
Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

author:The story of wealth is ancient and modern
Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

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Wen Yujuan, 63, sits quietly in her family's courtyard in Huangchengji Village, Longkou City, Shandong Province, with her eyes closed, indulging in an affectionate look back on her life. She took a deep breath and a heartfelt smile on her countenance.

Although Wen Yujuan has never experienced the ups and downs of wind and waves in the eyes of the world, with her intelligence and perseverance, she has created a happy and beautiful old age in the trivial things of life. She chose to humbly and respectfully marry an ordinary man, and the couple had a deep and meaningful relationship, and they had spent decades of ups and downs together, overcoming many difficulties together.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has always been an insurmountable gap in family life, but Wen Yujuan did not choose to escape reality or rely on her husband to mediate. Whenever faced with disputes and disagreements, she always communicated with her mother-in-law with sincerity and patiently explained her motives.

At first, the mother-in-law objected to Wen Yujuan's strict behavior of demanding her son, and failed to fully understand her good intentions. However, Wen Yujuan was not discouraged, but firmly used tolerance and wisdom to communicate with her mother-in-law.

Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

Over time, the mother-in-law gradually embraced her educational philosophy and stopped being overly intrusive.

On the road of nurturing her son, Wen Yujuan has always adhered to a rigorous attitude and taught him by practice. Although she once aroused her son's disgust and her mother-in-law's dissatisfaction, she still stuck to herself and cultivated her son into a talent in a unique way.

Now, her son has grown into a kind and humble young man, and Wen Yujuan is extremely pleased with this.

After retiring, Wen Yujuan silently sponsored those students from poor families to give back to the society with her own strength. She had warned her son that even if they entered school, they might not be able to achieve academic success, but she would never be disappointed.

Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

Because the education that their generation has received will help them to better educate the next generation. Wen Yujuan believes that each generation should pay more attention to education than the previous generation, which is an important sign of social progress.

Now, under the influence of his mother, Wen Yujuan's son is also committed to this charity.

Wen Yujuan knows that the happy life she enjoys is not a rain from heaven, but a result of her own hard work. She firmly believes that communication is the cornerstone of family harmony and contentment is the source of the deep heart of the individual.

She often admonishes herself with these thoughtful words: "When faced with difficulties and challenges, we must not only examine whether we have lost something, but also reflect more deeply on whether this emotional outburst can bring true joy and satisfaction." Once you truly understand this, then you can easily step into the ideal state of home and prosperity, happiness and longevity.

Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

When she was still a seventeen-year-old girl, Wen Yujuan resolutely devoted herself to the Lu Opera Troupe, and began her dazzling theatrical life. Gifted and intelligent, she was hardworking, and with her outstanding talent and unremitting efforts, she quickly rose to prominence within the troupe and became the center of attention.

In 1976, this girl from a poor background was admitted to the Nanjing Military Region Art Troupe with excellent results, which was undoubtedly a key step in the development of her acting career. During her time in the Art Troupe, she actively participated in many large-scale theatrical performances, and for the first time she appeared in the Hall of Elegance and appreciated the charm of art for the first time.

In 1979, at an important performance event held by the Air Force, she won an honorary award for "The Pilot's Wife" for her superb acting skills, and many veteran directors were impressed by the young actor.

However, the real turning point came in 1982, when the family ethics comedy film "Xiyingmen" directed by the famous director Zhao Huanzhang made Wen Yujuan famous in one fell swoop. She successfully created a typical image of "Water Lotus", a virtuous and generous woman who takes the overall situation into account, and is known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law". After the release of this film, the response was unprecedentedly enthusiastic, and the number of viewers exceeded an astonishing 300 million, which aroused widespread attention from all walks of life, and won many important film and television awards.

Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

Since then, Wen Yujuan has starred in many excellent film and television dramas, fully demonstrating her extraordinary artistic talent. In the tear-jerking drama "Fugui", she performed a touching story with Li Mintao, Chen Chuang, Li Ding, Zhang Ying and other powerful actors; in "Always Spring", she competed with Yao Jude, Zhang Zhaobei, Lu Yuan and other outstanding actors, showing her profound acting skills.

With the passage of time, Wen Yujuan's acting path has become wider and wider, whether it is a role in her youth, a role in middle age, or a role as a wife or mother, she can control it with ease.

With her wonderful performance in the drama "Triumph in the Midnight", Wen Yujuan successfully won the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre and became a leader in the industry. In the same year, she cooperated with Wu Jingan, Yang Shuquan and other powerful actors in the TV series "Smiling Proud Sky", which won her the high honor of the "Golden Star Award" Outstanding Actor Award on the whole army TV, which can be described as double happiness.

At the peak of her career, Wen Yujuan has always maintained a rigorous and serious professionalism in her work, devoted herself to the shaping of each role, and unreservedly dedicated her enthusiasm and professionalism to every audience. However, in everyday life, this intelligent woman shows her unique gentleness and delicacy.

Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

Whenever she is faced with some tricky situations at work, such as scenes that require physical interaction with other male actors, she is not only able to interpret the role in detail, but also actively and patiently explain her considerations in these situations to the relevant personnel, avoiding any plot design that may cause controversy or discomfort as much as possible.

"Many emotions don't have to be conveyed through kisses, and hugs can also convey deep love. "She is good at using her eyes, expressions and body language to match the development of the plot, as long as she can get the director's affirmation and recognition, she will not hesitate to do it.

Back in 1977, Wen Yujuan, who was only 17 years old at the time, had the opportunity to be caught by the teaching team of the Shanghai Theater Academy, so as to realize her dream of entering the coveted university. However, due to the reluctance of her unit to provide the necessary proof of transfer, she became more and more distant from the play.

That year, in order to select outstanding talents, the teaching team of Shanghai Theater Academy went to all parts of the country for assessment and screening. When they arrived at Wen Yujuan's troupe, they were immediately attracted by the young girl's talent and potential. Although her heart was full of surprise and excitement, Wen Yujuan was not complacent, but more modest and cautious. During the interview, she listened attentively to the examiner's questions, calmly adjusted her mentality, and fully demonstrated her talent.

Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

In the end, the teaching team of Shanghai Theater Academy was full of praise for Wen Yujuan and immediately made an admission decision. "Congratulations! The formalities have been completed, and you are welcome to report next spring!" Facing this coveted opportunity, Wen Yujuan was so excited and ecstatic that she almost couldn't help screaming.

However, the short words "the formalities have been completed" are like a heavy shackle, tightly shackling her heart. After repeated sincere requests, the unit still resolutely refused to issue the necessary transfer certificate. They hope that Wen Yujuan can continue to stick to her career post in Lu Opera, instead of devoting herself to the entertainment industry.

"I tearfully apologized to the leaders of the unit and said that I could not meet everyone's expectations. Although the leader's sentence "you don't need to disappoint anyone" made her understand that there was no hope of proof, the sense of loss in her heart was still difficult to hide.

Although the tutors of the Shanghai Theatre Academy drafted many touching letters of appeal for Ms. Wen Yujuan, it was unfortunate that she was not able to successfully realize her ideal trip to Shanghai until the early spring of the following year. "Opportunity is not within reach, and when it slips away, we should learn to let it go." In the face of such a predicament, although Ms. Wen was full of pain, she never criticized herself or complained about others excessively.

Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

Just as Wen Yujuan was carefully preparing to devote herself to the embrace of Lv Opera art, a new turning point in her life came unexpectedly. In October 1978, the Art Troupe of Nanjing Military Region went deep into all parts of the country to select outstanding talents, and the sincere encouragement and active promotion of friends made Wen Yujuan rekindle her fighting spirit and resolutely decided to step into the examination room again. This time, she finally got her wish and was transferred to the art troupe, and since then she has embarked on a new drama journey.

In her teenage years, Wen Yujuan was born tall and outstanding, and once aspired to devote herself to sports, especially volleyball. She was recognized by the school, successfully selected for the school volleyball team, and experienced the unique charm of competitive sports on the court.

The imperfect sports field has just become a vivid epitome of Wen Yujuan's youth. She was fascinated by the volleyball that soared freely in the air, and was fascinated by the smooth and graceful slapping movements and bouncing arcs. Since then, volleyball has become an unwavering pursuit in her heart.

However, the impermanence of fate is always unpredictable. Only three years have passed, and the height, which was originally an advantage, has instantly become an obstacle on Wen Yujuan's way forward. Since she started doing physical activity, her height has grown unusually slowly. Seeing her peers surpassing her, Wen Yujuan couldn't help but question whether she still had the qualifications to contribute to volleyball.

Actor Wen Yujuan: Married an ordinary husband in a low-key manner, has been in love so far, and her life in her later years is happy and plain

The confusion and confusion in her heart intensified, and she even wanted to give up this once cherished dream. However, just when she was disheartened, a chance in 1976 allowed Wen Yujuan to find a new direction in her life. A gripping song shocked the instructors of the Huangxian Lu Opera Troupe, and they fell in love with her infectious singing voice at a glance. As a result, Wen Yujuan's theatrical career opened a new chapter.

Although Lü Opera is not as famous as Peking Opera, it also has a profound cultural heritage and rich academic connotation, which is really worthy of our in-depth exploration and research. Each of the four unique musical instruments of Lü Opera, the dulcimer, the sanxian and the pipa contains endless mysteries waiting to be discovered, while the opera forms such as the small opera and the liantai opera require us to practice tirelessly to become proficient.

Whether it is the performance technique or the coordination of movements, it is not to be overlooked, even the description of the life scene of the local customs needs to be displayed through the virtuosity of the vivid gesture. Day after day, year after year, the actors practiced in the scorching heat, held fast to their beliefs in the bitter cold, and devoted themselves to their artistic creation, always maintaining a high degree of concentration and perseverance.

With her outstanding talent and diligent and studious spirit, Wen Yujuan quickly rose to prominence in the troupe and won praise from many teachers. They praised her as "Puyu", and firmly believed that as long as she could strengthen her beliefs and persevere, she would definitely shine brightly. Since then, Wen Yujuan has embarked on the road of chasing her dreams, and no matter how many setbacks she encounters, she has always stayed true to her original intention and has never wavered in the slightest.

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