
Gong Wenxiang: Wonderful! Without getting married and having 50 babies, he earned 30 billion after graduating from junior high school, and Lei Jun once invested 10 million

author:Gong Wenxiang

Today I will talk to you about the Xu Bo incident that has been on the hot search for three days.

Xu Bo is the CEO of TOEIC, and he also has a more famous name: boiled elbow.

For Xu Bo's incident, first of all, I will make a description, some people may not know yet, I will summarize it 4 times.

In recent days, Xu Bo has been chasing the 300 million incident on the official Weibo of his Duoyi network.

Because of this Xu Bo, she transferred 800 million yuan to one of her girlfriends, and then this woman's money ran away, and she is still in arrears of more than 300 million yuan.

Xu Bo's entrepreneurial experience

First of all, let's talk about Xu Bo

He is a native of Wuhan, Hubei, and he is an Internet talent.

His family situation is very bad, and he himself admits that his mother was reported for being overborn and is mentally ill.

Then his parents divorced, and he followed his poor, bad-tempered father, who was often beaten and scolded.

In this context, after he reached junior high school, he stopped studying, and then worked as a network administrator in an Internet café.

Later, when he joined NetEase, he was just a game customer service.

At that time, this game, which seemed to be called "Journey to the West", had failed, but Xu Bo gave a lot of suggestions, and then came back to life.

Because of his junior high school education and the fact that he has worked as an Internet café administrator, it is his advantage, because he understands the psychology of ordinary people playing games.

And those who are tall and tall people who develop games can't do it.

Therefore, this time, NetEase Games was a great success, and Xu Bo also became famous.

This game has made NetEase earn billions of dollars, and it is the highest-grossing game.

Everyone knows that Ding Lei is a stingy person, and he may have given tens of thousands of commissions and sent him away.

Later, Xu Bo came out to start his own business, and at that time, he also poached the team in NetEase, and he and Ding Lei were torn up on the Internet.

There is another news, which many people may not know, that the angel investor who came out to start his business is also our Lei Jun.

In fact, Xu Bo relied on Lei Jun's investment of 10 million yuan to start the Duoyi Network.

Gong Wenxiang: Wonderful! Without getting married and having 50 babies, he earned 30 billion after graduating from junior high school, and Lei Jun once invested 10 million

Later, several games were continuously launched, and for more than ten years, Xu Bo made a lot of money.

How lucrative is the game's product?

Xu Bo can earn ten years with just one game, and the gross profit margin can reach 98%.

It means that if a game can collect 10 billion, his net profit can reach 900 million, and the cost is only 20 million.

In 2017, Duoyi Network was rated as "No. 25 among China's Top 100 Internet Companies", with a net worth of 28.5 billion.

Back then, together with Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, and Li Robin, they ranked in the top ten.

Therefore, I think that entrepreneurs design a tool or product for the C-end market to solve everyone's needs, and dozens of millions of people buy it.

At present, it is the most profitable business. For example, skits, such as the AI tool Magic Sound Workshop I mentioned earlier.

Gong Wenxiang: Wonderful! Without getting married and having 50 babies, he earned 30 billion after graduating from junior high school, and Lei Jun once invested 10 million

Rich and capricious

Indeed, after people make a fortune, they begin to be rich and capricious.

His greatest wish is to raise a woman and then have a baby!

Among them, the second girl he raised, he gave 10 billion in cash, but the people ran away with the money.

The information I know is not only 10 billion, but 20 billion, because there are still 2,000 bitcoins, which are also in her hands.

Now Xu Bo is in a lawsuit with this woman and wants to get the money back.

As a result, the court did not support it, so he used the company number of Duoyi Network to attack.

Now the thunderous real estate company, you see which investment company is still worth hundreds of billions, maybe millions of cash, can't get out.

But we, Xu Bo, casually, can give a woman, billions of dollars.

Gong Wenxiang: Wonderful! Without getting married and having 50 babies, he earned 30 billion after graduating from junior high school, and Lei Jun once invested 10 million

1. Game perception

However, I would like to express a point of view on this event first:

If you make a game and make a lot of money, you will definitely be eaten back.

Because games are really harmful to teenagers, it should be difficult for Xu Bo to get a good death.

Including Tencent, including NetEase, including Giant Network.

and Chen Tianqiao of Shanda Network, who also relied on games to become the richest man in China.

Now people have withdrawn from the rivers and lakes for 10 years, and after going to the United States, they have done life sciences to wash their hands.

2. Emotional perception

The second point of view, which is about emotion, is also based on my experience.

There used to be a saying that money can buy anything.

Now Xu Bo's incident has proved that money can't buy love.

Because I've been attacking 80% of emotional anchors in China, their core point of view, how much a man spends on a woman, is a measure of how much he loves a woman.

This kind of value is sought after by countless people.

Including China's No. 1 emotional anchor, who is also the little sister of our Wuhan University, Ququ is a big woman, teaching women how to ask men for money.

Therefore, the second point is that money can't buy love.

As you know, when I was at the peak, it took me two years, I took 30 million in cash, and sent red envelopes everywhere, giving 200,000 to 300,000 red envelopes to each of the 100 women.

Finally, when I had an accident the year before last, I asked them to give a proof, but no one came forward.


Don't go against mainstream values

The third is not to confront mainstream values.

Xu Bo's case, the current political and legal organs in Harbin, are unwilling to accept it.

He denounced the Chinese legal system, demanded that the female judge in charge of the case be investigated and punished, and even threatened that the female judge "manipulated the Chinese judicial system", and shouted that Tianli Wang Fa was a victim.

You see, his values have reached a strange point.

It is this person who is doing things that destroy the three views.

Some netizens said that the Qing Dynasty has been dead for 100 years, and Xu Bo is still alive in the era of the Qing Dynasty.

I don't think he's aware of the situation at all.

Now is the era of reform and opening up or the era of development, you have 20 women, and you also require each woman to be a virgin, and then you have to help him have a son.

According to his own news on Weibo, he has now given birth to 50 children, 90% of whom are sons.

Gong Wenxiang: Wonderful! Without getting married and having 50 babies, he earned 30 billion after graduating from junior high school, and Lei Jun once invested 10 million

I summarized some of his basic views, all of which are excerpted from Xu Bo's Weibo:

1. It is meaningless for women to read more, and the greatest value of women is to have more children and educate them well.

2. Try to slap a woman before marriage, if the woman runs away after she hits, then don't want her, it is a good girl who suffers, and a good girl should be cared for.

I think these are all things that ruin the three views, and he will definitely be hammered to death by the iron fist of socialism.

Moreover, he basically did not get a good death, and he had no wisdom in life.

Persuade Xu Bo

As Xu Bo's fellow villager in Wuhan, I also came as an elder to persuade him by relying on the old and selling the old.

The first, a lot of things, surfaced, and his nature was not the same.

If a person is widely discussed, attracts the attention of the platform, and attracts the attention of relevant departments, basically your account is gone, and everyone has to go in.

The second is to persuade him to stop flaunting his wealth.

Now he keeps saying that he gave 100000000000000000000000 to a woman and was deceived 300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

In such a situation, flaunting wealth will inevitably be dealt a blow by socialism.

The third is to stop objectifying women.

The so-called objectified women, there are 20 women he openly fosters, and all of them graduated from junior high school, all virgins between the ages of 18 and 20.

Again, this is not in line with socialist values.

The fourth uses the so-called surrogacy method and gives birth to 50 children.

Again, this is not in line with socialist values.

Moreover, he also openly clamored that he would fund 100 million yuan to foreign legal institutions to fight against our entire Chinese law, which is really arrogant.

So I'm going to make a prediction, and I believe that the relevant departments will definitely come out to take care of this matter.

Then Xu Bo will be completely cool, his company will not be able to do it, and his property will be taken away.

I will advise Xu Bo to do your game well, and don't talk about your set of values publicly.

And you must develop high-dimensional wisdom.

I'm going to look at a guy and look at it for a long time, if you just grab a game opportunity and just be a little clever and make money.

What about earning 200 billion.

Once the iron fist of socialism is pressed down, it will be a matter of minutes to take you away, and you will not have any resistance and no capital to dodge.

The other is to hope that Xu Bo will restrain himself from the precipice and turn back to the shore.

What you've been through, something like ridiculous, I've basically experienced it.

But I have already passed through high-dimensional wisdom and self-cultivation, and I have become a completely normal person.

Xu Bo is not a normal person now, learning more about traditional culture, more cultivation of body, mind and spirit, and more learning of high-dimensional wisdom.

For Xu Bo, this is the only right way.

From my own experience, when people have money, they do drift a little.

Because in the past, it was true that 5 employees of our company could easily earn 50 million in cash.

But after the adjustment of the country's iron fist, I think it's good to be an ordinary person.

Now I'm back to doing self-media, making AI content, and then making a little money, safe and sound, which is good.

If you think what I said makes sense, praise me

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