
A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

author:Half Immortal Newspaper Station
A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?


In this era of delicacies, roast duck, as one of the representatives of traditional Chinese cuisine, has captured the hearts of countless diners for a long time with its crispy skin, tender meat and bright red color. However, the recent heated discussion on the price of roast duck on the Internet has made this classic dish the focus again: "The price of live duck is as high as 40 yuan, why does the price plummet to 18 yuan after processing into roast duck?" This anomaly not only confuses many consumers?

1. Is there a problem with the "duck"? Is it a sick duck and a dead duck hormone duck ~~~~, 2. Or is there a problem with the "person", a meal of operation is as fierce as a tiger, the result is a two hundred and five, 40 live ducks are not sold, and you will only sell 18 yuan after processing, this is unreasonable, no matter how you look at it, it is a loss-making transaction! This matter has also aroused widespread social attention and discussion on the Internet. This article will delve into the hidden economic logic and market mysteries behind this seemingly unreasonable pricing strategy.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?


  • The status of roast duck as a traditional delicacy and its unique phenomenon in the modern market.
  • Why is the price of live duck high and the price of roast duck low?
  • Including implications for consumers, merchants, and market regulators.
A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?
A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

1. The current situation of the roast duck market and the source of the price difference

Market Background: A Symphony of Tradition and Modernity

Roast duck, as a bright pearl in Chinese food culture, has a long history and a long history. From the roast duck in the oven in Beijing to the salted duck in Nanjing, each flavor is a microcosm of local culture, carrying the memories and emotions of generations of diners. With the passage of time, roast duck not only occupies a place in traditional restaurants, but also gradually enters the modern catering market of fast food and chaining, and has become a part of the daily consumption of the public. This transformation not only retains the traditional craftsmanship of roast duck, but also integrates modern production and marketing strategies, forming a unique market pattern.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Price Difference Analysis: The Secrets of Cost, Variety and Supply Chain

The fog of the cost composition of live duck and roast duck

The high price of live ducks is the result of a combination of factors. First of all, the live duck breeding cycle is long, and more manpower, material resources and time costs need to be invested, such as feed, vaccines, labor and other expenses. Secondly, the sale of live ducks involves the management costs of the live poultry market, including transportation, epidemic prevention, market stall fees, etc. In contrast, the white-striped duck used in the roast duck restaurant has greatly reduced the cost of a single duck due to large-scale centralized breeding and efficient supply chain management. Freezing not only extends the shelf life of duck meat and reduces loss during transportation, but also further reduces costs through bulk purchases.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

The advent of the white-striped duck: a masterpiece of modern farming

The white-striped duck, a seemingly simple form of meat duck, is actually the product of modern agricultural technology. Through genetic selection technology, it has cultivated varieties with short growth cycle and high feed conversion rate, which can reach the slaughter standard in just about 30 days. This rapid growth does not come from hormones, but is the result of scientific formula feed and fine management. The emergence of white-striped duck not only increases meat production and reduces costs, but also meets the market demand for convenient and economical meat.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Supply chain advantages of frozen duck

Compared to live ducks, frozen ducks have obvious advantages in the supply chain. First of all, large-scale breeding and centralized slaughtering and processing reduce intermediate links, loss and cost. Secondly, the application of freezing technology allows duck meat to circulate throughout the country and even the world, without geographical restrictions, expanding the sales market. Finally, standardized packaging and storage conditions ensure food safety and reduce the risk of improper transportation and storage.

To sum up, the price difference between live duck and roast duck is essentially the embodiment of two different breeding models, supply chain systems and market positioning. By choosing lower-cost frozen white-striped duck as raw materials, with the help of efficient production processes and economies of scale, roast duck restaurants are able to provide affordable food while ensuring profits, satisfying the pursuit of modern consumers for cost performance. This phenomenon not only reveals the efficiency and flexibility of the modern food industry, but also prompts us to think about deeper issues such as food safety, farming ethics and market transparency.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

2. Food safety considerations and nutritional value of frozen white-striped duck

Clarification of the safety controversy over the white-striped duck

In recent years, with the heated discussion of the phenomenon of "18 yuan roast duck", consumers have raised many questions about the food safety of frozen white-striped duck, especially the misunderstanding of its "quick", worried about whether hormones and other illegal substances are used. In fact, these concerns stem from a lack of understanding of modern farming techniques. As Hou Shuisheng, academician of the Beijing Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, pointed out, the common small white striped duck on the market is a new breed bred through genetic improvement, and its rapid growth is due to scientific feed formula and careful feeding management, rather than the use of hormones as speculated by the outside world. This clarification not only dispels the public's misconceptions about fast-growing ducks, but also highlights the important role of modern biotechnology in ensuring food safety and improving production efficiency.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Nutrition and taste

Although frozen white-striped ducks have a higher water content in their muscles due to their rapid growth cycle, this does not mean that nutritional value is missing. In fact, a reasonable feed ratio ensures that duck meat is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins to meet the basic nutritional needs of the human body. However, from a culinary point of view, this type of duck meat is more tender and suitable for cooking methods such as quick roasting, but not for dishes such as old duck soup that needs to be simmered for a long time, which limits its edible diversity to a certain extent, but also happens to meet the specific needs of roast duck production.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

The need for consumer education and rational awareness

In today's increasingly food safety awareness, consumers are demanding greater transparency about the origin of food and its production process. For frozen white-striped duck, on the one hand, relevant departments and enterprises should strengthen science publicity, so that consumers understand the scientific principles and safety monitoring mechanism behind it, and eliminate unnecessary panic and misunderstanding; on the other hand, consumers themselves should also cultivate a scientific concept of diet, learn to identify legal and compliant products, avoid blindly following the trend, and treat various market information with a rational attitude.

In short, the safety and nutritional value of frozen white-striped duck are not only related to public health, but also an important part of the construction of trust in modern food production and consumption. Through the popularization of scientific research, the transparency of the production process and the strengthening of consumer education, the recognition of frozen white-striped duck and its products can be effectively enhanced, and the healthy development of the food industry can be promoted.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Break up the whole into parts, sell them separately, and maximize the benefits

Since there is no problem with ducks, the price is 18 yuan, is the owner of the roast duck shop doing "loss-making business"?

When it comes to the profit model of the roast duck restaurant, Academician Hou Shuisheng's calculations are even more clear. A roast duck of 18 yuan as an example, the cost is about 2 yuan, the ex-factory price of the small white duck carcass is 8.2 yuan, plus the wholesale circulation link (including refrigeration fees, freight, etc.) is 3 yuan each, plus the roast cost of about 2 yuan, the total cost of a roast duck of about 1.6 catties is 13.2 yuan, compared with the price of 18 yuan, there is a profit of 4.8 yuan.

In addition, compared with live duck, roast duck only has duck meat, and duck down, duck gizzards, duck paws, duck tongue, duck intestines, etc. are less, the price of marinated duck tongue exceeds 100 yuan / catty, and the unit price of duck heart and duck claws also exceeds that of roast duck. This shows the business wisdom of the roast duck restaurant.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Three: the profit model and cost control strategy of the roast duck restaurant

Breakdown of cost components

The profitability of the roast duck restaurant is based on the precise control and effective use of costs. First of all, the cost of raw materials occupies a significant proportion, taking the white duck as an example, its ex-factory price is about 8.2 yuan, plus the cost of refrigeration, freight and other expenses in the circulation link, the cost increases to about 11.2 yuan. Secondly, the labor, energy consumption and seasoning costs in the roasting process cannot be ignored, and the direct cost of each roast duck is about 13.2 yuan. In addition, fixed and variable costs such as store rent, staff salaries, and marketing expenses are also taken into account, but these can be amortized through high sales volumes, thereby reducing unit costs.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Profit strategy: small profits and quick sales and by-product value-added

  1. Small profits but quick turnover: 18 yuan a roast duck, on the surface of the profit is meager, but in fact, through large-scale production and sales, to achieve profitability. Even if the profit is only a few dollars per duck, a high turnover rate can lead to a significant overall profit.
  2. By-product development: Duck offal, duck paws, duck tongue and other by-products removed in the process of roast duck production have extremely high added value. For example, after the duck tongue is marinated, the market price can exceed 100 yuan / catty, and the duck heart, duck paw, etc. are also expensive. This part of the income has become a non-negligible source of profit for the roast duck restaurant.
A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Economies of scale and supply chain optimization

Supply chain management at a roast duck restaurant is crucial. Large-scale procurement of white-striped ducks can not only reduce the purchase price, but also reduce intermediate links and improve logistics efficiency. At the same time, establishing a stable cooperative relationship with suppliers to ensure the stable supply and quality of raw materials is the basis for controlling costs and maintaining brand reputation.

Craftsmanship and brand building

The art of making roast duck is another intangible. The production process of traditional roast duck is complex, and the grasp of heat and marinade is extremely high, and the inheritance and innovation of this skill gives roast duck a unique flavor and cultural value. The shaping of the brand story, the provision of good services, and online and offline marketing activities have jointly enhanced the brand influence of Roast Duck Restaurant, attracted more customers, and formed a virtuous circle.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Fourth, the interaction analysis of market competition, consumer behavior and market supervision

The double-edged sword of market competition and price war

In the red sea of roast duck market, price competition is the most direct and fierce battlefield for merchants. The phenomenon of "18 yuan roast duck" is the product of intensified market competition. On the one hand, the low price quickly attracted a large number of customers, helping merchants to quickly expand their market share and achieve small profits but quick turnover. On the other hand, a long-term price war may lead to a decline in the overall profits of the industry, affect merchants' investment in quality and services, and even cause market chaos and damage the interests of consumers. Therefore, the pricing strategy needs to be cautious, balancing short-term appeal with long-term brand building.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Multi-dimensional analysis of consumer behavior

  1. Price sensitivity: Consumers' sensitivity to price prompts them to prefer products that are cost-effective, but excessive price sensitivity can also lead to a neglect of quality.
  2. Awareness of food safety: With the improvement of living standards, consumers' attention to food safety has increased significantly, and they have begun to actively seek product source information and attach importance to brand reputation.
  3. Consumer experience pursuit: In addition to price and safety, modern consumers are also looking for a unique dining experience, including service, environment and brand story, which puts forward higher requirements for roast duck restaurants.
A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

The role and challenges of market regulation

  1. Regulate market order: Government departments need to strengthen market supervision to ensure that the production, processing and sales of roast duck and other foods meet food safety standards, and crack down on illegal additions and false advertising.
  2. Information openness and transparency: Promote the transparency of the supply chain and establish a sound traceability system, so that consumers can easily check the source of products and enhance consumer confidence.
  3. Guiding rational consumption: Through education and publicity, enhance the public's understanding of food safety, nutrition and health, guide consumers to make more rational consumption decisions, and avoid simple price orientation.
A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

Conclusions and prospects

By using lower-cost frozen white-striped duck as a raw material, combined with efficient supply chain management and cost control strategies, the roast duck restaurant has achieved a seemingly low price but still profitable business model. This strategy not only relies on the compression of raw material costs, but also on the value-added utilization of by-products, the play of economies of scale, the inheritance of traditional skills and the comprehensive application of brand building. On the premise of ensuring food safety and quality, the profit model of the roast duck restaurant demonstrates the wisdom of the modern catering industry to survive and develop in a highly competitive market environment.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

The price differentials and competition in the roast duck market is a microcosm of the modern food economy, revealing the complex interplay between cost control, market strategy, consumer psychology and regulatory policies. In the future, if the roast duck industry wants to achieve sustainable development, it must not only find a balance in the price war, but also pay attention to quality improvement, brand building and the establishment of consumer trust. At the same time, regulators need to keep up with market changes, improve laws and regulations, strengthen supervision, protect consumer rights and interests, and jointly create a fair and healthy market environment. In the long run, the integration of scientific and technological innovation, green breeding and environmental protection concepts will also become an important direction for the transformation and upgrading of the roast duck industry.

A roast duck on the street costs 18 yuan, but a live duck in the market costs more than 40! Why is the price cheaper after processing?

(Personal opinion, for reference only, no bad guidance)

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