
Gong Wenxiang: In the past 10 years, I have been to so many places overseas, and my values have changed

author:Gong Wenxiang

A few years ago, I saw a flood of news that China had visa-free access to 23 countries.

This is good news for overseas travel. Visa-free means, not even a visa on arrival.

As you know, when we used to go to Thailand, we also needed a visa on arrival, but now we can go directly with our passports.

Now after this news, I think about the past ten years, I haven't been abroad for four years, three years of the epidemic, and one year this year.

I've been in business for 15 years, and I didn't go out much in the first five years, but I still went to a lot of countries in the next ten years.

I would like to take this opportunity to make a summary, recall my overseas travel experience, and then give you some experience or some insights.

Gong Wenxiang: In the past 10 years, I have been to so many places overseas, and my values have changed

My trip to Southeast Asia

First of all, I would like to talk about my experience as a tourist in Southeast Asia.

I remember that the first time I went abroad was in Thailand.

Thailand is really a good place, cheap, close to each other, just two or three hours by plane, especially in the warm winter.

As you know, I used to have 1,000 members of the Electric Shock Club, and each of them paid me 20,000 yuan, and one of the services was overseas travel every year.

I have taken my electric shock members from 100 to 200 people every time, and I have been to Thailand, to Dubai, to Paris, to Indonesia and other places.

The first session was in Thailand, and I still remember that we held a forum called Sino-Thai e-commerce in Thailand, and at that time, my electrocution meeting was still an e-commerce community.

I think Thailand should be friendly to China and us.

The biggest impression is that the price of goods in Thailand is very cheap.

I remember the horse killing chicken massage, if the water in Shenzhen, it costs more than 1,000, whether it is a hotel in Thailand, you can live for two or three hundred yuan.

The price in Thailand should only be 1/3 of the price in Shenzhen, and only 1/5 of the price in Hong Kong or Macau and Paris.

I think what impresses me most about Thailand is that European and American men are looking for Thai black pearls for retirement.

It is that you often see a seventy or eighty-year-old white European and American man living together openly with a 20-year-old Thai girl.

Everywhere, especially by the sea, this has become a landscape in Thailand, and it is also the best choice for the retirement life of the elderly in Europe and the United States.

Gong Wenxiang: In the past 10 years, I have been to so many places overseas, and my values have changed

The beauty of Bali

Next, I'll reminisce about it.

I used to go to Bali, Indonesia, and the hotels in Bali are very good, but the consumption is also very expensive.

I remember that I took all the staff to Bali, and the hotels we stayed in were all 40,000 nights, and a villa with a swimming pool was the hotel where Liu Shishi and Wu Qilong got married, which was still quite expensive.

Therefore, I think the beauty of Bali is no less than that of Europe and the United States.

After I arrived in Indonesia, I had a feeling that many people in Southeast Asia, because they live by the sea, have a concept that if you have a penny, you will use it.

Especially in Indonesia, because he is by the sea, I was particularly impressed, the people here, they open a commissary, they can earn 200 yuan a day.

Then they opened at three o'clock in the afternoon, closed at five o'clock in the afternoon, worked two hours, and spent the 200 yuan in the evening.

People here have always been drunk today, never think about saving money, never think about buying a house, never be anxious.

I think this is also an attitude and a way of life, just today, no matter tomorrow, live in the present.

Let's check it, there is a so-called Guinness World Record, among the world's 8 billion people, the highest life expectancy is actually Indonesian, the highest seems to be 128 years old.

There is such a record, which shows that it really proves that they can live to be 128 years old, and everything else is.

For example, many people say that we Taoists live to be 200 or even 300 years old, but I don't think that's possible.

Gong Wenxiang: In the past 10 years, I have been to so many places overseas, and my values have changed

My impressions of Europe

Let me then talk about my impressions of travel in Europe.

I went to Paris and went twice, once with 100 of us members and once on my own.

I think Paris is really the city that impresses me the most.

First, Paris is really the capital of romance, the capital of literature and art.

The culture is indeed very steep, what the Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, but also the Seine, the Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Élysées, etc.

Paris is really the most visited city in the world, with 50 million per year, which should be the first in the world, which is quite impressive.

The second is the thieves on the streets of Paris, which is really many, so it is also known as the thief capital.

Those gypsies, Africans, often go to the attractions, looking for rich tourists, and it is said that the most victims are Chinese.

When I was crossing the street, I could see that several thieves surrounded me and took away people's wallets.

This is also very impressive. Of course, prices in Paris can also be very expensive, and I was impressed by the high prices.

But I think I still have to travel to Paris when I have time in the future.

Gong Wenxiang: In the past 10 years, I have been to so many places overseas, and my values have changed

Three impressions of the Spanish island

In addition to Paris, I was also impressed by the Spanish tour.

One of them is an island called Ibiza. This island was settled by the wealthy Europeans.

When I went, I used social media to add nearby Chinese, but at that time, not a single Chinese person went to the island.

The second point is that the label of this island is called the best nightclub island in the world.

For those who like nightclubs, it is worth visiting, because there are 10,000 people in open-air nightclubs, and then 8 of the 10 best and most famous DJs in the world are on this island.

At that time, I asked a female friend to go, so I was very impressed.

The third point, which particularly impressed me, was the openness of the place.

Naked display of everyone's transvestism, you can even see a lot of seventy or eighty-year-old people on this island, wearing bikinis, walking down the street.

Even a free-minded and open-minded person like me was a little dumbfounded when I saw this scene.

But the people here, everyone is used to it, and no one takes a second look.

Of course, consumption in Ibiza is very expensive.

Gong Wenxiang: In the past 10 years, I have been to so many places overseas, and my values have changed

Maldives and Dubai

There are two other places that I have been to with the most expensive consumption, especially the Maldives.

The Maldives is an island and a five-star hotel, and there is basically nothing to do on the island.

In that island hotel, you can see sea fish swimming in it, those all kinds of colorful sea fish, right next to you, also shows that their environmental protection, is really first-class.

Of course, such a beautiful place, I think, the Maldives is only suitable for couples.

Don't go with a group of friends, or don't go with your family, with children, I don't think it's worth going.

I remember that the two of us went and stayed for 5 days, and it cost 100,000 RMB.

At that time, because I didn't have breakfast, I remember that a bowl of porridge with a fried egg cost more than 100 yuan.

And Dubai. Dubai, in fact, I personally don't like it very much, even though I also stayed at the 7-star Burj Al Arab in Dubai.

The most impressive thing is his toilet bowl and wash basin, those metals are made of gold, in fact, they are just gilded, not real gold.

And Dubai has a lot of rules for these religions, so it's not a place I like.

Gong Wenxiang: In the past 10 years, I have been to so many places overseas, and my values have changed

My favorite is Africa

And then I said, my favorite, on the contrary, is Africa, Morocco.

This is also a reflection of our Sagittarius personality.

One of my favorite places is called Casablanca.

Do you know that there is a movie called Casablanca, which has won an Oscar.

I remember, one night, I watched this movie and got up at 6 o'clock the next morning, because I had already applied for it, and I could go directly with the European visa, and I took my passport and went over.

Because of that movie, there was a line in it that touched me, he said:

There are so many towns and cities in the world, and so many towns and so many taverns, and it just so happens that you and I walked into the same tavern.

To put it bluntly, when I go to Morocco, I am looking for encounters, looking for sexual encounters. Of course, I really came across it.

At that time, when I arrived in Casablanca, I went straight to a tavern and sat there for half a day.

You think, there must be Chinese girls, maybe the whole city, just the two of us Chinese, so it is easy to produce so-called romantic and beautiful stories.

Ever since I went, I've fallen in love with this place in Casablanca and the song Casablanca.

Gong Wenxiang: In the past 10 years, I have been to so many places overseas, and my values have changed


Finally, I would like to express my point of view, first expressing a wish, and then finally summarizing two points.

A wish:

I am now back to do my AI Electrocution community, and I hope that in 2024 and 2025, I will continue to take my community members and we will travel overseas together.

As entrepreneurs, we want to make money, and we also need to have life, and I think it is most meaningful to be in a circle and make friends.

The second is that we want to remind everyone that we must see the outside world.

Here is one thing, if it is incorrect in politics and metallurgy, what I hate the most in my life is the patriotic little Internet celebrity, these people shout and kill in the name of patriotism.

Before, it should have been Cao Dewang who said that China's economy will not be good in the next ten years, and these patriotic little Internet celebrities will not be able to escape responsibility. Especially represented by Sima Nan.

Because patriotism is the most right thing to do, but they turn into business.

Then it is said that private enterprises are not patriotic, Lenovo is not patriotic, such as using Apple mobile phones is not patriotic, using Huawei mobile phones is patriotic and other wrong concepts.

I think we must have a global vision and concept, and not shout and kill.

The most important and core thing is that only when we have seen the outside world can you not be so narrow-minded.

After traveling through many countries, you no longer worry about your firewood, rice, oil and salt, and no longer worry about your little things.

The core I think is that if we want to go out for a walk, different places have different values of life, and we must see different worlds.

If you don't go out, you think that people all over the world are like this.

The world is too big, you have to get out and walk.

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