
Gong Wenxiang: This kind of woman must not be married! How do Chinese men select high-quality women?

author:Gong Wenxiang

Today, I am an emotional anchor and will tell you how I screen high-quality women.

Of course, these experiences also apply to women looking for high-quality men.

Because before I got married, I also found a partner through some blind date websites and dating apps, met many people, and summed up some experience.

Of course, the experience I talked about is to screen in a short period of time, that is, the first time you meet, and then screen each other within a month to see if the other party is suitable for dating, whether the other party is a high-quality woman?

Because long-term screening is difficult, it takes a long time.

Then these experiences, we may be a little biased one by one, you can spray lightly, but I think it is still a very pragmatic method.

Gong Wenxiang: This kind of woman must not be married! How do Chinese men select high-quality women?

1. Academic qualifications

The first point is the screening of academic qualifications or cultural qualities.

I think that the other party's academic background must be 985, or 211, or one of the top ten regular universities in China with a bachelor's degree or above.

This is also a necessary screening criterion in my opinion.

Moreover, a university is not the same as a university.

The people who came out of these famous schools of Peking University, Fudan and Wuhan University are very top-notch, at least in terms of cultural quality.

However, to tell you a secret, many of those Internet celebrity anchors on Douyin claim to be Shanghai Theater Academy, or Central Academy of Drama, or Beijing Film Academy, 99% of which are fake.

It's not that they haven't read it, they do, but it's not regular.

They're just training, or they have adult self-study exam classes, or they're just going to refresh.

Including many overseas students, their graduation certificates are only valuable to those Harvard, MIT, and Ivy League, and the other 20 are basically not of much value.

Many schools outside the top 100 in Australia, or the United States and the United Kingdom, those who study abroad for graduate students, may not speak as good English as you.

Therefore, we must first of all screen cultural quality from the academic qualifications, and we must have a formal bachelor's degree.

2. Screening of predecessors

The second screening, the screening of ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands, is also very important.

I think this experience of mine is also very unique.

In fact, when you go on a blind date, as soon as you sit down, you may ask people what your ex-boyfriend does, or what your ex-husband does.

It may seem rude, but I think it's a valuable screening.

It's hard to judge a person by their appearance in the short term, but ask her ex-boyfriend or ex-husband and you might get some answers.

The vast majority of people just look at the appearance, and when they see this person's white skin, beautiful and long legs, basically 80% of men will be attracted to women's appearance.

Let me share with you two examples of the extremes that I have come across.

1. Ex-boyfriend who drives a taxi

Before I got married, I met a girl through a blind date, and I was satisfied with all aspects.

I remember that it seems to be a jewelry designer in Shenzhen Shuibei, and the external conditions and internal temperament are very good.

I casually asked her, "What does your ex-boyfriend do?" and she replied, "You drive a taxi."

Later, I talked to her for two years and finally broke up.

Of course, I'm not saying that I have any prejudice against Didi drivers, and I myself am a person from the grassroots.

However, I was the vice president of marketing for a company at the time, and if I told the outside world, the girlfriend I was looking for was just a primary school graduate who drove a taxi.

I think, without looking at anything else, and at that point, I think it's okay to sift through.

Although many people think this is a prejudice, I think it makes a lot of sense.

I mean, when you are looking for a boyfriend or husband in the future, you must find the right person, which is a very valuable choice.

2. Ten million rich and second generation former male friend

Of course, I'll also give you a positive example, I once met a girl who also met on a blind date.

The appearance is ordinary, the education is also ordinary, and all kinds of conditions look very ordinary.

I also asked at the time, what does your ex-boyfriend do? She said that she was a billionaire in real estate in Hong Kong.

This is absolutely true, everyone can search for it, and this name can be searched. Of course, I'm still protecting my privacy, so I won't talk about it.

And she also showed me that the cash on her account, this rich second generation, gives 80 million pocket money every year.

I don't care if the rich man she says is married or unmarried, or how they got together, at least she can get a billionaire to be her boyfriend.

I think this woman's quality, or emotional intelligence in the world, is very good.

3. Economic basis screening

The third judgment is the judgment of the other party's current economic foundation.

It's realistic, but it's also a very good selection criterion

For example, if a person like us is middle-aged, if he wants to find a girl as his other half, if he doesn't come to see you by car, he is Didi or the subway to meet, I think it can be filtered out.

This is not to say that our prejudices, on an economic basis, must find the right one.

Do you think, a person has been in Shenzhen for ten years, no matter what the reason, if he still has nothing, then how good do you think this boy is, how outstanding is this girl?

Therefore, let's not believe the so-called talented poor, talent buries this kind of statement.

A valuable person, a talented person, will eventually get a certain result.

Good luck or bad luck, but at least you can get a more satisfactory result, even with a car and a house.

Of the 30 million people in Shenzhen, almost 10 million people can do it.

4. Some lifestyle habits are screened

The fourth screening criterion is the superficial living habits.

This can also be screened out immediately, whether the other party is a high-quality woman.

I have some prejudices about depression right now.

Because I've talked about such a girlfriend before, I have such a real experience, I am suspicious all day long, and I must keep an eye on you 24 hours a day.

I don't think this kind of man or woman is suitable as the other half.

This question has nothing to do with a person's quality, it has nothing to do with his morality, his upbringing, or his family background

There are some people who have a very high quality, have a car and a house, and the conditions are very good in all aspects, but they are also very likely to have depression.

But there is no expert in marriage and love, no expert in emotion, no expert in psychology, and when it comes to this important experience.

In fact, there are three points of experience that can be judged:

The first one, you ask him: Do you have insomnia when you sleep?

All people who have insomnia, have severe insomnia, and only sleep for one hour a day, 100% have severe depression, and in the relationship between men and women, they are control freaks.

Because if you sleep for 8 hours and don't sleep for 7 hours, you will have 7 hours to think about everything, and you will definitely think about your brain.

He will ponder your every action, every word, and he will struggle for hours.

Second, you ask her: Do you have a habit of cleanliness?

Anyone who has a serious cleanliness habit will not be able to get along at all.

Third, you ask her again: Is there any difficulty in choosing?

For example, when ordering food for dinner, like my meal, it will be ordered in a second, but many men and women must be entangled for 10 minutes and 20 minutes

Of course, this is someone else's habit, and we have nothing to blame, but in the relationship between emotional men and women, as long as there are these 3 characteristics, basically there is depression, and it is not suitable to live.

If you have all three, then 100% is major depression.

If you marry him, 100% of you will be worse than dead, and you will continue to check on you in the name of caring about you, leaving you breathless and not free.

Many people envy someone who marries a good other half, has good conditions, has money, a car and a house, and looks beautiful.

But if she has such a character, then you will definitely not live well in your life, or you will not live long.

5. Screening of one-week travel

The fifth point of judgment is that you men and women go out for a week.

It is not difficult to judge whether a person is suitable for you in a short period of time, whether it is a high-quality woman, and rely on this to eat, chat and watch movies.

The best judgment is to go out for a week, and basically the other party knows everything.

Because if you travel together for a week and live under one roof, the woman can judge many habits of the man, such as whether he snores every night.

Men and women also have a lot of habits, and you can also judge whether he has a serious cleanliness habit.

Then you can think about whether you can tolerate the habits of life on both sides, many of which were accepted by your previous department.

The two people also have different attitudes towards tourism:

For example, this woman wants to sleep for more than ten hours a day, but she doesn't want to go out. Some people just want to travel everywhere, no matter how hard and tired they are, thinking that they are coming, they are going to go around.

So what should we do when we encounter this contradiction?

So some people say that a man and a woman go out on a trip for three days is worth three years of dating.

There are also two people's views on money, such as staying in a better hotel or staying in a worse hotel?

Or do you choose to eat at a famous restaurant or order takeout?

Even if both of them decide to eat out, that order is another place to test people.

For example, when I order food, I can decide what to eat in a second, and then finish it.

Many people are entangled in that, entangled in this expensive and that not delicious, etc., and when the time comes, there will be a big contradiction between the two people.

But you have to know that there are many people who have difficulty in making choices, and they usually spend half an hour not finishing the order:

Whether he eats meat or fish, spicy or not, whether this restaurant sits by the window or inside.

Then you say, how can such two people live together for a lifetime?

6. Sum it up

So, in the end, let me summarize for you, how do you want to judge whether a person is suitable to be the other half in a short time, and how to judge whether the other party is a high-quality woman?

From the screening of academic qualifications, from the screening of economic foundation, as well as the screening of ex-boyfriends, and some living habits can also seem to be in line with it.

Finally, it is also a good filter to go out for a week to travel together.

It is necessary to have high-dimensional wisdom

But I think the most important thing is a person's kindness, or high-dimensional wisdom, which is the core criterion.

Whether you are a man or a woman, with high-dimensional wisdom, he will not abandon you when you encounter a low ebb in life.

Instead, I face it calmly with you and am willing to make a comeback with you.

Moreover, as long as you are with people with high-dimensional wisdom, you will definitely be able to feel like a spring breeze, live well all your life, make you very comfortable, and make you very relaxed.

As long as you feel appealing to you, the matching of energies is the most important thing.

As long as you stay with him, you talk to him, you feel very comfortable, and I think that's the first thing is to match your own energy, your frequency.

If you think what I said makes sense, kudos to me.

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