
The girls who stand out in the crowd have these "very daring" characteristics


After mixing in the society for a long time, I gradually found that the girls who are particularly prominent in the crowd, whether their personalities are extroverts and introverts, E people and I people, have a common trait, that is: they dare very much.

Their "dare" is not to superficially talk to others over there, but to have a stable enough core to support them to carry out some things that others "dare not" do because they are thin-skinned, timid, afraid of things, or overly worried.

Many times, we think that a person must "succeed" before he has the confidence to "dare", but the reality is that you have to have some "dare" before you can achieve results. The following kinds of "dare" are the common denominator of those who stand out, and they are worth learning from:

The girls who stand out in the crowd have these "very daring" characteristics


Dare to put on the surface

Although "inner beauty" is important, you can't deny that in the real world, if you don't pay attention to or don't know how to manage the "outside", you won't attract anyone to know more about your inside.

Appearance can indeed bluff people, and most people will be affected by appearance. A girl who dares to pretend to be superficial, whether she dresses appropriately, does not flinch when introducing herself, or dares to sell her advantages, can improve the overall momentum and make people unconsciously attracted.

The girls who stand out in the crowd have these "very daring" characteristics


Dare to be strong at the right time

To be strong when it is not necessary is nothing but a childish excess of pride.

Women who really have skills dare to be strong at the "right" time. Usually you may think that she is very talkative, but when you encounter important things, you are surprised to find that she is not a good bully, she knows how to guard the line, does not allow others to violate and trample, dares to show strength at the right time, holds the position, and makes people unconsciously respect.

The girls who stand out in the crowd have these "very daring" characteristics


Dare to face your emotions

Many people mistakenly think that "emotional stability" means "no emotion", so that they are depressed in their hearts, and even try to show positive aspects and try to suppress negative emotions.

It's not emotional stability, it's about not being able to face your true emotions, or hiding yourself because you're too afraid of getting hurt.

A really powerful girl dares to face her true emotions, whether it is good or bad, she dares to face her gaze, and in the process of constantly negotiating with emotions, she reaches the maturity of her character. She learned not to be overly emotional, not to be self-indulgent, to rest when she was stressed, to enjoy when she was happy, to cry when she wanted to cry and laugh when she wanted to, which made her see people and things more thoroughly than ordinary people and get closer to the essence, and forge a different vision.

The girls who stand out in the crowd have these "very daring" characteristics


Dare to let go of pointless disputes

Human energy is limited, when we face the big and small frictions in life, smart people will preserve their spirits, and he will not easily join the meaningless and trivial battlefield, and will only stick to the principles in the really important things.

Once, friend A's colleague B asked him if he wanted to order a drink for him, and A said yes. B paid first, and then asked A, but the price was much more expensive than A's impression. Later, A checked on the Internet by himself, only to find that B charged him dozens of dollars more (excluding delivery fees), although A is usually not a person who is afraid of things, but he knows that B has shown some villain tendencies from time to time, and feels that there is no need to confront or argue with such a person, and only thinks that it is cost-effective to spend a little money to see a person clearly.

The girls who stand out in the crowd have these "very daring" characteristics


Dare to believe in yourself

As the saying goes, there is no right choice, only the right choice.

Girls who come out of the crowd often have the trait of daring to believe in themselves. They may not really have outstanding abilities and qualifications at the beginning, but they all have one thing in common, that is, stick to their own choices, and conscientiously implement the business to work hard when the road is chosen, and do not waste time in the dialectic of self-doubt, and gradually accumulate real strength and slowly surpass others.

The girls who stand out in the crowd have these "very daring" characteristics


Dare to tolerate mistakes

A girl with outstanding talent often has a very high "fault tolerance".

She doesn't have perfectionism, she allows herself to make mistakes with those around her, and she knows that everyone's growth process is tortuous, and they need to go through a roundabout process of trial and error, introspection, regression, making mistakes again, and growth. She understands human nature very well, so she is tolerant of mistakes, will not hold grudges excessively, and will not spend a lot of energy on complaining, and has the bearing of "laughing and grudging".

But "being able to tolerate mistakes" does not mean that she will use excuses like "everyone makes mistakes" to justify any selfish harm, nor will she let herself endlessly bear the mess of others "making mistakes". She just observes mistakes, learns from them, learns from progress, and looks at world affairs with a tolerant heart that is close to compassion, and naturally she can perceive a different level from ordinary people in terms of reason.

The girls who stand out in the crowd have these "very daring" characteristics