
Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

author:Gale said literature

1. The later years are full of fame, revealing the hardships of the early years

Time flies, time flies. The young years have quietly passed, and the delicate face is gradually crawling with the traces left by time, but Ms. Wen Yujuan's white hair still exudes a unique brilliance.

This TV artist, known as "both virtue and art", won the high honor of a national first-class actor. Whenever she stepped onto the stage of recitation art, the sonorous and powerful recitation always made the audience feel as if they were there, and they were moved to tears.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

However, who would have thought that this acclaimed actor would experience the tricks of fate and setbacks in his youth.

Looking back on the past, she is always full of emotion, the road to success is not an easy road. She was born in an ordinary rural family in Longkou, Shandong Province, and lived a difficult and difficult life, but with her perseverance and outstanding talent, she has made remarkable achievements in her acting career.

Second, the young man made a grand wish, but joined the Lu Opera Troupe but was repeatedly in trouble

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

In August 1959, Ms. Wen Yujuan was born in an ordinary farm family in Longkou City, Shandong Province. His father worked in a credit union, while his mother was a hardworking and simple farmer, and the family depended on a meager income to make ends meet.

Despite her poor family, Wen Yujuan was deeply influenced by her father from an early age and was full of love for art.

My father loved Lu Opera and would lead the whole family to watch performances during festivals. Wen Yujuan witnessed the lively characters on the stage, and their performances deeply touched her immature heart.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

Observing again and again made her deeply interested in this ancient art. Back at home, Wen Yujuan imitates the actors' performances, and although the movements are slightly clumsy, her eyes are always firm and focused.

Seeing his daughter so devoted, even though the father did not expect her to embark on an artistic path, he always gave him an encouraging and approving gaze.

At the age of 15, Wen Yujuan was selected by her physical education teacher to join the school volleyball team because of her tall stature. She secretly hopes that she may be able to use this height advantage to become a professional volleyball player in the future and realize her dream.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

However, the goddess of fate once again played a joke on her. When she entered high school, her height seemed to stagnate, and the only regret was that she was less than 1.7 meters tall, which made her lose the possibility of becoming a professional basketball team.

In the face of the persuasion of her teachers, she had no choice but to choose volleyball as her hobby and refocus on her studies.

Just as Wen Yujuan gradually gave up pursuing her dream of sports, an exciting singing competition suddenly ignited her love for art. The head teacher heard her clear, smooth and innocent voice by chance, and felt that she was really a natural artist.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

Since then, whenever the school holds various cultural and artistic activities, Wen Yujuan has always been appointed by the teachers to participate in them as a representative of the class.

When the time came to 1976, when the Huangxian Lv Opera Troupe came to the school to recruit new talents, Wen Yujuan seemed to grasp the life-saving straw, she worked hard to practice basic skills without sleep and food, and finally became the only student who was successfully selected.

At only 17 years old, she finally ushered in the opportunity to step onto the stage of her dreams, and she is one step closer to realizing her dream.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

However, the test of fate does not end ...

3. The Air Force Corps has a discerning eye, and "Xiyingmen" achieves a "virtuous daughter-in-law"

After joining the Lu Opera Troupe, Wen Yujuan eagerly absorbed the essence of this ancient art. However, as a fledgling newcomer, it is undoubtedly difficult to surpass those experienced veteran actors.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

While others have been practicing since childhood, she only got involved in this field at the age of 17, and her basic skills are almost zero.

In order to make up for the gap, Wen Yujuan has made unimaginable efforts. On a bitterly cold winter morning, while others were still immersed in warm sleep, she had to get up early and stand in the snow and ice to exercise her voice.

Despite the bitter cold, her hands and feet were red and swollen from the cold, and her lips were cracked by the cold, she continued to train steadfastly.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

With perseverance and outstanding talent, Wen Yujuan quickly rose to prominence and became a high-profile new star in the group. She finally has the opportunity to play the leading role on stage and show her style to the fullest.

However, at this time, Wen Yujuan suffered another major blow in her life. In 1977, the college entrance examination system was restored, and the Shanghai Theater Academy came to Huangxian County to select outstanding talents for targeted training.

As the leader of the group, Wen Yujuan naturally received strong recommendations from the teachers, and she was full of expectations for realizing her college dream.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

As expected! After countless challenges, Wen Yujuan stood out from more than 30,000 beauties in fierce competition and was honored to be among the final 30 winners. This was undoubtedly an unprecedented opportunity for her to take a crucial step towards her dream.

However, fate seems intent on playing an exciting game with her. The prerequisite for admission to the university is that a certificate issued by the original employer is required, but the Lu Opera Troupe is firmly unwilling to let go.

No matter how diligently Wen Yujuan communicated, the troupe showed no signs of relenting, and although the Drama Academy tried desperately to persuade her, it still failed in the end.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

In this way, Wen Yujuan, who should have a bright future, gradually drifted away from the play, and the college dream that was about to be realized seemed to be shattered and dissipated like a soap bubble, becoming a regret that could not be ignored on her life path.

In that moment of confusion and confusion, she even wanted to give up the passion and dream in her heart for a while.

Thankfully, exceptional talent always seizes the moment when it shines. In 1978, the Nanjing PLA Air Force Political Art Troupe spread heroic posts to the whole country and openly recruited actors.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

With firm belief, Wen Yujuan decisively signed up for the competition After strict assessment and screening, she once again stood in front of the stage of the final finals, this time she had no way out, and she had to bravely break free from the shackles of the Lu Opera Troupe.

However, the Lu Opera Troupe still resolutely refused to let go, and the atmosphere was tense for a while. Fortunately, the Air Force Political Art Troupe deeply appreciated Wen Yujuan's talent, and the leadership actively mediated, and finally succeeded in obtaining a certificate with the official seal for her, so that she could successfully join the military art family.

In this way, this girl, who was once hovering on the edge of her dreams, finally ushered in a new and broad stage. In the Air Force Political Art Troupe, she received comprehensive and rigorous professional training, and it took less than a year to successfully star in the drama "The Pilot's Wife", and won the first prize of the Air Force Audition, thus making a name for herself in the drama industry.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

At this time, Shanghai Film Studio was preparing to shoot a family comedy "Xiyingmen". Except for the role of "Xue Shuilian", the old daughter-in-law of the Chen family, which has not yet been determined, the rest of the actors have all been put in place.

The director had a headache about who to choose for the role of Shuilian, but fortunately, he happened to watch Wen Yujuan's excellent performance in "The Pilot's Wife" and thought she was very suitable for the role.

In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, the director did not hesitate to travel a long distance to Nanjing and personally conducted an in-depth and detailed "investigation" of Wen Yujuan. Through close contact and communication with her, the director found that Wen Yujuan's image and temperament perfectly matched the setting of Shuilian, so he did not hesitate to send her a sincere invitation.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

However, after watching the script, Wen Yujuan had some doubts in her heart. She really couldn't imagine that there was such a flawless and omnipotent virtuous daughter-in-law in the real world.

Although the lines in the play are vividly depicted, the character's personality traits still make her feel at a loss.

In order to be able to play the role with all her might, Wen Yujuan made a firm decision - she wanted to experience first-hand what it means to have a kind daughter-in-law who is perfect in 360 degrees.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

Therefore, she resolutely took the initiative to apply to live a real life in a simple peasant family for a few days, sharing food and living in a room with them, and thoroughly experiencing what it takes to be a real daughter-in-law to handle domestic affairs with the precision of a culinary bartender, and to balance life and work at the same time.

After this unforgettable experience, Wen Yujuan has a deeper understanding of the cognition of "water lotus". She realized that the so-called virtuous is not a superficial appearance, but contains a deep connotation...

Fourth, the unique interpretation and colorful legend of the corner of "Water Lotus".

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

During the time spent in the farmhouse, Wen Yujuan had a new understanding and perception of the role of "Water Lotus". She found that virtuousness is not simply submissive and selfless, but contains unique wisdom and insight.

An excellent daughter-in-law should not only honor her in-laws and care for her husband, but also have a far-sighted vision and take into account the overall situation, use her own wisdom to resolve disputes within the family, and lay the foundation for creating a harmonious and warm family environment.

Wen Yujuan has witnessed first-hand how peasant women skillfully mediate when dealing with daily chores, seemingly obedient, but in fact have their own opinions.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

Realizing this, Wen Yujuan has a new understanding of "Water Lotus". She began to think about how to show this "combination of rigidity and softness" in theatrical performances, and how to show the independent thinking side in the face of adversity.

As a result, she made meticulous carvings of lines and movements, and gradually created a lifelike, three-dimensional and full image of "Water Lotus".

In 1981, when the film "Xiyingmen" was officially released, the audience was deeply moved by this kind daughter-in-law. Wen Yujuan's superb interpretation of "Water Lotus" made this role deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and she became a household name as "China's No. 1 Virtuous Daughter-in-law".

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

No matter where you are, as long as you mention the name Wen Yujuan, people will immediately think of the classic image of "water lotus".

However, whenever someone praises her for playing the role of "Water Lotus" too wonderfully, Wen Yujuan always humbly says: "This is mainly due to the screenwriter's brilliant writing, and it is really my honor to play this role."

Water lotus, this is undoubtedly not my personal belongings, but one of the outstanding symbols of the long history and splendid civilization of our Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years! Her existence demonstrates the noble quality of selfless dedication and broad love, and has an immeasurable role in promoting the progress and development of our family life and the whole society.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

After her fame, Wen Yujuan's acting career is like breaking out of a cocoon into a butterfly and stepping into a new world. Back in 1983, she was specially recruited by the Air Force to the Political Department Repertory Troupe, and in the same year, she won the first prize for supporting actor with her wonderful performance in the drama "Fiery Heart".

Only three years later, in 1987, she won the 4th Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award for her role as "Jiang Man" in "Triumph at Midnight".

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

During this period, Wen Yujuan not only made a lot of achievements in the field of drama, but also got involved in the filming of many film and television works, such as "What Are You Thinking", "Such a Man", "Our Veteran", etc., all of which have attracted the attention of the audience and received rave reviews.

In that passionate and energetic 80s, she has undoubtedly become a highly sought-after and powerful actress at that time.

With the advent of the new century, Wen Yujuan's acting career has become more and more dazzling. She shuttles between TV dramas, dramas, sketches, poetry dramas and other artistic fields with ease, and can do everything, and can be called a well-deserved "performance artist".

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

In a series of popular TV series such as "Zhang Xiaowu's Spring", "Little Station Fengyun", "The Golden Nanny", "The Most Beautiful Arrangement", "Blue Sky Flowers", "Plugged Wind and Cloud" and a series of popular TV series, she has a breathtaking and wonderful performance, allowing the audience to appreciate her superb acting skills and extraordinary interpretation skills.

It is particularly worth mentioning that on the stage of some poetry recitations, Wen Yujuan's sonorous and powerful and magnificent recitation voice can always arouse the resonance in the hearts of the audience and make people shed tears of emotion.

Whenever I see her swaying freely and eloquently on stage, people will always be deeply impressed by her talent and profound connotation.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

It is with this perseverance and courageous fighting spirit that Wen Yujuan can achieve such brilliant achievements today. She treats her career with a pure heart, endows each character with a unique soul with delicate emotions and skillful skills, and perfectly presents the character's unique inner temperament from the inside out, so she has won the reputation of "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law".

5. Dedicated and excellent actors, virtuous and virtuous noble character

For Wen Yujuan, fame did not make her complacent, but strengthened her love and dedication to acting. She has always had an incomparably pious heart and has done her best to shine with a unique brilliance in each role.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

Even after the success of the movie "Xiyingmen", Wen Yujuan has not changed her steady, simple and tireless work attitude, and still maintains the spirit of hard work and diligent cultivation.

She deeply understands that excellent acting skills require a solid foundation and unremitting research spirit as support.

Therefore, whether she is standing on the stage of a drama or in a ruthless and cruel screen shooting environment, she always carefully polishes every line and every action, and strives to present it in the best state.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

A funny accident made an industry colleague witness Wen Yujuan still repeatedly scrutinizing her lines and figuring out her movements during the break, and couldn't help but ask in surprise: "You are already a famous artist, why do you have to work so hard?" However, Wen Yujuan just responded with a calm smile: "Actors should be in awe of every role and shape it with their hearts, otherwise it will be a blasphemy of this profession."

It is this kind of loyalty, dedication and dedication to the cause that has made Wen Yujuan leave an indelible mark on many wonderful works. At the same time, her firm protection of personal character has won her the high honor of "Virtue and Art".

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

The only thing she couldn't compromise on was when it came to filming intimate scenes. I don't know when it began, Wen Yujuan set an insurmountable bottom line for herself in her heart, no matter how the film director gave evidence, she resolutely refused to appear in such scenes.

Once in a film co-starred with Li Ming, the script asked Li Ming to wake her up from a coma by kissing Wen Yujuan. Faced with this problem, Wen Yujuan proposed an ingenious solution: use her mouth to gently blow into the air to achieve the effect of "waking up".

As a result, the original "kiss scene" was transformed into a "wake-up scene", and although the directors felt torn, they finally chose to respect her decision.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

This firm adherence to the bottom line quickly attracted widespread attention in the industry. Since then, many directors have consciously avoided such intimate scenes when arranging scripts for her. When someone asked about this, Wen Yujuan just replied calmly: "This is my principle, and it is up to you whether you can accept it."

This is the Wen Yujuan we are familiar with, she is resolute and resolute, rational and calm; Full of enthusiasm for the cause and admirable professionalism; For art, she has always maintained that pure love.

It is precisely because of this perseverance to herself that she has won the supreme glory of "Virtue and Art" TV artist, and is known as a national first-class actor.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

In daily life, Wen Yujuan also shows her virtuous and kind side. She and her husband are very affectionate, and she interprets what it means to be a "virtuous helper" with practical actions.

Once upon a time, a colleague jokingly praised: "Your husband is simply the luckiest man in the world!" However, when Wen Yujuan heard this, she only responded with an indifferent smile and did not explain too much.

As a mother, Wen Yujuan perfectly interprets the profound meaning of the word "loving mother" with practical behavior. She always cares for her children; And the children of outsiders, she is also full of love, caring for them as if they were her own children.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

Because of this, people in the industry affectionately refer to her as "Mother Wen"

At the same time, Wen Yujuan is also actively involved in various public welfare and charity, and generously sponsors the education of children from families who are living in poverty. Whenever she sees the innocent smiles of the children, her heart is filled with endless warmth and strength.

It is precisely because of this kind and simple quality that Wen Yujuan has won the reputation of "both virtue and art". With her own life experience, she vividly expounded what it means to be a good actor to have noble moral sentiments.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

Time flies, and although Wen Yujuan has entered the age of sixties, her inner brilliance is still dazzling. After more than 60 years of ups and downs, she has firm beliefs and forged ahead, and finally realized the magnificent chapter of her dream coming true.

From an ordinary girl who dreams of becoming an artist to a performance artist who is now loved by the audience, she has written a life legend of women's strong struggle with her firm perseverance and unremitting efforts.

Time flies, and she once again faces the new challenge of "Xiyingmen". As a young woman who has not yet entered the palace of marriage and has no children to worry about, she is full of doubts in her heart about the in-depth interpretation of the inner world of the character of "Water Lotus".

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

However, she did not stop there, but chose to actively participate in the life of the farmer, and comprehended the true meaning of "virtuous beauty" in her own unique way.

In the end, Wen Yujuan successfully interpreted the role of "Water Lotus" vividly, making it a classic in the long history of film and television. After her rise to fame, Wen Yujuan remained humble and never became complacent about her honor.

She treats every role with awe, and uses superb acting skills to create a unique character, thus winning the reputation of "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law".

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

With her dedication and firm belief, she constantly pursues excellence on the road of art and strives to achieve the ultimate. At the same time, she won the high praise of "Virtue and Art" with her personality charm.

Whether it is adhering to the principle of refusing to shoot intimate scenes, or showing the quality of life of virtuous and virtuous people, Wen Yujuan has interpreted the noble professional ethics of an excellent actor with practical actions.

What is even more commendable is that in the details of her daily life, she always adheres to her principles and ideals, and always lives the life she yearns for. Along the way, with her perseverance and perseverance, she overcame many difficulties and obstacles, and finally realized her dream and wrote a wonderful chapter in her life.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

As the old saying goes: heroes don't ask where they come from, only talents. Despite coming from a poor farming family and encountering many difficulties at the beginning, Wen Yujuan finally made remarkable achievements on this thorny road with her unremitting efforts and firm determination.

She has spent her life writing a touching and inspirational legend, illuminating the road to her dreams with perseverance and tenacity.

Whenever we look back on Wen Yujuan's dazzling life journey, we will be deeply impressed by her courage and wisdom. She is a vivid example of how dreams can never be unattainable as long as you pursue them with your heart.

Wen Yujuan: became famous because of "Xiyingmen", why is she known as "China's first virtuous daughter-in-law"?

No matter what kind of setbacks you encounter, you will never give up; Even in the face of reality, I am still full of hope that one day, you and I can be like her, achieve extraordinary achievements and bloom in life! .

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