
Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

author:Guoguo Entertainment

Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama, a Japanese goddess of youth and a master of Japanese photography, collaborated to produce the photobook Santa Fe, a work full of life, nature and innocence.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

"Santa Fe" was filmed in 1991, when Rie Miyazawa was 18 years old, in the prime of her youth.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

This photo book has an important place in the Japanese photography world, showing not only the youthful beauty of Rie Miyazawa, but also the unique photographic art style of Norinobu Sasayama.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

The photo album "Santa Fe" captures the moment of youthfulness and innocence in Rie Miyazawa's natural and fresh photography style.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

Every picture is full of vitality, making people feel the vitality and beauty of youth.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

In this photo book, Rie Miyazawa's performance can be described as incisive, her beauty, her youth, and her natural and innocent expressions and movements, all of which make people fall in love. And Noshinobu Sasayama's photography skills are also fully displayed in this photo book, his composition, use of light and shadow are just right, making each photo full of artistic sense.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

Santa Fe has had a profound impact on the world of photography in Japan and around the world, showcasing not only the beauty of Rie Miyazawa, but also the artistic talent of Norinobu Sasayama. Their collaboration has become a classic case in the world of photography.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

There are many interesting stories behind the collaboration between Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama. The tacit understanding and cooperation between them made the filming process challenging, but also full of fun.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

Overall, "Santa Fe" is a work full of artistic value, which shows not only the youthful beauty of Rie Miyazawa, but also the artistic talent of Norinobu Sasayama.

Classic reproduction: Rie Miyazawa and Norinobu Sasayama's photo album "Santa Fe"

I look forward to more collaborations with them in the future and bring us more beautiful works.

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