
Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

author:Xiao Li said entertainment


The newborn calf in the stall: Xie Yue (played by Wang Herun) is really brave and enthusiastic

The streets of Harbin are full of people coming and going. In this bustling market, a young girl, Xie Yuezhen, has attracted people's attention. She is not afraid of power, and sets up a stall in front of a store opened by a Japanese, selling her own small goods. This move was undoubtedly a challenge to the social rules of the time, but Xie Yuezhen didn't care. Her courage is like a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers, full of youthful enthusiasm and impulse.

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

Netizen "hot-blooded boy" commented: "This Xie Yue is really bold, dare to set up a stall on the territory of the Japanese, admire and admire!" Another netizen "Jianghu Xiao Shrimp" ridiculed: "Has this girl practiced the golden bell cover iron cloth shirt? Otherwise, how dare she be so arrogant?"

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

A group of people soon gathered in front of Xie Yuezhen's booth, and everyone gathered around to see this girl who dared to challenge authority. However, the good times did not last long, and the Japanese shopkeeper soon discovered Xie Yuezhen's actions and sent several of his men to drive them away. In the face of this sudden change, Xie Yuezhen did not choose to retreat.

Tough Japanese: Xie Yue (played by Wang Herun) is really straight

Several Japanese men walked up to Xie Yuezhen and aggressively demanded her to leave. However, Xie Yuezhen was unmoved, she raised her head, looked directly at the other party, and said in a firm tone: "This is a place for Chinese, I have the right to set up a stall here!" This remark shocked the people around her, and everyone applauded Xie Yuezhen's courage.

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

Netizen "Man Like the Wind" commented: "This Xie Yue is really straight, not afraid of the Japanese at all!" Another netizen "Foodie Little Fairy" sighed: "This girl's courage is really bigger than the sky, if I would have run away a long time ago!"

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

When the Japanese subordinates saw that Xie Yuezhen refused to leave, they started pushing her. However, Xie Yuezhen was not afraid, she waved her arms and went back and forth with the other party for a while. Although her strength is not as good as that of the other party, her momentum makes the other party feel afraid. Eventually, the Japanese men left the scene in reluctance.

Alone in the tiger's den: Xie Yue (played by Wang Herun) is really brave and resourceful

Watanabe is the leader of the Japanese, and after learning that Xie Yuezhen is setting up a street stall and daring to rebel against the Japanese, he decides to meet the bold girl himself. He sent his men to take Xie Yuezhen to his warehouse and asked her to apply for documents there.

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

In the face of this sudden change, Xie Yuezhen did not show the slightest panic. She arrived at the warehouse alone, and in the face of the fierce Japanese, she remained calm and composed. In the process of applying for documents, she skillfully used her wisdom and courage to deal with the Japanese.

Netizen "Zhiyong Shuangquan" commented: "This Xie Yue is really courageous, she dares to break into the tiger's den alone!" Another netizen "witty little master" sighed: "This girl's wisdom and courage are really admirable!"

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

In the warehouse, Xie Yuezhen was bullied by the Japanese. However, she did not choose to give in or beg for mercy. She pulled out a pen and stabbed it while the other party wasn't looking! a move that surprised everyone.

Fountain pen turned sharp: Xie Yuezhen (Wang Herun) is witty and brave

In the dim light of the warehouse, the pen in Xie Yuezhen's hand flickered with a cold light. She skillfully used this pen as a weapon and successfully fought back against the Japanese who bullied her. This move not only shocked and frightened the Japanese present, but also made the onlookers cheer and applaud her.

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

Netizen "Weapon Master" commented: "This Xie Yue is really witty! He can actually use a pen as a weapon to fight back against the Japanese!" Another netizen "Brave Little Angel" sighed: "This girl's bravery is really admirable!"

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

After successfully fighting back, Xie Yuezhen did not choose to stay in the warehouse. She took the opportunity to flee the scene and disappeared into the night. This night was destined to be unusual for Xie Yuezhen, who proved her strength and worth with her courage and wisdom.

Xie Yuezhen (played by Wang Herun) controversy: heated discussions among netizens

Xie Yuezhen's story quickly became a hot topic on social media. Netizens expressed their opinions and comments, some praised her courage and wisdom, but others questioned and worried about her behavior.

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

Netizen "Messenger of Justice" commented: "This Xie Yue is really a heroine among women! Her courage and wisdom are worth learning from!" However, another netizen "calm analyst" was worried: "Although she successfully fought back against the Japanese, such an act is too dangerous, what if she is caught?"

Wang Herun "went crazy" out of the circle: Xie Yuezhen taught you how to "hardcore" fight back!

Xie Yuezhen's story is not just a simple heroic deed, it is a topic of courage, wisdom and controversy. In this complex and ever-changing world, we need more brave people like Xie Yuezhen to set an example and benchmark for us. At the same time, we should also think about how to contribute and contribute to society while protecting ourselves.

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