
Convey to China! What exactly does Lukashenko mean by this?

author:Reliable noodle r9M

We did not turn our backs on the Chinese side! What did Lukashenko's words bring to Belarus, and what should we think of it?

Convey to China! What exactly does Lukashenko mean by this?

On June 25, Lukashenko said at an event: "Some countries have promised many things in a vain attempt to pull Belarus away from the Chinese side, but we refused, we did not carry the pun, please help convey that we are reliable friends, both economically and politically." ”

We can see from the picture that when he said this, he sat upright, and his eyes were resolute, and he kept nodding his head. Not only that, but he said it in a meeting, which shows that these words are relatively formal, and it is inconvenient for him to take them back after so many people have heard them. In addition, the tone of his words when he said these words can be seen to be humble and sincere. From these small details, we can see that his words should come from the heart.

Convey to China! What exactly does Lukashenko mean by this?

So, many friends are curious, why is Belarus so good with us, and what benefits does this have for it? In fact, if we want to discuss this issue, we should look at it from two aspects.

First, Belarus has no choice. It is also because of its geographical location that it can only stand by the side of Russia, in other words, it can also take sides with us. And if we were to ask why, it would be the current pattern.

Convey to China! What exactly does Lukashenko mean by this?

Therefore, Belarus is precisely on this dividing line, that is, at the front, and it cannot be neutral, but has to choose sides. And the West will not accept it unless it "joins the treaty", but if that happens, the Russian side will not accept it, and Ukraine is a lesson for it. Therefore, Lukashenko did not shy away from saying: "If the Chinese side needs it, it can use us to develop its interests in Europe." This sentence is very straightforward and in line with his character, but it is also refreshing to listen to.

Convey to China! What exactly does Lukashenko mean by this?

The second is that working with us is really good for it. It can be said that Lukashenko is very wise, and he is doing this to take the "fast lane" of our rise, and this can save him a lot of detours. If it cooperates with us, it is our friend, and if it cooperates with the West, it may only be their subordinate, and I believe that this is one of the reasons why he made this choice.

And now, the reality is also telling Lukashenko that we really regard him as a friend, and many projects in Belarus are also built with our assistance, doesn't this bring them tangible benefits for development? That's why we say that Lukashenko is sober, and from this point of view, Sky is inferior to him, and far more.

Convey to China! What exactly does Lukashenko mean by this?

At the end of the words, Lukashenko's words, the author agrees with them, and I feel very fortunate that Belarus is in his hands. Of course, some friends may have different opinions, and everyone is welcome to participate in the discussion below! In addition, the author would like to ask, what is everyone's impression of Lukashenko?


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