
Durant: In the 77th year of the NBA, there are only 5 players who can be called great, not counting Lao Zhan and Curry

author:Xiao Han's family

Durant: In the 77th year of the NBA, there are only 5 players who can be called great, not counting Lao Zhan and Curry.

Oh my gosh! When we talk about basketball and greatness, there are names that naturally jump into our heads, like Jordan, Russell, and Magic Johnson. But did you know that Durant made waves? Yes, it was Durant! The player bluntly stated that there are only a few truly great players in NBA history.

Let's talk about this definition of "greatness". Durant listed his basketball temple five: Jordan, Abdul-Jabbar, Russell, Duncan and Johnson. That's right, it's these five. Attention, you heard it right, two modern-day superstars, LeBron James and Stephen Curry, didn't make it to his list! Everyone is asking, is this true? Old Zhan and Curry are just ignored?

Durant: In the 77th year of the NBA, there are only 5 players who can be called great, not counting Lao Zhan and Curry

Now, let's look at it from another angle. You know what fans and critics like to do the most? yes, it's arguing and ranking. So, Durant's remarks may have been his personal opinion, but it did touch a sensitive topic: what exactly constitutes a player's "greatness" in this sports league of global concern?

Some would say that greatness is due to the number of championships, so isn't Bill Russell's 11 NBA titles the greatest that has made him the greatest? Or is it a personal statistic? So should Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's unrivaled scoring record give him a reserved seat? Or the ability to change the way the game is played? Isn't it amazing how dominantly and all-around Duncan and Johnson have displayed on the court?

Durant: In the 77th year of the NBA, there are only 5 players who can be called great, not counting Lao Zhan and Curry

The logic behind this is actually quite interesting. Why did Durant rule out James and Curry? It may be because, in Durant's opinion, these two are not done yet. Perhaps, in his eyes, greatness needs the verification of time and more confirmation of historical status. Isn't it also hinting at the truth that we may not be able to fully assess a player's greatness until their career is completely over?

What would happen if we put all these stars together to play a game? Would Jordan shoot the winning shot before the end of the game? Would Duncan's defense make opponents cry? Would Russell blind his opponent with his championship aura?

Durant: In the 77th year of the NBA, there are only 5 players who can be called great, not counting Lao Zhan and Curry

Of course, these are just fictional scenarios. But it is undeniable that every fan has his or her own list of "greats" in his or her heart. And Durant's words undoubtedly give us a new perspective to re-examine those basketball heroes who we worship as icons.

Finally, don't forget one thing: basketball, like life, is always changing. Every era has its iconic heroes and stories. And we, as spectators who love the sport, sometimes just need a new topic of discussion to ignite that endless passion for basketball.

Durant: In the 77th year of the NBA, there are only 5 players who can be called great, not counting Lao Zhan and Curry

So, dear readers, which players do you think deserve to be included in NBA history, and which ones are likely to be overrated or underrated? Let's have a lively discussion in the comments section!