
Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

author:September Chaos

The purchasing power of Chinese tourists is notoriously high in the world! Although there are always foreign media who sing the praises of China, there are also some people who make rumors Chinese people are living in dire straits. However, the Chinese always slap rumors in the face with practical actions.

In the past few days, Chinese tourists have once again let the world witness their strong purchasing power.

According to media reports, Chinese tourists "sweeped" Japan! Half of the buses in Japan are Chinese who speak Mandarin.

Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

In Japan, Chinese tourists have started a new round of shopping, frantically buying luxury goods, Chanel and LV have been bought out by them, and there are even long queues at the entrance of luxury stores! The per capita consumption is nearly 300,000 yen! Equivalent to about 13,700 yuan, ranking first among foreign tourists!

On the one hand, the reason why Chinese tourists have gone to Japan to buy wild in the past few days is that the yen has plummeted against the US dollar, hitting a 34-year low.

Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

In addition, the May Day holiday has recently coincided, and the cost of travel to Japan is now equivalent to 75% off four years ago, so a large number of Chinese tourists have gone to Japan to spend.

It is reported that in the past three months, as many as 450,000 tourists from Chinese mainland alone have traveled to Japan!

In addition to tourists' binge buying, Japanese daigou also took advantage of this opportunity to make a wave of money.

Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

According to media reports, the recent Japanese purchasing agent earning 10,000 yuan a day is considered an "average" level. Some big purchasing agents have already earned millions of yuan in the recent past alone!

Students studying in Japan are also blushing when they see such a good opportunity to make money, and they have joined the purchasing army, squatting in front of the store at six o'clock every morning, in order to make some money and improve their lives.

Although these news make people's blood boil, there are also many sober netizens.

Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

These purchasing agents are indeed very profitable, but some netizens pointed out that those luxury stores may not be able to buy them in line on the spot, and the clerk does not know when the new goods arrive, but the purchasing agents generally do not tell the seller that they are out of stock.

And they probably won't queue up for an hour several times for customers to buy. Even if you buy it in the end, the customs is not a decoration, and now the inspection is strict, and it is impossible not to be fined for bringing so many things through the customs.

Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

Therefore, netizens feel that the things purchased on behalf of them are not very reliable, and there are too many cats in them.

Some netizens said that they had bought cosmetics for a friend at the airport in Japan, and directly photographed the price at the counter to the other party, but the friend disliked the high price she bought, saying that the purchasing agent was cheap.

Therefore, some people speculate that the daigou is a fake.

Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

There are also netizens who have been to Japan in person who said that the things they bought on the spot were even more expensive than the ones they purchased, so they didn't understand how the price of the purchasing agent came about.

Some people explained that it may have been bought by Daigou while it was on sale. But netizens said that their friends have lived in Japan for more than ten years and are also engaged in purchasing agents, but they can't win the so-called purchasing agents in China.

Seeing that the purchasing water is very deep, it is better to buy what you want or buy it yourself or find a reliable friend to buy it on your behalf.

Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

In any case, the news of Chinese tourists buying in Japan once again fully proves the spending power of Chinese tourists.

After the news that experts said that the average deposit of Chinese was more than 100,000 yuan, it was sprayed by many netizens, thinking that the data was fake.

But in fact, it is not necessary, after all, there are many Chinese, there are many rich people, and it is normal to average more than 100,000.

Many people spray that they don't have more than 100,000 deposits, but the problem is that the experts are talking about averages, and they don't say that everyone in China has more than 100,000 deposits.

Chinese tourists swept through Japan! Buying out luxury goods and making millions of dollars on behalf of others! Netizens questioned that they were tired

Therefore, it is still necessary to look at this matter objectively, and you can't comment with emotions, if so, it seems a bit like spraying for the sake of spraying, and it doesn't make much sense.

Have you gone out this holiday?Where have you been?If you have the opportunity, would you like to go to Japan?Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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