
Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

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Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

Looking back on the past, we will find that Huang Hong was once a household name number one sketch superstar, and the number of times he was honored to top the CCTV Spring Festival Gala was even more prominent than the equally legendary Zhao Benshan, as many as three times. And his intimate and tacit cooperation with Song Dandan has almost become the highlight of the Spring Festival Gala stage, allowing the audience to burst into laughter in the happy and peaceful Spring Festival.

However, in the fleeting year of 2015, Huang Hong was suddenly removed from an important position as the leader of the studio, and mysteriously evaporated from the world and gradually disappeared from the focus of public attention.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is 2024, and nine years have passed since that incident. At this moment, Huang Hong is already gray-haired, his face is full of deep wrinkles, and from a distance, he seems to be older than his actual age.

When he walks on the bustling street, few people may be able to recognize this once popular "sketch king". Although he has been away from the stage for several years, his passion for art has not diminished in the slightest.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

In recent years, however, he has rarely appeared in public places, as if he had voluntarily chosen to live in isolation from the world. Occasionally, he also works as a screenwriter behind the scenes, creating some excellent film and television scripts, such as the 2019 film "Everything Like You" with his beloved daughter Huang Zhaohan.

Whenever people revisit his popular classics, they can't help but feel emotional: that glorious era is gone forever.

Although the years have been relentless and his body has been unable to return to its peak state, Huang Hong's persistent pursuit of art and his endless desire for excellence have always been consistent and shining. This unwavering enthusiasm and determination is undoubtedly the shining point of his greatest memory to the world.

Huang Hong was born in 1960 in Harbin, a beautiful city of ice and snow. His father was a famous Kuaishu artist from Shandong, and in such a family atmosphere, Huang Hong was deeply influenced and infiltrated by art since he was a child, showing extraordinary talent.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

As a strict father, Huang's father is extremely strict with his son. If Huang Hong was the slightest negligent or underperforming, he would be severely punished by a plank spanking.

Although the discipline was so strict, Huang Hong knew his father's good intentions, so he did not dare to relax at all, and always maintained excellent results and ranked among the best.

This long-term effort and effort, like a babbling stream, finally ushered in fruitful results at the age of 13. At that time, the Shenyang Art Troupe was holding a grand enrollment examination in Harbin, and Huang Hong was successfully selected with the first place in the province with his solid Allegro foundation, and officially entered the ranks of glorious literary and art workers.

After entering the military career, Huang Hong was not satisfied with this, but devoted himself more firmly to the exploration of art. With perseverance and perseverance, he actively participated in various activities of the army and constantly improved his artistic attainments. In just the second year of enlistment, at the age of 14, he independently created the first sketch script "Uncle Jiang Keeps the Pig Farm", and carefully rehearsed and successfully staged. Although it didn't make a huge splash at the time, it did reveal his outstanding talent.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

The leaders of the army knew that Huang Hong's potential was unlimited, and in order to allow him to grow better, they decided to delegate him to the grassroots units for sharpening. In those 105-day hard years, Huang Hong finally won the third-class merit with his tenacious fighting spirit.

When he was 22 years old, he resolutely chose to retire and embarked on the road of studying in Shenyang. After five years of diligent study, Huang Hong entered the military art after graduating from university to continue his studies, and successfully appeared on the stage of the Liaoning Spring Festival Gala in the first year, officially opening his bright star road.

In 1989, Huang Hong and Song Dandan teamed up to create the classic sketch "Superborn Guerrilla", and since then, the two have become "nail households of the Spring Festival Gala" and have continued to cooperate on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for many years. Although they later parted ways due to differences in creative concepts, Huang Hong still dominates the sketch world and no one else can match it.

With the advent of the new century, Huang Hong's career is like the rising sun in the east, shining brightly. In 2010, he was promoted to Deputy Director of the Studio. Only two years later, his superiors once again recognized his talent and officially appointed him as the factory director, and his power and status instantly increased.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

As the factory director, Huang Hong naturally has to take on more important responsibilities. However, for this artist who once dominated the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, this responsibility does not seem to be difficult. In fact, he has already silently planned in his heart to expand his creative field to the field of film and television. Soon after, the opportunity came, and in 2014, the studio decided to make a film, and Huang Hong did not hesitate to take on the responsibility of screenwriter and invited many well-known actors to co-star.

This Chinese-language film called "Tianhe" has a huge investment, but the box office has suffered a Waterloo-like decline! Many media outlets have even sternly questioned Huang Hong's decision-making power, accusing him of "arbitrariness" that has directly caused huge economic losses.

In 2015, the studio suddenly held a shocking cadre meeting and read out the decision to remove Huang Hong from his position as director. Overnight, this once glorious figure instantly fell from the peak to the trough and fell into a trap.

The world around them was shaken, and speculation and criticism poured in. However, Huang Hong chose to be silent, only responding vaguely with "I am not suitable for an interview at this time". This undoubtedly intensified the heat of public opinion, and people's attitude towards him was full of ridicule and condemnation.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

Since then, Huang Hong has not appeared in public and gradually faded out of public view.

Looking back on 1989, it was a major turning point in Huang Hong's life. With his superb performance in the sketch "Recruitment", he won high praise from the Spring Festival Gala Organizing Committee and quickly received an invitation to the show.

Faced with such a rare opportunity, Huang Hong naturally went all out. He did not hesitate to invite Song Dandan, who was already emerging at that time, to participate in the grand event and jointly adapt the classic "Superborn Guerrilla".

At that time, Song Dandan had already become a well-known sketch star, and she originally had the opportunity to create a blind date-themed sketch with Zhao Benshan. However, in order to avoid aesthetic fatigue to the audience, she finally chose to join Huang Hong's team.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

On the other hand, Song Dandan was pregnant at the time, and she originally planned to deal with it easily in the Spring Festival Gala that year. However, under Huang Hong's enthusiastic persuasion, she reluctantly agreed to the performance.

So, after the careful polishing of the two, "Superborn Guerrilla" finally shined on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and achieved unprecedented success. Since then, Huang Hong and Song Dandan have joined hands to create a legendary chapter of their "golden partner", ushering in a decade-long glorious years.

In the past ten years, a series of masterpieces by the two in the Spring Festival Gala have been warmly welcomed and sought after by the audience, and they can be called word-of-mouth. However, the good times are always short-lived.

In the passionate years of 1999, two outstanding artists broke out into a fierce dispute during rehearsals because of differences in creative concepts, and finally broke up. At that time, Song Dandan said angrily: "You go and seek help from others!" and Huang Hong did not keep this, he watched Song Dandan defect to Zhao Benshan's sketch team.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

Although the two briefly rejoined each other, due to their previous differences, they instantly stepped into their own independent development. In this way, the once golden partner came to naught. Huang Hong gradually faded on the stage of sketch art and lost his former glory.

Huang Hong shines in the field of sketch creation, and his works have won many awards in various competitions, creating an astonishing record of 24 consecutive appearances at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, which even exceeds Zhao Benshan's 21 times. Therefore, he was respected by the audience as the "King of Sketches".

At the peak of his career, Huang Hong was like a warrior on the battlefield, invincible. In 2010, he reached another important milestone in his life, and he was successfully promoted to deputy director of the studio based on his past achievements.

Since then, Huang Hong's power and status have risen like a rocket. In just two years, his superiors highly recognized his talent and officially appointed him as the factory director.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

However, Huang Hong, who is in a high position, has shouldered a more difficult responsibility. However, for this veteran actor who has been through the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, these pressures are taken as leisure. Huang Hong began to expand his creative vision to the field of film and television, and personally wrote many film and television drama scripts. Among them, the 2014 film "Tianhe" can be called his masterpiece, although the investment was huge, but in the end it suffered a box office fiasco.

When the outside world questioned Huang Hong's reputation, fate brought him the heaviest blow. In 2015, the studio suddenly held a cadre meeting and announced the removal of Huang Hong as the director.

The news shocked the whole society, and people speculated about the reason, some suspected that he was suspected of corruption and bribery, and some accused him of making mistakes in decision-making that led to failure.

Overnight, Huang Hong fell from the clouds into the abyss, embarrassed. In the face of such fierce public criticism, he chose to retire in a low-key manner and be silent.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

Huang Hong used to be a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, but now he suddenly disappeared from the public eye, which is heart-wrenching.

Looking back on Huang Hong's life, he experienced countless setbacks and hardships, but in the end it ended in a dull one. He has had ideals since he was a child, and with his extraordinary talent and unyielding perseverance, he gradually climbed onto the dazzling stage of the Spring Festival Gala and achieved the undisputed name of "Sketch Emperor".

In those golden years, a large number of excellent works created by him and Song Dandan can be called masterpieces in the entertainment industry, and every time the New Year comes, it can always make the audience smile and be very happy.

However, just as his career was thriving and reaching its peak, fate once again played a merciless trick on him. In 2015, Huang Hong was suddenly dismissed, as if he had been hit hard, and he fell into a trough in his life.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

The public opinion in the outside world was noisy, and all kinds of suspicions and criticisms followed, so Huang Hong had to choose to quietly retire and no longer set foot on the stage.

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and the years have passed through nine years of spring and autumn. Today's Huang Hong, with white temples and a furrowed face, is much older than his actual age. Walking on the bustling streets, few people can recognize this character who was once the "king of sketches".

He gradually faded out of people's sight, as if he had actively chosen a way of life isolated from the world.

Although his old body can no longer regain its former glory, Huang Hong's enthusiasm for art and his unremitting pursuit of excellence have never wavered.

Huang Hong, the nail household of the Spring Festival Gala: He went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 29, and left after being removed at the age of 55, what happened to him

It is this unwavering artistry that makes him a shining example of the most memorable and admired by the world.

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