
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one

author:Mo Xiaoxi

Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and a painting by Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui can sell for 1 million!

Wang Shiling's grandfather is the famous oil painting master Wang Hui, the great painter Wu Guanzhong, a painting is worth millions!

Wang Shiling was raised by Li Xiang according to the princess since childhood, and she was good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, especially paintings, because of her grandfather's influence, a painting at a young age can sell for 100,000 yuan!

Not only that, every year Wang Shiling's birthday is also highly anticipated in the entertainment industry, the first birthday has invited a symphony, and since then, every year there are big directors and big stars to congratulate, even Li Shaohong and Li Xiaoran appear at her birthday party!

Because of the popularity of the stars, the gifts received every year naturally do not need to be said, and what is more rare is that her grandfather will give her a painting every year.

Li Xiang once admitted that Wang Shiling's annual tuition fee is at least 260,000, not to mention that Wang Shiling wears brand-name clothing and bags at a young age!

Some people said before that Li Xiangfu's daughter spoiled her daughter too much, but I don't know that it is this mode of rich support that makes Wang Shiling undergo various educations since she was a child, and her English mouth is open, and her talent for painting and painting should not be underestimated!

Now the chubby and cute little girl who appeared in "Where Daddy Goes" has also grown into a little princess!

Recently, some netizens broke out a recent photo of Wang Shiling, and the wang Shiling in the photo had big eyes and a high nose bridge, and he was not the little fat girl of that year!

As early as before, Li Xiang had posted Wang Shiling's slimming secret on social platforms, and it turned out that Wang Shiling had successfully lost 20 pounds through exercise during the epidemic at home, and Li Xiang said that he admired his daughter's perseverance very much!

I have to say that Li Xiangfu's raising daughter is still very successful!

#Wang Shiling recent photo of the slender face of the limbs is good #

#八卦手册 #

Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one
Li Xiang once said that Wang Shiling's living expenses for a month will be 150,000 yuan, and one year's living expenses can buy a villa, but her one painting can sell for 100,000 yuan, and Wang Shiling's grandfather Wang Hui's one

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