
Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium

author:New Net Division
Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium
Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium

Time flies, year after year, and slips away quietly.

What did I do this year, why, how did I do it, and how far did I get from what I wanted to do at the beginning of the year?

With these questions in mind, I began to look back at the bits and pieces of the year. This year, I insisted on walking non-stop, and left a mark in my life such as leading the junior high school students to prepare for the high school entrance examination, participating in the first Master Class of the "New Teacher Fund" of Soochow University, studying English for new online teachers, and "reading and writing" and "public welfare activities" throughout the year.

Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium

1. Walk side by side with students to prepare for the high school entrance examination

Education is an activity to cultivate people, and education should create "living people" with true, good, and beautiful character. - Zhu Yongxin

The value of an educator's life is to help the educated become a better version of themselves and have the ability for lifelong learning and healthy development. In the first half of 2023, as the Head of Grade, my focus will be on leading the Year 9 students to prepare for the high school entrance examination with my colleagues.

The German philosopher Jaspers wrote in his book "What is Education": "The process of education is to allow the educated to practice themselves, learn and grow by themselves. ”

Since the seventh grade, this class of students has systematically participated in the "One Thing a Month" theme activity of the new education. In the activities, students develop good habits that can be used for a lifetime, improve the quality of life, and achieve upward and good growth. At the same time, they also unconsciously improve their learning ability and thinking quality, and generate the necessary core literacy.

Preparing for the high school entrance examination is full and busy. Happily, we have achieved very good results and earned the school a good reputation. Teacher Zhu Yongxin said that the new education not only focuses on scores, but also pays attention to personality, soul and life growth. Our teachers believe that while ensuring that students achieve excellent results, they also pay more attention to the healthy growth of students.

In the first half of 2023, in addition to leading the ninth grade teachers and students to prepare for the high school entrance examination, I also regularly set aside Thursdays and Sundays to study books such as "Instructional Design in Pursuit of Understanding" and "Big Concept Teaching: The Overall Design of Literacy-Oriented Units" with the teachers of the Xinwangshi English academic team. The team reading also laid a theoretical foundation for the offline workshop and the English seminar in the second semester of 2023.

Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium

2. The first offline workshop of the new network teacher

New educators are a group of "people of the same size" who pursue educational ideals, and grow together in an equal, truth-seeking and cooperative team. - Zhu Yongxin

From July 31st to August 4th, 2023, Xinwangshi organized the first offline workshop, and I was honored to be the leader of the English subject.

Maybe it's the brand charm of Xinwangshi, maybe it's the attraction of the training content and organizational form, or maybe it's the appeal that I've accumulated from hosting online research courses for 3 years, and I am particularly touched by the fact that the English course I led has the largest number of applicants.

In the summary of the first day of training, I wrote: "Today is the first day of the 2023 Xinwangshi offline workshop training, everyone will share insights, raise doubts, ask questions and answers, stimulate each other, and cook a "big meal" of English teaching thinking together. This experience resonated with a passage from the American scholar Palmer in "Teaching Courage: A Walk in the Teacher's Mind": If we think of the classroom as a real community, a community that allows us to be honest with each other, around the great thing of "knowledge", the teacher can be a student, and the student can be a teacher, and each can express its opinions to each other in the name of the great thing. ”

The workshop was a great success. First of all, this is an experiential training. Full experience and deep participation allow the trainee teachers to experience real learning. Secondly, the trainee teachers have the basis of independent "preview" before class. It is a prepared learning, and the class does not start from scratch. Thirdly, the course content includes "new curriculum standard learning, overall teaching design and practice of the unit, integration of teaching-learning-evaluation, and heterogeneity of lecturers and students in the same class, etc., which is a complete closed-loop of teacher research. In addition, most of the teachers who participated this time were Xinwang Shi students, and their overall literacy was very high.

Leading the first offline workshop of the English subject is the most professional dignified journey in my 2023 walk, which not only gained trust, enhanced self-confidence, experienced the value of curriculum development, but also realized the radiation leadership of the curriculum. At the same time, in the process of getting along with other tutors, I also learned the truth of "being sincere and doing things well" outside the course.

In addition to participating in workshops in the summer, he also studied at Henan Teacher Growth Academy and Xinyang Normal University, and went to Wangcang, Yunnan Province, thousands of miles away, with his son to listen to Hao Xiaodong's interpretation of "Biography" and "Yangming Studies". Another important thing is to sign up for the first Master Class of the "New Teacher Fund" of Soochow University.

Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium

3. Study in the class of famous teachers

An excellent educator should be a person who constantly explores and innovates, and should be a person who has a heart for education. - Zhu Yongxin

On the afternoon of September 9, 2023, I suddenly received a phone call informing me that I had been enrolled in the first Master Class of the "New Teacher Fund" of Soochow University! I wrote in my diary: "I am so lucky to have the opportunity to participate in such high-end training. As a supplementary student, I feel that the opportunity is precious. When I checked the list of prospective admissions, my name was not indescribable, and when I learned that I had been accepted, I jumped like a child and cried with joy. ”

I met Mr. Zhu Yongxin for the first time at the student meeting, Mr. Zhu was kind and amiable, listened carefully to each student's speech, and interacted with everyone. He encouraged the students to deeply understand and practice the "educator spirit", to be "four good teachers", and to be the "four guides" of students.

The learning experience of the Master Class is like a beam of light, illuminating the direction of my progress, allowing me to see the wider world and beauty, and redefining the role of the teacher from the perspective of "Mr. Big".

This year, I also did a lot of other important things, such as presiding over the English research course of Xinwang teachers, and more than 300 teachers from all over the country to explore the implementation strategy of the overall teaching of the unit, and participating in the "public welfare trip" in Wuxiang in Shanxi, Jingning in Gansu, Luohe in Henan, Shangqiu Normal University, Huaxian Continuing Education School and other national training activities in the countryside.

This year, I also insisted on reading and writing, carrying out teaching research, and classroom innovation......

This year, there are still many things that have not been done well. The two book manuscripts that were planned to be completed at the beginning of the year have not yet been completed.

On the whole, this year, there have been efforts in reading, writing, acting, thinking, and research, as well as internal friction and confusion that cannot find a direction; there has been the fulfillment of creation, but also the helplessness of discouragement; there have been happiness and happiness, and there have been sadness and unhappiness...... But this year, I have been running forward, and in the process of walking, I have become more and more aware of the value and meaning of being human.

Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium

Author: Wang Huixia

Editor: Wu Wenqin

Review: Huang Xiaoyu Liu Jing

Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium
Wang Huixia: Walking - Exploring the Meaning of Life | Top 10 Life Narratives for the 2nd Symposium

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