
Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

author:Recreation camps
Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

Text / Xiaole

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

Unknowingly, a generation of casino tycoon Xi Mihua (Zhou Zhuohua) has been in prison for 2 years, and the glorious era that belongs to him is long gone, and the 18-year sentence is enough for Xi Mihua to drink a pot, how many causes have been planted before, so how much the consequences to bear now will be, this is the so-called karma!

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

It is a foregone conclusion, the Zhou family has no leader, only Ximihua's sister-in-law stands up and takes the responsibility on her shoulders, although Ximihua's eldest son is in his 20s, but he has no experience in many years, so most of them still need Ximi's sister-in-law to take ideas to help him in his career. It's just that after Xi Mihua was imprisoned, Xi Mi and her stepson (Zhou Baihao) can be said to be "difficult to move an inch", and after weighing, Xi Mi Wang intends to take her stepson to explore overseas markets.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

And the other "heroine" Liu Bili (Mandy Lieu), after breaking up with Xi Mihua, has been living in the UK for a long time over the years, sitting on a large estate worth 300 million, with 4 children, and living a more exquisite and comfortable life.

Recently, overseas media exposed Liu Bili's recent situation, it turned out that Liu Bili spent a huge amount of money to build an organic farm in the manor, which has begun to take shape, which can not only be used as an Internet celebrity travel check-in base, but also can be sold out of their own organic vegetables and fruits.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!
Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

It is reported that the manor that Xi Mihua bought to Liu Bili has a great origin, the manor was originally called Ephurst Mansion, which once belonged to the Duke of Wellington, and then changed hands several times, and now the owner has become Liu Bili.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!
Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

The estate covers an area of 925 acres (about 3.7 million square meters), which is equivalent to tens of thousands of properties and about 400 football fields. I have to say that although Liu Bili failed to win a name at that time and lost to the sister-in-law of Zhenggong Ximi in the "Rice Rush War", Ximihua's love for her is still obvious to all, otherwise she would not have helped her buy this huge manor so generously.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!
Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

Liu Bili has always been a woman who is more "hysterious", but at the same time, she has to admit that she is also very talented, and now she has become a "columnist" for a British magazine. Share some of the food, beauty, and beautiful things in your manor so that more people can see them, so as to drive the visitors to the manor.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!
Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

The estate has a strong historical background, and now the estate is home to a variety of animals, beautiful surroundings, and healthy organic produce, and more and more guests come to check in. Liu Bili's hard work over the years has finally paid off, although her appearance is not what it used to be, but it is worth it to see the huge career she has created single-handedly.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!
Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

Losing to Ximi's sister-in-law may have been providential to "protect" her, but today's Ximi's life doesn't seem to be as comfortable as Liu Bili's. After all, the amount of compensation that Xi Mihua needs to pay can be said to be able to worry Ximihua's sister-in-law for a lifetime.

At the end of April, Hong Kong media photographed Ximi's sister-in-law at the airport, and she was dressed very tightly at that time, trying to avoid the media's cameras, and was reluctant to stay for an interview.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

After Xi Mihua's "accident", Xi Mihua's whole temperament changed, changing the high-profile style of showing off her wealth in the past, becoming extremely low-key, and even directly closing her social accounts. It can be seen that his current life situation is not optimistic, and there are many troubles.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

It can only be said that the world is unpredictable, who never thought that Xi Mihua would "overturn", let alone that Liu Bili, who just wants to be beautiful, can have such a business mind and take care of the farm so hugely.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

It is worth mentioning that Liu Bili didn't care about Xi Mihua very much, and after Xi Mihua was arrested, Liu Bili hid all the content of her social account for the first time, and put on a posture of completely drawing a line with the other party.

Xi Mihua has been imprisoned for 2 years, and her old lover Liu Bili has overshadowed Xi Mihua's sister-in-law, and her business is getting bigger and bigger!

And Xi Mihua, who wrote a thousand-word long essay in prison, seems to have written it to a colleague in Sun City, but the last sentence: "The warmth and coldness of the world are precious, and the vicissitudes of the world are stronger!" "Apparently I mean something!

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