. Since then, although she has made many cameo appearances in film and television dramas, it is difficult for Xiang Mei, who is already a skilled person, to regain her peak demeanor. It wasn't until 2008 that she retired at the age of 71 and finally enjoyed a quiet life in her old age.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

As a legendary actor of a generation, although Xiang Mei's life has encountered many ups and downs, she is lucky after all. Not only is she successful in her career, but she is also one of the lucky ones in her love life. In 1959, Xiang Mei, who was only 22 years old, married Chi Xidao, the deputy director of Shanghai Film Studio at the time, and the two persevered in their love for each other.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

For several years, due to work, Xiang Mei and her husband have been separated for many years, and there are not many opportunities to meet. But whenever both parties have free time, Chi Xidao will personally drive Xiang Mei to pick him up, careful and considerate.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Although Xiang Mei's career is very prosperous, she has never neglected her family because of this. Whenever I have time, I will return to my husband and live an ordinary and warm life with him. The love of the husband and wife has also been passed down to the next generation. Their only son, Chi Jing, has witnessed the love of his parents since he was a child, and he also chose to engage in film and television-related work, which can be said to be the greatest tribute to Xiang Mei.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

After entering the new century, the lives of Xiang Mei and her husband Chi Xidao gradually calmed down and became peaceful. Occasionally, I will receive a visit from my son Chi Jing, and the three generations are happy, and they have a lot of family fun.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Disaster strikes and the whole family goes into battle

In 2008, 71-year-old Xiang Mei had a cerebral infarction, and her condition was very critical. At the time, even doctors doubted that she would survive. After learning the bad news, her 94-year-old husband Chi Xidao immediately rushed to the hospital and notified his son Chi Jing as soon as possible. Despite their advanced age, this old couple, who have been in love for more than 60 years, still share weal and woe.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Just when everyone thought everything was going to be the worst, a miracle happened. Perhaps God valued Xiang Mei's dedication to her career, and with the careful care of the whole family, she finally turned the crisis around and came back to life.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

The good times didn't last long, and in 2021, it was Chi Xidao's turn to be attacked by bad luck. This time, he also suffered an acute cerebral infarction, and his life was seriously threatened. 94-year-old people, if something happens, it will really be wasted. Xiang Mei and her son Chi Jing took immediate action, not only calling in the best doctors, but also personally serving at the bedside 24 hours a day, just to save the life of the most respected person in the family.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Finally, with the joint efforts of the whole family, Chi Xidao picked up a life, but it was inevitable that there were some sequelae left in the brain. However, there are children and daughters to take care of, and it can be regarded as coming and going in the wind and rain.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

After surviving many disasters, the old couple who have been in love for 64 years cherish each other's company even more. Although the retirement life is poor, there are children, daughters and grandchildren, and they are happy and carefree. Xiang Mei was finally completely relieved and lived the old age life she had longed for for a long time.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Now, Xiang Mei and Chi Xidao have completely retired and focused on enjoying a stable and peaceful life in their old age. The three generations of the family were happy and fulfilled their initial life expectations.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

Outside the screen, through the unremitting efforts of her son Chi Jing, Xiang Mei and her husband's ideals and careers are being continued and inherited. Three generations of the family have used their own ways to compose a hymn to family affection and ideals.

The famous actor Xiang Mei, who has been holding hands with her husband for 64 years, suffered from cerebral infarction at the age of 71, and now she is 86 years old

In this way, a woman who has been devastated by the years several times finally moved forward and overcame obstacles, and regained the sunshine in the last days of her life. Xiang Mei's story undoubtedly inspires each of us - as long as we have dreams and courage, life is destined to be wonderful.

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