
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.

author:Colorful starry sky

The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.

The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.
The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, making people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully.

"The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, it makes people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully." My friend Xiao Zhang posted this message in the group, which immediately aroused everyone's interest. As someone who likes to hear interesting stories, I couldn't wait to find out what to do, so I quickly asked Zhang for details.

"Xiao Zhang, tell us about your grandfather's method of redeeming the prize, why is it a tried and tested method?" I asked eagerly.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about it." Xiao Zhang said with a smile.

The story takes place in the sixties and seventies of the last century, when the redemption of prizes was not as convenient and fast as it is now, and many prize redemption activities were achieved through some cleverness. Xiao Zhang's great-grandfather was a very witty person, and he invented a unique method of claiming prizes, and he could easily win prizes every time.

"How did Grandpa do it?" I asked curiously.

"Grandpa Tai has a trick, which is to study the rules of prize redemption." "He will carefully study the rules of each prize redemption campaign to find loopholes or exploits." ”

"For example?" I asked.

"Once, the village held a 'find the difference' event, and you had to find five differences in a picture in order to claim your prize." Xiao Zhang continued, "After Grandpa got the picture, he didn't rush to find the difference, but first observed the details of the prize. He found that the redemption ticket was printed with the words 'Redemption is valid until a certain year, month, and day', so he speculated that the prizes for such an event may have been backlogged for a long time, and the merchants were in a hurry to clear the inventory. ”

"Then how did Grandpa do it?" I can't wait to ask.

He looked closely at the font and paper on the tickets and found that they were not the same as the paper used in other promotional materials in the store, so he deduced that the tickets might have been found in old inventory. Using this information, Grandpa found similar events from a few years ago, and found that some of the locations in those pictures were almost identical. Xiao Zhang said with a smile, "He used the pictures of previous events as a reference, found out the differences, and easily claimed the prize." ”

"What a trick!" I sighed, "Grandpa's observation and reasoning skills are really amazing. ”

"Yes, grandpa also said once, he participated in a lottery." Xiao Zhang continued, "The event requires the purchase of a certain amount of goods before you can participate in the lottery. Grandpa Tai found that the location of the lottery box was relatively fixed, and every time the lottery was drawn, the merchant would start from the left and draw from the right. So, he deliberately placed his raffle ticket on the left side of the raffle box and placed it at the top. ”

"How did it turn out?" I asked.

"Of course, it turned out to be a jackpot hit." Xiao Zhang said with a smile, "The merchant draws from the left according to the custom, and Grandpa's lottery ticket was drawn first and won the grand prize." ”

After listening to these stories, I couldn't help but sigh at the wisdom and wit of my grandfather. His method of claiming prizes not only makes people laugh and cry, but also makes people admire his observation and reasoning skills.

That night, I shared these stories with my wife.

"You know what? Xiao Zhang talked about his grandfather's method of claiming the prize today, which was really interesting. I said.

"Oh? Let's talk about it. The wife asked curiously.

I told her the story of my grandfather's redemption of prizes by studying the rules and observing the details. After hearing this, my wife smiled from ear to ear and said, "This grandfather is really smart, and his methods have to be admired." ”

"Yes, sometimes wit and observation are more important than luck." I said.

The next day at work, I also talked to my colleagues about this topic.

"Have you ever heard the story of how to claim a prize through observation and reasoning?" I ask everyone.

"No, tell me about it." Colleagues have said.

I shared the story of Grandpa Zhang, and everyone found it very interesting.

"This grandfather's observation and wit are really admirable, and his methods have indeed been tried and tested." Colleague Xiao Li said.

"Yes, sometimes it's more effective to observe and think than to act blindly." I said.

Through this sharing and discussion, I deeply realized that many things in life can be solved through careful observation and clever thinking. Grandpa's story of winning the prize not only made us laugh, but also taught us valuable wisdom.

"The master's routine is too deep, this method has been tried and tested repeatedly, it makes people cry and laugh, you taste it carefully." This sentence not only taught me a lot, but also made me pay more attention to the details and wisdom of life. I hope that everyone can add joy to life and learn to solve problems with wisdom through these stories.