
[Contemporary Military Poetry 262 Issue] Maple Forest Rhyme||A beam of flirtatious lights, holding up the lotus wind and listening to the twilight frog

author:Railway soldier culture
[Contemporary Military Poetry 262 Issue] Maple Forest Rhyme||A beam of flirtatious lights, holding up the lotus wind and listening to the twilight frog

The Shenzhou-18 astronauts set off

Wu Yuanfa

The wind is quiet, the birds are chirping, and the clouds are swordsman.

The three English won the same championship, and an appointment to the golden autumn.

He Chang'e-6 was successfully launched

Jiang Xiquan

Chang'e Gui is rushing, and the moon is falling.

The long sleeves move the divine land and uncover the golden mirror door.

During the May Day period, there were heavy rains and hail for several days

Xu Shuihong

Who pierces the sky, hail and thunder.

April is full of love, and spring always happens.

Book market for books

Jiang Runzhong

Bow down and pan for gold, and crowd can squeeze in.

Who pushed my elbow, like a bearded man?


Ma Binghong

With a heroic spirit, the pen dance is fast.

Pingqi Hongchen Road, with the fate of the self-lead.

To Chang'e

Gao Fulin

A long time from home, I miss my homeland.

In the future, it should be intentional that the lunar soil is stained with red dust.

Generals and Sentinels

Du Bao-hsien

Holding three feet of gold, guarding the country with the moon.

Happy to meet the festive season, the starlight warms the hearts of the soldiers.

Resignation from Rong Ji

Wu Ping

Yu Cijiao has been in Rong for more than 50 years, and the scene at that time is vivid, and he is given a quatrain to remember

The peach and plum wept goodbye, and the costume was like to try on.

In order to reward the mountains and seas, go to be a border man.

Chang'e-6 embarked on the road to the moon

Ma Antian

Carrying the wind and rockets, rushing to the rain and clouds.

Prefer the back of the ice wheel, why not think of the jade concave.

The world is frequently looking forward, and the world is competing to bend the waist.

International to carry, fashionable express tide.


Zhu Ronghua

Jiangcheng is full of calyxes, and auspicious places gather immortals.

Hidden in the forest pool, fragrant April spring.

Noda is light and vulgar, and the clouds and water are not dusty.

White is also like jade, and Jiahua lives up to people.

"May Fourth" 1O 5th anniversary sighs

Zhang Zhibin

Write the spring and autumn with enthusiasm, and the wind and thunder will be rewarded.

Fight to eliminate national shame, and solve people's worries.

Desai has a loud sound and light, and the weather in the rivers and mountains is beautiful.

The journey has an appointment, and the dream is endless.

Jiachen "May Day" Zixiang dreams

Hangzhou Zhonghua

The wind is sunny and cool, and the lake waves are rippling.

Fishing alone in Yangjiang, calling each other hometown.

The country sound is elegant, and the wine comforts the chastity.

After washing the dust, leisurely childlike search.

Commemorating the 105th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement

Xu Jing

May Fourth smoke rises, and the wind and clouds sweep the imperial capital.

The thunder roars and the night breaks, and the torch shines in Kyushu.

Donate blood to China, Dan is sweaty.

A hundred years to realize the dream, forge ahead again.

May Fourth Youth Day

Zhang Sihai

Young past tense, old age will come tense.

Looking back at the road of the world, the world is wonderful.

Poverty is a thing of the past, and science and technology are majestic.

Calligraphy and painting are idle life, and piano and chess are suitable.

International Flower Port Tulips

Cai Jie

Who's on the color palette? The goddess sprinkled the light.

It resembles a golden cup, and its posture is like a swift.

Tingting's makeup is elegant, and the quality is fragrant.

Boundless neon, grand chapters.

See the Red Army Cemetery

Wu Shanwen

Paying homage to the Red Army Tomb, tears and rain flying.

Ten songs were sent back then, and today they are hovering.

Reciting the hero's record, the heart is full of courage.

The Long March relay race is chased by future generations.

Thousands of years of country show, Wancheng Shejihui.

The battle flag is blood-colored, and the wind and bones cast a monument.

[Contemporary Military Poetry 262 Issue] Maple Forest Rhyme||A beam of flirtatious lights, holding up the lotus wind and listening to the twilight frog

The relict garden is worried

Guo Tonghai

A fragment of the book is made of fire, and the stone has no original words.

Du Yu groaned and bleed, and he didn't see anyone listening to it with tears.

Chang'e VI Expedition

Zhang Qindong

Chang'e-6 is majestic, and the lunar exploration project has entered the fourth phase.

Seek the secret of the mask of the Toad Palace, and write astronautical poems in China.


He Yue

The moon is full of the forest in the polar eye Cangshan, and the green jade is sent by the railing.

Qianmo has not changed Lingyunzhi, I am happy to have this gentleman to know my heart.

Late spring morning essay

Zhou Shixuan

The sea of clouds is steaming, the sun is new, and the flowers and trees are deep in late spring.

The wind blows the river and the willow mountains catch the water, and the world forgets about it.

He Chang'e-6 was successfully launched

Jia Changfu

The sound of the fat five fires was shocking, and Chang'e took off the arrow.

The journey to and from space is difficult, and the back of the moon takes a new chapter.

Determination Chart

Wang Shihua

The contrast between strength and weakness is fused with the art of war, and the time and place are favorable to take advantage of the east wind.

The determination is like an iron and cautious plan, and he shoots the enemy palace with one arrow.

Ode to Xinyuan

Tan Zhi

The trees are lush and the bamboo is green and the grass is fragrant, and the leisure stroll is dyed with the fragrance of flowers.

Where natural thoughts fly, it is like a new gallery in Taoyuan.


Wang Hongyu

The nine curves of the river chanted to the sky, and the trumpet suddenly heard the joy on both sides of the river.

Ten miles of high voices and small waves, a roar of boiling blood and horror.

Late Spring

Xu Jiang

The vast rain rests and the pheasants crow, and the wind blows the grass and trees.

The earth is like a palette, and it is written with a huge pen.

The naval aircraft carrier Fujian has a feeling for sea trials

Wang Luqin

The rising sun and golden glow carried the ship, and the ploughing wave left the port to the blue voyage.

Who is diligent day and night, and the catapult apron is proud of the ocean.

Kaifeng Province

Wang Ping

Who made the sky mighty and shocked the tiger fly, and the case of Bao Gong was shocked.

Dreaming back to Kaifeng Mansion yesterday, I still heard the sound of opening under the pillow.

Carry forward the spirit of May Fourth

Zhu Zhide

The May Fourth wind and thunder sounded in Kyushu, and 3,000 students stood at the head of the tide.

The blood of youth and patriotism has turned into a monument for eternity.

He Fujian ship sea trials

Yin Changshan

With his head held high and his body full of merit, Pujiang entered the Dragon Palace with waves.

He has never ejected a whale and escaped, and this is the first male in China.

Ship building sea trials

Liu Chunqi

Strong and majestic martial arts first, chopping waves to the deep blue.

Today, the first time to show his skills, the coming day will become an army and the enemy is cold.

Beijing Jingshan peony flower

Yang Gengmin

The national color is fragrant and fragrant, and the king of Jiaoyan is Yi Qingguan.

The famous peony spits buds, and the flowers are happy to be on the luan.

Chang'e-6 was successfully launched

Chen Yexiu

Fat six rushed to the sky and Kyushu, and Chang'e ran to the moon and then Kun Niu.

Watching Guiying's place, Wu Gang paid the guests for wine.

He Fujian ship sea trials

Zhao Hongjun

The iron wall of the sea frontier has added troops, and the stormy waves are at my disposal.

The three aircraft carriers spanned the era, and the military mighty defended peace.

Beginning of summer

Song Youyu

The weeping willows fly the nightingale, and the smoke is green.

If the old man is idle, he will feel the sound of the new seedlings.

Reading Lei Feng's pacesetter, I wish Lin Fang a good deeds

Du Xiaodong

Its appearance is difficult to promote is true, ordinary and rich in the most spiritual.

Sixty-one years have passed since the spring breeze, and I like to see one more hero.

Words of the soldiers

Lei Shiping

Before the students were half a lifetime old, the military uniform accompanied me to spend the Chinese years.

Time passes like an arrow through time, and only the soldier's heart is held by a dream.

He Chang'e-6 was successfully launched

Jiang Hongxin

Piercing through the clouds and fog, the passion is burning, and the load is ambitious and heavy.

The Chinese totem gallops thousands of miles, and the dream of flying to explore the moon has come true.

Beginning of summer

Li Yong

The wind blows overnight and the days are long, and the small lotus comes out of the water point Hengtang.

Lying down and listening to Liang Yan's greasy, he dreamed of being drunk and fragrant.

Praise for my hometown

Jiang Lixin

I don't want to think about the mountain hill to the moon, and the people are sparse with an axe.

The source of the raccoon girl is now Qingrui, and the fairy township dragon Yao spits out the pearl.

Remembering the old battalion commander


He once made meritorious deeds on the battlefield, but his culture was not high and his party spirit was pure.

An example of heroic killing of enemy soldiers, he still has scars on his head.

See the costumed women tour Hanshan Temple

Hong Min

The head is inserted and the cui is swayed with the step, and the skirt is dragged across the maple bridge.

Don't look at the inscription and Zhang Ji, who cares about the tide of poetry around him.

Chang'e Six Moons Success

Jiang Tianming

Toad Palace is happy to receive Shenzhou guests, and the moon back is hidden to take the dust again.

Lonely Chang'e smiled and gave a salute, and she knew that she was a peaceful person.

Late spring alone in Orson Park

Yu Zhenqiu

The red paves the ground with incense, and the colorful willow cotton rises on the head.

There are also loudspeakers playing music, how can I bear the high standards.

Sailor bride

Li Rongzhen

The newlyweds went to patrol Xinjiang on three days, and the waves were always moving.

You say that the sovereignty of heaven is a major event, and I often accompany you in my dreams.

Liu Yun

Yang Deyi

The silk wisps are leisurely to attract visitors, and the beautiful style is drunk with tourists.

The winding path of the pavilion covers the elegance, and the rain and wind comb the willow chastity.

May Fourth feelings

Fang Shulan

There was once wind and thunder everywhere, vowing to destroy the cold night for thousands of years.

Don't be afraid to go to Tanghun with fire, and fight to bring the blood back.


White Wind

In the evening, taste green tea on the balcony and watch the red glow at sunset.

A beam of flirtatious flavor, holding the lotus wind and listening to the twilight frog.

Visit the Peking University Memorial Hall to feel nostalgic

Yu Jackie Chan

Fight to save China, revisit history and see the truth.

The original intention is to keep in mind the aspirations of the sages, and the revolutionary spirit will always be inherited.

Travel around the West Lake during the May Day holiday

Zhu Xiongliang

When going to Hangzhou to meet the rain, Leifeng Pagoda became an immortal.

The moon in the three pools passed by, and the water curtain West Lake was like smoke.

Lixia groaned

Hashiyama Shibato

Only then did I take the spring in my heart, and summer was coming again.

The ruthless rain of flowers fell with the wind, drifting towards the poetry and couldn't bear to groan.

In the shallow summer, take a leisurely walk to watch the neem flowers send far away

Luo Guoyong

When the plum is yellow, the spring is exhausted, and the smoke blows the dream of green and yin.

Raise your head to see the warbler crying late, drifting nostalgia purple snow noise.

He Fujian was successfully tested

Song Youfu

The good news is frequently spread about the sword exercises, and the deep sea splits the waves.

The heavy weapon of protecting the country roared to the sky, and I drove the eagle eagle from the country.

Rose's heart

Wang Mingli

The remnant red appeared in the body, and a touch of clarity was not stained.

The bees chase the butterflies and peep at the faceless, and the plain heart has long been a border man.

Beginning of summer

Kim Hyo-kyu

The smoke wind sends spring away overnight, and all things have spirits to welcome summer.

When the world is warm, the herbs and trees are warm, and the forests are full of flowers and flowers.

Question: South China Sea military exercises

Zhang Fengjun

The sea hurricane frightened the sky and swelled the mountains, and thousands of ships competed in waves.

If you are still young in life, you will be set in Liaoning to drive away the enemy.

He Chang'e-6 was successfully launched

Song Buxian

The high-spirited arrow shoots at the sky, and Chang'e takes the moon palace for a long time.

The dream of Chinese space is happy, and the nine days are forever playing Dongfang Hong!

He Fujian's ship went to sea for sea trials

Liu Zhenli

The Fujian ship went to sea today, and Jing'an catapulted the bow platform.

The big whale broke the waves and swelled, and the crowd looked forward to it.

Chang'e 6号奔月


Chang'e dances in the sky, chasing dreams of the galaxy to the Moon Palace.

The scientific exploration load treasure hunt insurance, the motherland is looking forward to returning.

The first sea trial of the Fujian ship

Su Jian

Heavy equipment is happy to hear about the sea frontier, drink high into a dream to go with the sail.

With a new chef's hat, I cook hot soup for the feat.

Scholar in the army

Horses are shuangshuang

Farewell to Xuhuang to Liuying, the book business is not disputed.

Usually like the window in front of the month, there is a military emblem that is particularly bright.

Hail the triumph of the Shenzhou 17 crew

Liu Deke

Sanying is famous in space, and returns with scientific research results.

I always see that the Great Wall is as strong as iron, and I am full of ambition and fly high.

May Day groaning

Yu Minghui

The working masses are the most glorious, and the iron bones are full of energy.

Sweat soaks all things, and layers of calluses build the heavenly palace.

The old farmer was busy plowing

Liu Bixin

Lao Suo still waved the whip, and the spring ploughing continued to flourish back then.

A plough overturns a plough of soil, and is willing to abandon half an inch of land.

Celebrate the successful launch of Chang'e-6

Li Guochang

As soon as the South China Sea rushed into space, Chang'e flew into the Guanghan Palace.

The heart holds the laurel and spits out the thoughts, and the treasure comes back with a smile.

He Chang'e-6 lifted off

Ma Yingjie

Chang'e jade sleeves dance in the sky. Thousands of miles to the Moon Palace,

The task is to look for strange treasures in advance, and Shenzhou is looking forward to returning as soon as possible.

[Contemporary Military Poetry 262 Issue] Maple Forest Rhyme||A beam of flirtatious lights, holding up the lotus wind and listening to the twilight frog

May Day

Chen Haosu

Characteristic Chinese modernization, flowers bloom in May.

The song tide undulates the sea of stars, and the poetic gallops of the sun and moon mountain.

Justice is boundless, and the supremacy of the people is the true tradition.

The green pine stands tall and the heroes praise, and the labor is glorious and hundreds of millions of people are happy.

Wing May Fourth Movement Memorial Day

Cui Bujie

The holy day of youth blooms beautifully, and the carnival is fragrant.

The strong patriotic voice is agitated, and the long-cherished dream of saving the people is sonorous.

The ice heart is like a mirror and a thousand autumns, and the blood is like a tide.

The sunset glows red in May, and the wind sings high.

Tongjiang sings the story of the stone forest

Pan Anming

The famous town is auspicious, and the mythological poems have a long charm.

Four villages and one forest are like a dream, and the three mountains and two temples are full of Tingfang.

Hook the soul of Maba show the world, tourists body and mind more hometown.

Fengling Douyin strange stone scenery, Sichuan and Chongqing live broadcast singing Lang.

Congratulations on the successful launch of Chang'e-6

Zhang Xichen

No. 6 Chang'e rose into the blue sky and soared straight into the Guanghan Palace.

Nine clouds and the moon renovate song, thousands of miles of slanting sun against the evening breeze.

Boundless to stay in Ling Shanghan, there is a quest to stand up to the sky.

From now on, Guilu is not lonely, and can shake the Milky Way Tianlutong.

Fujian ship sea trials

Liu Guoqing

The dragon set sail for the first time after entering the WTO, and the majestic fortune ship sent a long affection.

The posture of breaking the waves is shocking, and the whistle is powerful to resist the coastal defense.

The artillery fire electromagnetic is raised, and the plane is upgraded to the deck of the battle sail.

Now the race is far away, and he is confident in the deep blue.

Occasionally, a walk in early summer

Cloud flying

The clear water of the valley stream is leisurely, and the cuckoos in the forest are putting their throats.

The white hair is busy with rhymes, and the breeze is obsessed with green Shenzhou.

The seasons have changed frequently, and time has passed slowly since ancient times.

Mo Xiao Shiwen is old, and it is difficult to stop singing about spring.

He Fujian aircraft carrier sea trials

Shen Yang

Galloping deep blue sea trial, majestic and majestic.

The new equipment is luxurious and strong, and the technology is sophisticated.

The rich country has added heavy weapons to the army, and the glory of the good news exhibition has been frequently spread.

The Great Wall is strong and the border is strong, and the sword spirit is strong to drive away ghosts and prevent razing.

Take a leisurely walk through Jingshan Park

Hao Wandong

Vertical and horizontal north and south lying on the central axis, scattered forests cover the old hills.

Looking at the Tianwei Longque Hall in front, and looking at the Huangye Drum and Bell Tower in the back.

Jiangshan has its own Danqing pen, and the dot dye will paint the autumn.

The years have smoothed out the ancient things, and the emperor has retired from the history of the crooked Huai.

He Chang'e-6 flew into the sky

Zhao Zongyuan

After flying into space several times, Chang'e has embarked on a new journey today.

The dragon is heroically displayed, and the heavenly horse takes off to the sky.

Stay on the moon to find mysteries, collect treasures and offer heroes.

The sons and daughters of aerospace have many strange ambitions, and build a brave expedition in the Toad Palace.

Spring morning after rain

Jin National Flag

The night rain is like oil and fine flowers, and the morning is full of competition.

The clear sky reflects a thousand kinds of shows, and the dawn clouds are steaming.

The heron stands in the green forest and the pine shadow is quiet, and the warbler cries on the green bank and the willow smoke is slanting.

Fangfei was heart-warming in April, thinking of cruising and chasing dreams.

The first sea trial of the Fujian aircraft carrier He

Huang Xinbin

The May Day festival is good, and the aircraft carrier sets sail to test Hailan.

The waves crack and the waves are mighty, and the whale soars and the dragon leaps into a huge body.

The strong army casts the sword and gallops, and builds the dream of flying songs.

In the prosperous era, China is rising, and the defense of Xinjiang is heavy.

Yong Han Shin

Wu Zhenqiang

The man under the crotch has a lot of ambition, and he studied under Sima to save Li Min.

The overlord's halberd outside the tent, the Gao Emperor's army sent people forward.

Destroy the princes after a hundred battles, sweep the four seas and set a statue.

The merit covers the Lord with no way to live, and he still worships the grace of the generals until he dies.

Spring returns

Xiao Jiandong

ushered in the door of ten thousand households, and sent it to why do you want to break the soul.

And watch the flying flowers dance with the waves, and smell the drizzle accompanied by frogs.

Si Chun Yue Ji opened a new hospital, looking at the summer tour into Jinyun.

The hardest farmer is covered in the scorching sun, picking tea and cultivating sweat.

Beginning of summer


The south wind blows the face to brew poetry, and a light of tea frog drums.

The red shadow of the flower falls into the pond, and the swallow returns to the dark green and thick.

The fields are full of wheat, and the trees are full of new peaches.

The spring sun recedes unconsciously, and the summer sun shines all over the mountains.

Remembering the old chief of the "General Hope" Zhao Weizhong

Wang Dahua

Hurriedly walked and forgot the morning and dusk, leaving footprints in remote mountain villages.

Four seasons of donations to remove the dilemma, three winters to send warmth to the cold door.

Helping the people is only willing to serve the country and be willing to save great love.

A monument is admired by people, and the sentiment is noble.

Written in Lixia

Liu Shouquan

No one asks about acacia, and the safflower is aging and green.

The moonlight on the lotus pond continues the spring dream, and the wind on the bamboo path sings summer poems.

The wild and verdant knows the silk, and the mountains are verdant and infatuated.

The frog song sings sweetly in the starry night, and dreams of catching the little girl.

The launch of He Chang'e-6 was a complete success

Yu Zhanhai

The good news of Wenchang shook the sky, and the sixth sister Jiao'e explored the Moon Palace.


Yaochi fights the galaxy and asks, and Yuyu clarifies Beidou Song.

Strengthen the army with science and technology to pursue the dream of the future, and the great cause of the thousand years is in the sky.

Beginning of summer

Dong Hua

The purple drift has been dusty, and the wind is new in summer overnight.

The warbler cries and dances in the willow forest, and the dragon loves the water cruise.

The wheat turns over the green waves with the wind, and the pomegranate flowers reflect the sun and drunk tourists.

The frog chirping swallow is poetic, and the curtain is beautiful.

During the May Day holiday, I revisited the new regiment station and met with local comrades

Li Weimin

In the rare years, we will go from Rongdi and look back at the fifty autumns of Guanshan.

Jade Seden is not old, and the tears flow first.

The big wall is dotted with a dream of spring, and the long road is full of sword energy.

The glass of wine on the table is frequently raised, why laugh when you meet.

Listening to "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" has feelings

Li Xuezhong

There are many stories in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the galloping roar merges into a river.

The flying stream goes straight down the Pingchuan River, and the dripping stone passes through the blue waves.

Reclamation is sweet, homesick and more thoughtful.

Inherit the ancient sayings and keep them interesting, and walk through the world and sing songs.

The Fujian ship set sail for sea trials

Zhao Junliang

Qi Yuxuan set sail and went out to sea to test the edge.

The new domestic skills are exquisite, and the magic skills of the world are unusual.

Galloping across the ocean, friends praise, patrol against blue water bully panic.

First-class heavy weapons show their skills, and win the offensive and defensive holy frontier.

On the eve of the beginning of summer, it rained all night, sitting alone in the corridor under the plane tree in the community


The sycamore accompanies me all night long, messing with my heart like raindrops.

Curled up and looked back at the night, obliquely listening to the sorrow.

The clothes are fortunate to be fat, and the fate is not related to the color.

The beginning of summer is aware of the cold of spring, and the morning dove has a crisp flute.

May Day singing

Gu Zaisheng

The sound of congratulations enters the warm current, and the flowers are blooming.

Gong Chong Zhi lanterns hang, the industry is wide but diligent sweat.

The words are spitting pearls and floating in the Han Sea, and the splendid scenery of the literary shop shines on the clear stream.

The dragon sings in the world, beyond the thousands of worlds, and the world is blessed with super-first-class!

Visit the Summer Palace, the first stop of the central government into Beijing

Lee celebrates

Originally, the Buddha's clothing room, the central foothold was extraordinary.

The two tables ordered a peace banquet, and treated the sages with sincerity.

Wake up the dawn of spring in Kyoto and get the perfect score for the first test.

Time and space travel through the soul, and the spirit of the exam is passed on.

The He Chang'e-6 probe was successfully launched

Zhao Shuling

Piercing the clouds and rushing to the Toad Palace, the flames painted a rainbow.

The back of the moon ascends to find the mystery, and the Range Rover in front of the stars looks for the true face.

Ninefold dreams pass on miracles, and several generations of flying have made great contributions.

The leading technology has shocked the world, and the world has praised China Xiong.

Youth Commando Like

——Recalling that on May 3, 1954, he participated in the Huairentang May Fourth Youth Day Gala to commend the youth commandos

Zhang Qindan

The youth festival of the cadres of the regiment was welcomed, and the atmosphere in Huairen Hall was melting.

The capital is beautiful and offers good results, and the commandos praise it.

The hall hall is built in the city, and the factory building university is located in the suburbs.

Destroy the old system and fight the front, and dedicate the new state to make meritorious contributions.

Congratulations to the Fujian on its first sea trial

Li Hongbin

The third child in Fujian is setting sail, exploring the blue to the sea and the rising sun.

The sound resounded through the sky, and the pride and joy made the people crazy.

The good news of May spreads to the world, and the ambition of several years is to shine in spring.

Raise a glass and drink the wine, and congratulate the self-improvement of the country.

Commemorating the 120th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Ren Bishi

Pan Runchu

Talents are outstanding monuments, and the pursuit of truth is in style.

Unswervingly committed to the construction of the country, the original intention is always clean and honest.

The words are pointed out by Chen Zhang, and the righteous spirit is raised by the Marxist-Leninist flag.

Millions of male soldiers and monsters are ambushed, and Mao Gong admires and believes unswervingly.

Welcome Shenzhou XVII home in victory

Sun Jianshi

The vast sky drives the treasure boat, and flies to the sky to chase dreams and travel in space.

The boundless universe star is a companion, and there is a post station to stay.

The division of labor follows the steps, and the scientific research and exploration meet the requirements.

After completing the task, Sanying smiled, and Song Kai returned to Kyushu happily.

[Contemporary Military Poetry 262 Issue] Maple Forest Rhyme||A beam of flirtatious lights, holding up the lotus wind and listening to the twilight frog

Qingpingle He Jiangjin's comrades-in-arms reunited after 50 years in the army

Wang Sanyu

Comrades-in-arms get together. Review from the military road. Build the Great Wall and fortify the frontier. Didn't let down the youth.

Fight on the battlefield in the snow. Look up at the falcons soaring. Thinking about the excitement of the year, I am still full of energy.

100-character order: visit the Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall

Luo Haixi

The Northern Expedition flag exhibition, in the face of shock, could not bear the blood of workers, peasants and soldiers. With a thunderclap, Qi rioted, and he was determined to capture the Emperor. Struggle Luoxiao, thousands of mountains and rivers, anti-Japanese resistance is at the forefront. The east is red all over, and the border of the peninsula is popular.

Looking at the world today, it refers to financial predators, and peace is in danger. Cold War mentality, do not give up, and disturb the breeze and bright moon. If he returns to the Indo-Pacific in vain, he will become a turtle. Look at the new era, I am the Great Wall Race Steel.

JIANG Chengzi. He Fujian ship sea trials

Fan Zhizeng

Weiwei aircraft carrier test journey, Hai Mingcheng, Hao Tianqing. Chopping the waves and plowing the waves, the gods are magnificent. Control the wind and clouds, reduce the greedy crocodile, and protect the peace.

The electromagnetic catapult was successful, eulogizing the heroes and appealing to the heartfelt feelings. A rich country and a strong army, science and technology always move forward. Today's China is not yesterday, open a new universe, and consolidate the Great Wall.

Qing Pingle Lixia

Li Man

After the return of spring, the summer red is still the same. The scenery of green waters and green mountains is beautiful, and the beautiful urban and rural vermilion embroidery.

The lush forest cultivates the bamboo and rises to the sun, and the branches are full of birds and flowers. Butterflies dance on the shore of the lake, and frogs chirp in the pond.

Man Jianghong remembers Marshal Nie Rongzhen

Zhu Yingqing

Shangzhai commanded the army, strategized and raised troops in place. The devil of war, the bones of the country, frightened tears. Crossing the Yellow River to the east to annihilate the enemy, and conquering the black water monument to the south. Reminiscing about the past, Yanbei is a few springs and autumns, heroic.

The future is long, waving arms. Science and technology are bright, and the people are willing. Strengthen the army and take responsibility, and ride the wind to whip the horse. The bomb exploded into the sky and shocked the world, and the satellite was ambitious to enter the moon. Outstanding performance, doing great aerospace, everyone inherits.

The first sea trial of the Huanxi Sha He Fujian ship

Zou Deyu

Only then did he send Shenzhou around space, and Wenfu ship broke into the Dragon Palace, chopping waves and cutting waves like a rainbow.

The heart is super strong through the sun and the moon, the electromagnetic catapult sharp knife and bow, and the early armor guards the west and the east.

The story of Partridge Sky Yingzhou

Lin Mufeng

There is a reason for the creation to be sad, and it is difficult to find a good time for a thousand years. On the top of the peak, Siyunzhu remembers Yizhou before cutting the boy.

The sand is made of soil, and the island is made of hills. A bay of blue sea is half humiliated. The scenery is the most natural beauty, and the baby gourd is lost.

Feeling nostalgic for May Fourth

He Weijian

The tide of patriotism was lifted, and the momentum was shocking, and the anti-imperialist youth were opposed. The spark is burning at the starting point of Beijing, blazing the prairie fire.

The long night road is difficult, and we are indomitable, and we will rejuvenate China. The party is the source of national rejuvenation.

Linjiang Immortal Welder Song

Yue Yuanfeng

A tree flies and dances vigorously, and the arc light detonates colorfully. The skillfully sewn steel plate art is amazing. Ingenuity and dreams, half-foot welding rod connection.

The ripples of the road are entangled with the years, and the sweat is twisted. The mark is right in front of the smile. It turns out that in the light and heavy, the country is cast little by little.

Xijiangyue Fujian aircraft carrier sea trials

Dou Jianzhong

Loud military songs are played, and colorful flags are flying. The giant ship sailed in the blue ocean and catapulted heroically.

Keep improving, sea trials, chop waves and set sail. The shark drives the town and rejects the fierceness, and the golden ou is in sight.

Linjiang Xian Chang'e-6 was successfully launched

Yin Zuwen

The rocket soared into Haoyu, attracting the world's amazement. Survey and probe the macro micro. The god of suspense is precious, and the world is rare.

Chasing dreams through trials and hardships, ambition to seek. Light and darkness are a source of thought. In Chang'e running to the moon, the story has a mystery.

Qingyu case: the beginning of summer in the countryside

Chen Zhisheng

After late spring, the sky is good. Summer is coming, and the sun is noisy. The thorn wheat field is handsome and pretty. Roadside acacia white, pomegranate red island. Peach apricot baby hug.

The wind is gusting and the mountains and forests are howling. The drizzle of slender ducks and geese called. Why do the peasants laugh? The policy of enriching the people, the new look of every family. This year's auspicious dragon newspaper.

Man Jianghong, Remembering Weng

Qiu Chinese

Shining chapters, humanity is, Wenxing magic pen. The beacon fire, the temple migrate, and the mountains and rivers are half of the walls. Stir up your mind and call for Yuque, and climb to the pass to exercise the halberd. Anti-gold soldiers, blood fever and Yanmen cold, with courage.

Defend the territory, book the army. Sigh the decaying sideburns, and finish thinking. Hate the south division is not good, and look through the north of the river. Dreams are often a place for horses, and Shi'er still misses the day of peace. Kyushu is the same, the family and the country are very affectionate, and the memories of a thousand autumns.

Song Song, Lixia

Zhong Qingsheng

Lixia comes to Wanshuqing, and Mangtong is especially tired of flowers. Feiyan is anxious, the cicada is ringing, and the sun is like fire and sweat.

Huanxi Sha Night Voyage Veteran

Li Liang

The army melts sincerity, eats and lives together to transform true feelings, and the glory of this life is engraved in my heart.

Solve the nail and often think about the heat, and remember the night navigation lights at leisure, and look at the starry sky at dusk every day.

【Zhonglu Shanpo Goat】Chinese aunt

Wang Yulu

There is no time off for hard work, the remuneration is priceless, and there is nothing to say about dancing in your spare time. Peel eggplant melons, wash cotton yarn, give full play to the residual heat to bear high pressure, and assist children and grandchildren to be fools. Baby, give a sentence of praise; She, relieved of her fatigue.

Flower skirts and red coats, square scarves and stockings, burning money and shopping loudly. Like Qiuhua, accompanied by Yu Xia, you song is alive and healthy without fear, polite and hard-working, and it is difficult to cheat. shape, people are wow; Love, people praise it.

[Contemporary Military Poetry 262 Issue] Maple Forest Rhyme||A beam of flirtatious lights, holding up the lotus wind and listening to the twilight frog

(Picture from the Internet)

Edit: L has fun