
"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

author:Gou Fuguier

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Wow! Did you hear that? There was a super exciting plot in the TV series "When the Stars Shine"! In the latest episode, three characters actually managed to rescue a reporter! Oops, this is more refreshing than drinking a strong cup of coffee! I was so impressed by this plot!

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

However, Feng Guangyun, the great detective, could not be idle, he actually tracked down Luo Minmin's whereabouts! Oh my God, this is incredible! I feel that the plot is getting more and more exciting! And what makes people's blood boil even more is that Chen Hao was actually shot! Hey, this is incredible! What the hell is going on? I can't wait to watch the next episode!

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

The story of the trio's successful rescue of the journalist is like a thrilling adventure. They worked together to overcome many difficulties and finally successfully completed the rescue plan. The whole process is not only full of tension and excitement, but also full of surprises and warmth.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

During the rescue operation, reporter Peng found himself in a difficult situation. The team members used technical means to accurately grasp the target position. Then, they showed excellent team chemistry and cooperated with each other to quickly develop a detailed action plan.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

Luo Minmin pretended to be Mrs. Peng, which not only successfully led away the police who were interrogating, but also provided cover for Reporter Peng's escape at a critical moment. The third team member controls the intelligence behind the scenes, providing timely support, making the whole operation more powerful.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

When Reporter Peng was finally rescued safely, the morale of the entire team was at its peak. They have proved to the world that the power of teamwork is endless. Not only that, but they also demonstrated the ability to deal with calm and composure, keep a clear head in times of crisis, and make decisive decisions. This combination of bravery, wisdom and courage makes the whole rescue process full of heroism.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

This is not a simple rescue operation, but a perfect combination of teamwork and individual heroism. Everyone played to their strengths in this operation and ultimately worked wonders together. This is not only a compliment to the tacit understanding of the team, but also an interpretation of the heroic nature of each participant.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

Feng Guangyun chased after him, tracking Luo Minmin's whereabouts without leaving a single omission. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, scanning every possible hiding place. In the streets and alleys, he sniffed every clue like a hound, relentlessly pursuing his target.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

And Chen Hao launched his rescue operation in secret. He didn't make any big words, he just acted silently and pushed the plan forward step by step. In the place where the journalist was imprisoned, he, like a dexterous cat, quietly slipped in. In the darkness, his figure was like a faint ray of light, but it was enough to illuminate the path of hope.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

The rescue operation was not all smooth sailing. When Chen Hao successfully rescued the reporter, he unfortunately encountered an accident. A sudden commotion caught the attention of the police, and Chen Hao was injured while protecting the journalist. The pain burned like a fire, but he did not flinch and steadfastly took the reporter out of danger.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

This drama of chase and rescue is like a picture of ups and downs. In the intertwining of darkness and light, everyone is silently playing their part, striving for a common goal.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

Feng Guangyun's perseverance and intelligence allowed him to follow Luo Minmin's trails closely, and Chen Hao's bravery and fearlessness were the key to his success in rescuing the reporter from his predicament.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

The secret of reporter Peng and Hua Zhen's inference is a confusing story. In this story, photos and secrets are intertwined to reveal unexpected truths.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

The photographs in the hands of reporter Peng are not ordinary, but important evidence to record a political event. This photograph was taken at a secret meeting and captures some of the key moments. Among them, hidden are the conspiracy of power confrontation and political wrestling. These images are not ordinary news material, but important information that carries great value and potential danger.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

The secret of Peng's reporter is not just these photos. In this seemingly ordinary journalist, there is a hidden past. This past is closely related to Hua Zhen's inference.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

Hua Zhen is a keen detective, and he sniffed out some clues from the various actions and words of reporter Peng. He speculated that Reporter Peng was not an ordinary reporter, but an agent with some kind of special mission.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

This inference is not speculation, but is based on the observation and analysis of various details of Peng's reporter. Hua Zhen found some unusual features in Peng's behavior, such as his relationships, travel tracks, and reactions to things. These details seem insignificant, but in Hua Zhen's eyes, they are a clue that points to the secret hidden in Reporter Peng.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

The emotional development between Chen Hao and Shi Junyu is a warm and hopeful story. Their encounter was not accidental, but an arrangement of fate. In their daily interactions, the two gradually found that there were some special signs of affection for each other.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

Chen Hao and Shi Junyu's encounter originated from a chance event, and they met for the first time during a shooting mission. Chen Hao is a persistent and keen photographer, while Shi Junyu is a lively and cheerful model. The nature of their work allows them to cross paths often, and each contact allows them to get to know each other better.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

In daily communication, Chen Hao found that Shi Junyu was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. She has a keen sense of observation and unique insight, and is always able to give excellent performances on set. Shi Junyu gradually discovered that Chen Hao is not just a professional photographer, he is full of enthusiasm for life and has a deep understanding of art.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

This mutual appreciation and understanding gradually gave rise to signs of affection between the two. They support and encourage each other in their work, and share each other's joys, sorrows and sorrows in life. Every communication is a collision of hearts, making each other more tacit and closer.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

The four members of the institute were reunited, and the scene was lively. They got together, laughed constantly, and the lively and noisy hot pot scene made people feel a strong atmosphere of reunion and joy. The members of the four institutes were all in good spirits, talking and laughing, as if they had gone back in time to their old youth.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

The table is full of colorful ingredients, spicy and hot, steaming, and mouth-watering. Everyone sat together, exchanging recent life stories with each other, sharing each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows. The tacit understanding and familiarity with each other make their party more pleasant and warm.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

At this happy moment, Feng Guangyun received an urgent task. He needs to go to Sisho to find Luo Minmin, and this sudden mission forces him to interrupt the gathering with his friends. Although everyone was a little disappointed, they all understood and supported him, because everyone knew the importance of his work.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

Chen Hao also suffered an accident. In the joy of the hot pot scene, he suddenly receives an urgent message that he needs to go to deal with an emergency. Despite his injuries, he did not hesitate and quickly left the party. Friends looked at his departing back, their hearts filled with worry and prayer.

"When the Stars Shine" 3 people successfully rescued reporters, Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, and Chen Hao was shot

Hey, after watching this thrilling plot, are you full of positive energy and expectation? The three-person team in the TV series "When the Stars Shine" shows excellent teamwork and the spirit of brave rescue, which makes people's hearts surge! Even if Feng Guangyun tracked down Luo Minmin, Chen Hao was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and resolutely fought hard!

Now, let's share the difficulties you have faced in life, and how you bravely faced and overcame them! Leave a message to tell me, let us share positive energy together, inspire each other, and believe that no matter what challenges we encounter, we can be like the heroes in the play, bravely move forward and shine in life!

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