
14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?


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14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

Guo Jinglin, an outstanding artist, was born in a claustrophobic hutong in Beijing, with a privileged family and a happy life. As the eldest son in the family, he has been extremely loved and cared for by his parents since he was a child.

At that time, he lived a carefree childhood, playing with his childhood friend Tong Xin in the hutongs, and laughter and laughter floated throughout the street.

Tong Xin, Guo Jinglin's playmate since he was babbling, the two families live next to each other, and the two naturally become confidants who talk about everything. As the years passed, their friendship gradually sublimated, from a simple friendship to a deeper brotherhood.

At first, Guo Jinglin's family life was full of joy and harmony. However, with the birth of his sister, it brought endless joy to the whole family. Families often get together and share the joy of family, which is the envy of the children who have no siblings around.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

However, this joy did not last long, and unfortunate fate soon befell this once happy family. When my sister was only four years old, her family found that she was far behind her peers in terms of schoolwork and self-care.

After the doctor's diagnosis, it turned out that my sister had a severe congenital intellectual disability.

This news was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, instantly breaking the original warm and harmonious family atmosphere. The parents were worried and overwhelmed, and the whole family fell into a deep haze.

The laughter and laughter of the past are gone, replaced by a heavy and oppressive atmosphere.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

Since then, the two children have had to take on the heavy responsibilities of life, and their world has become gloomy and difficult because of it. However, the road ahead is destined to be more bumpy and tortuous.

Since childhood, he has studied with Peking Opera master Mei Baojiu, and Guo Jinglin has a fiery passion and love for performing arts. When he was in high school, he was appreciated by a director and experienced the charm of acting in film and television works for the first time, which strengthened his determination to apply for the Central Academy of Drama in the future and embark on the long-awaited acting path.

However, Guo Jinglin's father was a traditional northern man who strongly opposed his son's ideals and ambitions. In his eyes, being an actor is not a decent career, and he expects his son to join the military and become a brave and fearless soldier.

At this critical juncture, the disagreement and conflict between father and son intensified. Mr. Guo Jinglin felt the deep pain and distress brought to him by his father's resolute and resolute attitude.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

However, in this violent collision between family affection and self-realization, he was fortunate to receive the tireless support and encouragement of Ms. Tong Xin, which brought him infinite motivation and confidence.

Under the continuous guidance and encouragement of Ms. Tong Xin, Mr. Guo Jinglin finally strengthened his determination, bravely packed his bags, left his hometown, and went to Ms. Tong Xin's home to live temporarily, and devoted himself to the intense preparation for the exam.

With perseverance and unwavering faith, Mr. Guo Jinglin was finally admitted to the famous Shanghai Theater Academy as he wished. And Ms. Tong Xin was also successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama in the same year.

In this way, on the road of pursuing their dreams, they began a long long-distance relationship.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

At that time, communication technology was not yet developed, and they could only rely on letters to convey each other's thoughts and concerns, and to share the bits and pieces of life. It is in these frequent correspondence that their feelings gradually sublimate from the innocent friendship of childhood to a deeper and more passionate love.

In his junior year, his mother unfortunately passed away, which was another heavy blow to him. However, Ms. Tong Xin was always by his side, giving him endless care and support, which made him feel unprecedented warmth and strength.

After graduation, Mr. Guo Jinglin encountered a low ebb in his career and faced severe employment pressure. However, Ms. Tong Xin has always supported him silently and cheered him on in her own unique way.

In the process of supporting each other, their relationship has become deeper and deeper. Finally in 2002, Mr. Guo Jinglin mustered up the courage to propose to Ms. Tong Xin, and since then they have walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

After marriage, Mr. Guo Jinglin paid more attention to Ms. Tong Xin's feelings, always considerate, and did his best to meet her emotional needs, so as to give her a sufficient sense of security. In addition to his busy work, he spends all his leisure time with his wife and spends every warm and happy day together, and it seems that all difficulties and setbacks have disappeared.

However, in 2007, when Ms. Tong Xin became pregnant, a sudden disaster completely changed the trajectory of their fate. During the routine prenatal check-up, the doctor diagnosed Ms. Tong Xin with advanced breast cancer, which was undoubtedly a fatal blow.

Faced with this brutal truth, the couple, who love each other dearly, find themselves in an unprecedented predicament. They must make a life-or-death choice: whether to give up the treatment of their pregnant wife, Tong Xin, to ensure the safe birth of their upcoming child, or to devote all their efforts to the expensive medical resources needed to save their wife and protect this long-awaited love crystal? It is a painful choice under the shackles of human morality.

With the support of his wife's firm belief, Guo Jinglin finally chose the latter. Despite the endless reluctance in his heart, he still had to make this heartbreaking decision - in order to save his wife's life, the child was destined to suffer the tragic fate of losing his mother.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

In this way, this long-awaited new life, before he had time to see the beauty of this world, left in a hurry.

Under the careful care of her husband, Tong Xin began a long and arduous journey against cancer. She devotes 100% of her energy to treatment and regards it as the first task in her life, and Guo Jinglin is always by her side and gives her meticulous care.

At the same time, Guo Jinglin's acting career has also ushered in an unprecedented opportunity for brilliant development. A well-known director tailor-made a very challenging role for him, as long as Guo Jinglin can grasp this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, his career will surely usher in a new peak.

However, in order to take care of his wife wholeheartedly, Guo Jinglin did not hesitate to give up this major opportunity that could completely change the trajectory of his life. When Tong Xin learned the news, she was filled with deep guilt, and even wanted to give up treatment for a while, but in the end, under the patient persuasion of her husband, she chose to go on strongly.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

However, only a short time passed, but Tong Xin's condition suddenly deteriorated and began to show an irreversible decline. Looking at his increasingly haggard wife, Guo Jinglin's heart was like a knife, and the self-blame and pain in his heart far exceeded the huge pressure he was under when he made that difficult decision.

In the end, Tong Xin failed to overcome the illness this time, and left this world forever, leaving her husband who loved her deeply. Her death has undoubtedly become the heaviest blow in Guo Jinglin's life.

At the moment of bidding farewell to his wife, Guo Jinglin hugged her cold body tightly, tears poured out like rain, and the sound of crying resounded in the sky, and the whole person seemed to fall into an endless abyss of despair.

The death of his wife is like his whole world collapsing in an instant, and he can't accept this cruel reality.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

At the moment of losing his beloved Tong Xin, actor Guo Jinglin once loudly announced to the world that he would never marry for life, and would only devote himself to this confidante for the rest of his life.

Such a sonorous and powerful oath was mistaken by some people at the time as just an impulsive stress response, or a deliberate performance to shape their own affectionate image.

However, deep in his heart, he always cherishes the deep longing for his deceased wife, and he can't erase the good times he once spent together. In order to alleviate the loneliness and grief in his heart, he devoted a lot of time and energy to his busy acting career, hoping to make up for the emptiness in his heart with the success of his career.

In the midst of his ongoing busyness, he tries to make himself temporarily forget the cruel reality of his wife's death. And as it turned out, his efforts were not in vain, and his career did achieve brilliant results, which brought him temporary comfort and joy.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

In this way, after fourteen years of baptism, Guo Jinglin has always firmly adhered to his commitment to Tong Xin alone, and interpreted his unswerving loyalty to true love with practical actions. Although the rumors and doubts from the outside world never stopped, he never wavered in the slightest, nor did he complain for half a sentence, and still silently spent every difficult day.

This unwavering determination fully demonstrates his deep love for his deceased wife. In this noisy and impetuous world, his actions are undoubtedly a fresh force, worthy of our memory and praise.

Looking back, the images in the memory seem to go back to their childhood neighborhoods. At that time, they were innocent and carefree, often playing happily in the alleys, full of laughter.

Over time, their feelings gradually sublimated into love. During that long period of long-distance relationship, they could only rely on letters to convey each other's emotions, and maintain that precious relationship with the words of their hearts.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

Whenever Guo Jinglin wrote a letter, he would always describe his study and life in detail, so that Tong Xin could feel his joys, sorrows, and sorrows. And Tong Xin's replies are always full of warmth and care, like a bright beam of sunshine illuminating the haze in his heart, giving him endless strength and comfort.

In this way, they deepened their understanding and became more and more affectionate through frequent correspondence.

When Guo Jinglin entered his junior year, his mother unfortunately passed away, which became a devastating blow to his life path. That day, he was tormented and lonely and helpless, but at this time, Tong Xin appeared like a savior, hugged him tightly, and gave him endless love and care, like the sun in his life, warming his lonely inner world.

Tong Xin perfectly interprets the profound meaning of "being in the same boat through thick and thin" with practical actions.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

After graduation, Guo Jinglin stepped into the twists and turns of his career, and the road ahead was full of unknowns and confusion. However, Tong Xin always stood firmly by his side, giving him strength and comfort in her own unique way.

They went hand in hand through the most difficult years together, and their relationship with each other became even deeper, and they finally tied the knot in 2002.

In her married life, Tong Xin can often feel her husband's deep love for her. He pays special attention to his wife's emotional needs and does his best to meet them and give her a full sense of security.

Their love is like glue, and every time they get together, they are full of sweetness and warmth.

14 years after the death of his wife Tong Xin, did Guo Jinglin, who said he would never marry again, fulfill his promise?

The family is harmonious, the life is happy, and the road ahead is bright. However, who could have predicted that a sudden disaster in 2007 would ruthlessly crush this loving couple and completely turn their fate upside down.

At that time, Tong Xin was pregnant, but she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer during a routine prenatal checkup, which undoubtedly gave them a fatal blow.

Faced with the choice of life and death, they resolutely made a painful decision. In this way, their long-awaited child died before he was born and left this world forever.

And Tong Xin began a long road to fight cancer, and Guo Jinglin also stayed by her side wholeheartedly, taking care of her and encouraging her.

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