
Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

author:Open-minded planet sL
Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

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Today is Thursday, June 27, 2024, the twenty-second day of the lunar calendar

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

1. The world's first carbon fiber metro train for commercial operation, the "CETROVO 1.0 Carbon Star Express Rail", was officially unveiled in Qingdao, which reduces the weight of traditional subway vehicles by 11% and reduces operating energy consumption by 7%, which has significant advantages such as lighter and more energy-saving, leading the subway train to achieve a new green upgrade. Each train can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 130 tons per year, which is equivalent to planting 101 acres of trees. It is expected that Qingdao Metro Line 1 will be put into passenger demonstration operation within the year.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

2. The cumulative output of the Fuling shale gas field in Chongqing, the first in mainland China to be put into commercial development, has exceeded 65 billion cubic meters. The cumulative proven reserves are nearly 900 billion cubic meters, and more than 500 three-dimensional development and adjustment wells have been deployed. It is of great significance to promote the adjustment of energy structure, alleviate the supply pressure of natural gas market in the central and eastern regions of the mainland, accelerate energy conservation and emission reduction, and air pollution prevention and control.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

3. Disney Adventure will set sail in Singapore in 2025, the first Disney cruise ship with its homeport in Asia, offering three- to four-night itineraries with a five-year period of operation. Disney Cruise Line estimates that the 208,000-ton gross tonnage Disney Explorer can accommodate nearly 6,700 guests and about 2,500 crew members.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

4. During this year's summer travel period, Air China's international and regional routes will recover to more than 90% of the 2019 levels, reaching 114, with a focus on Xinjiang, Yunnan and other hot cities. The average daily domestic flight volume was 1,444 flights, an increase of 39.2% over the same period last year in 19 years.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

5. SF City will launch the same-city on-the-spot distribution service in Hong Kong, China in July, and the hourly income of riders can reach up to HK$300. Give full play to the industry experience and operational advantages accumulated in the ready-to-use industry for many years to better serve merchants and consumers.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

6. The adjustment of the loan policy of the Beijing Housing Provident Fund will be implemented from June 27, and the specific policies are as follows: For resident families who use loans to purchase their first commercial housing, the minimum down payment ratio will be adjusted to not less than 20%. For households using loans to purchase two sets of commercial housing, the minimum down payment ratio shall not be less than 35% if the purchased housing is located within the Fifth Ring Road; If the purchased commercial housing is located outside the Fifth Ring Road, the minimum down payment ratio shall not be less than 30%.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

7. From January 1 to June 15 this year, a total of 950,000 Chinese tourists entered Malaysia. This figure comes after Malaysia implemented a 30-day visa-free policy for China. The move makes China the largest source of tourists outside of ASEAN.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

8. ByteDance has released a new intelligent development tool "Doubao MarsCode", which is based on a powerful Doubao model, aiming to provide an efficient and intelligent programming experience for the majority of domestic developers, and is fully free and open to use.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

9. Japan is about to start the seventh round of nuclear polluted water discharge from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which began on the 28th, and it is expected that this round of discharge will continue until mid-July, with a total discharge of about 7,800 tons.

Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

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Read today's news in four minutes, June 27 news summary

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