
Wang Ruilai: Historical Book Compilation and Cognitive Rejection: An Investigation from Chen Huan's "General Commentary"|202405-30(No.2713)

author:Festive Sunshine Khq

Thanks to Mr. Wang Ruilai for his contributions

Original Article《Essays on the History of Chinese Literature》2024年1st period

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Historical compilation and understanding trade-offs

——An investigation based on Chen Huan's "Compendium of Compendium".

Text / Wang Ruilai

Abstract: Starting from the bibliographic issue of Chen Huan, the compiler of the Continuation of Tongjian, and placing it in the specific background of the times, this paper examines Chen Huan's family history and academic exchanges. On this basis, it focuses on the motivation of Chen Huan's compilation of the Song Dynasty as the orthodoxy, and reveals his consciousness of trying to transcend the dynastic view of history. Chen Huan's other works other than the lesser-known "Tongjian Continuation" also have an exhaustive review. The investigation of Chen Huan's political participation in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty shows the tragic life of a scholar in the traditional society who rose and fell under the tide of the times.

Keywords: Chen Huan, Tongjian Continuation, family history, motivation for compilation, political participation

Introduction: Chen Huan's epochal cut-off and the nature of the Tongjian Continuation

What era is Chen Huan? To describe or narrate the book "Tongjian Continuation", it is necessary to first understand the era. In this regard, the "Summary of the Four Libraries" said: "The old title was written by Chen Huan. 桱, Zijing, Fenghua people, flow in Changzhou, and later into the Ming Dynasty for the Hanlin editor, to attach Yang Xian, move to the system, see the "History of the Ming Dynasty" constitutional biography. The question is also wrong. [1] According to the examining of Chen Huan's life, it is true that he entered the Ming Dynasty from the Yuan Dynasty and lived in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. When it comes to writing across generations, it often bothers later generations of writers. From the Qing people's compilation of "Quantang Wen" [2] and "Quantang Poems" [3], to the "Quansong Wen" [4], "Quansong Poems" [5], "Quanyuan Wen" [6], "Quanyuan Poems" [7] and other "Quanshu" series, there are problems of authors breaking the dynasty.

So, is the mistake of the Siku Pavilion Ministers correct? Observe that the "Tongjian Continuation" was published in the preface to the book, which was written between the tenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1350) and the twenty-second year (1362). Although the author is indeed from the Yuan into the Ming Dynasty, if we look at the usual era of writing or publication, the old title Yuan Chen Huan is originally correct. An examination of the summaries of the "Continuation of the Tongjian" before several pavilions of the "Siku Quanshu" that can be used as an allegorical can reveal such facts. As for the issue of the era of the compiler Chen Huan, the summary of the Wenyuan Pavilion written in the 46th year of Qianlong (1781) and the summary of the Wenshuo Pavilion written in the 47th year of the reign of Qianlong are not mentioned at all. In the forty-ninth year of Qianlong (1784), the synopsis of Wenjin Geben raised this issue. It can be seen from this that the Siku Pavilion initially identified Chen Huan as a Yuan person and had no objection. A few years later, when the Wenjin Pavilion was written, a large addition, deletion and change was made to the "Tongjian Continuation", and this change was adopted as the final draft and was not easily accepted by the "Siku Quanshu General Catalogue". Since then, the great influence of the "Siku Quanshu General Catalogue" has been continuously published out of the "King James Order", and it has formed a misleading record for the later "Tongjian Continuation". In fact, in the later stage of the summary writing, the Siku Pavilion Ministers seemed to rigorously pull out such a question, which was really curious, extraneous and confusing. This is how Sun Xingyan of the Qing Dynasty dealt with it: "Although the book entered the Ming Dynasty, the book was written in the Yuan Dynasty, so the title is Yuan people." ”[8]

"Tongjian Continuation" is a historical book compiled by Chen Huan with his own strength, which runs through the two Song Dynasty, traces back to ancient times, and covers Liaojin. In terms of content, it is indeed a continuation and supplement of Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian", but in terms of style, it is actually a sequel to Zhu Xi's "Outline of Continuing Zizhi Tongjian". As for Chen Huan's compilation of the Tongjian Continuation, there has been some research accumulation in the academic community so far[9], and the author has also had some related research,[10] but it is still felt that there is still something unfinished in the existing research. With regard to Chen Huan's family history and academic background, as well as the motivation for the compilation of the Tongjian Continuation, the historical outlook of Chen Huan reflected in the Tongjian Continuation, and Chen Huan's other works, the investigation in this paper is detailed with the existing research, and may complement each other. In addition, the investigation of Chen Huan's political participation in the early Ming Dynasty is mostly unclear from existing research. The reasons for this are discussed as follows.

1. Chen Huan's family background and academic background

Chen Huan, who compiled the "Tongjian Continuation", has a deep family history. His ancestor Chen, Baoyou four years (1256) and Wen Tianxiang on the same list of Jinshi,[11] successively served as the general judge of Lin'an Prefecture and Zhitaizhou,[12] there are 94 volumes of "Bentang Collection" surviving,[13] "Song and Yuan Xue Case" volume 86 "Dongfa Xue Case" under the special column "Dongfa Xue Lu Zhizhou Chen Bentang". [14] Song Dynasty died Bushi, "lived in seclusion in Siming Mountain, tried to push the Zong's "Compendium", and wrote the "Chronicles of the Past Dynasties" [15]. His father, Chen Mi, "used his scholarly articles to inherit his family business",[16] "Showing the chapter of family learning, expounding only carefully",[17] "Commenting on the "Discipline" Thousand Words". [18] He was the head of the West Lake Academy and[19] the professor of Confucianism at Raozhou Road. [20]

For the book "Chronicles of the Past Dynasties", Chen Huan "bundled his hair and received it as a book, that is, he knew that the ancestors belonged, tried to apply for the picture, passed it on to the comrades, and put it into 200 volumes of notes, which were hidden at home". [21] From this point of view, it can be seen that Chen Huan had already begun to study historiography when he was a teenager, just as Sima Guang had drawn the historical events of the past dynasties as the "Chronicles of the Past Dynasties" when he was studying on his own,[22] and he also made 200 volumes of notes on the "Chronicles of the Past Dynasties" by his father. The Chronicles of the Past Dynasties was originally a textbook for Chen Zhi to teach his protégés and descendants in the form of four words and rhymes, from the legendary Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the Xiangxing period (1278-1279) when the Southern Song Dynasty fell. His son Chen Yu is also like the treatment of the scriptures, and the details are to increase the transmission, and his grandson Chen Huan is also attached to the chart. A "Chronicle of the Past Dynasties", three generations of grandparents relay operations. This is not only the background of Chen Huan's compilation of the "Continuation of Tongjian", but also the basic historiographical training. At the same time, Chen Ji clearly saw that Chen Huan "can take family learning as his own responsibility, and lead not to replace". [23]

In addition to directly inheriting family studies, Chen Huan also has an academic background in family studies. Huang Zhen and Chen Shu are on the same list. [24]

This kind of relationship in the same year made the Chen and Huang families become married. As a result of this marriage, the two families have been in close contact for generations. His mother's brother's child, his cousin Huang Jue, was the great-grandson of Huang Zhen, a famous Confucian in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Huang Zhen, a great Confucian in the late Southern Song Dynasty, who wrote "Ancient and Modern Minutes", "Ancient and Modern Chronicles" and "Wuchen Xiushi Biography", did not seem to have direct contact with Chen Huan due to his age, but Huang Zhen's writings by Zhu Xi, especially Taoist thought and historical consciousness, undoubtedly had a deep influence on Chen Huan. The "Song and Yuan Dynasty Cases" originally written by Huang Zongxi of the Qing Dynasty and supplemented by Quan Zuwang pointed out in this way: "Chen Huan, Zijing, is the grandson of Mr. Bentang. The church and Dongfa are good, first inherit their family learning, and private Shu Huang's teaching. He is especially good at historiography. ”[25]

Examining Chen Huan's academic origins from a broader perspective, he was very close to the famous literati circle of the time. Huang Jue and Zhao Mengfu, Ren Boyu, Huang Wei, and Yu Ji are all friends. [26] Chen Shu once specially drafted the corresponding words for Huang Jue's name, and wrote an article entitled "The Famous Grandson Huang Jue's Character Meng Cheng Said" [27]. Huang Jue also mentioned Chen Huan's name in the preface to the poem "Bilan Shi'er Song" in his anthology "Zhoushan Xiaoyin Yinlu": "My uncle Chen Ruquan's father and concubine Bei are married to righteousness, and the matter is quite similar. It is a poem, and it is sent to the disciple chapter and the sub-scripture. [28] Zijing is Chen Huan. From this point of view, Huang Jue and Chen Huan's brothers have dealings.

Because of this relationship, Chen Huandang also had a very likely relationship with the above-mentioned famous literati at that time. In fact, the literati circle of the Yuan Dynasty was a kind of stable interaction that continued between several generations since the Southern Song Dynasty. In this regard, it can be observed from the author's previous investigations of Zhao Mengfu, Guan Sheng, and Huang Gongwang. [29] In the above article, Huang Jue mentions Chen's father, who was also associated with Ren Boyu, wrote the poem "Mr. Ji Boyu"[30], and was a friend of Zhou Boqi, who participated in the compilation of the history of the Liao, Song, and Jin dynasties in the imperial court[31].

2. The motivation for the compilation of the "Continuation of the Tongjian".

As for the motive for compiling the "Continuation of Tongjian", Chen Huan himself also explained. In the "Epigraph of the Continuation of the Tongjian", he wrote in the form of questions and answers:

The rest of the history of the dynasties, the great editors, for the pen to write a hundred volumes. Or see the said: "The will of the son is diligent!" However, King Zhou Weilie descended to Song Xing, and his trial of taking the throne was more than that of Sima Gong's "General Examination"? Situation: Zhu Zi's "Outline" pen cutting is cautious? As for Tang Yao, Mr. Jin's "Preface" is important to the world, and the book is nothing to be complicated about. Yu said: "I'm just going to read it, and I'm just passing it on with the book?" Although, the ancient supreme Gaoxin, the words of doubt, those who have signs of reason, must know it. The Khitan admired China because of the vulgarity, and those who aspired to their country must not exist. The 300-year rule of the Song Dynasty was chaotic and collapsed, the new history was complicated and scarce, and the viewers thought about it but did not get it. It is not easy for me to read the old text, and I see the meaning of the book directly, as if it were a "general commentary" and a "syllabus". Explain the reason and cut the complicated words, so that the scholars can open the volume, and the events of thousands of years can be summarized. He said, "This is the case." ”[32]

Judging from the chronicle content of the "Tongjian Continuation", it does not involve Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian" and Zhu Xi's "Tongjian Outline", nor does it duplicate Jin Luxiang's "Tongjian Pre-Edition". Therefore, the purpose of Chen's compilation, according to Chen Huan's friend Dai Liang, is to "make up for the gaps of the Jin family and connect with the shortcomings of the Sima family" [33].

Regarding the first volume, Chen Huan's specific explanation is that it is also necessary to know the records of "near reason and signs" in the era of ancient legends, so it is summarized according to pre-Qin documents and works since the Han Dynasty, such as "Historical Records" and "Road History". In the second volume of the founding process of the Khitan, Chen Huan believes that the history of the Khitan is "indispensable" from the perspective of "Khitan Muhua", that is, from the importance of the sinicization of the Khitan. The early history of the Khitan and Western Xia summarized by Chen Huan is also valued by later generations, and Li Youtang of the Qing Dynasty compiled the "Chronicle of the Liao History" [34], and quoted a large number of "Tongjian Continuation" to prove each other.

Next, Chen Huan said that "the three hundred years of the Song Dynasty have risen and fallen, the new history is complicated and unimportant, and the viewer thinks about it but does not get it" is very important. At that time, the official revision of the "History of the Song Dynasty" had been completed, but due to the controversy over the orthodoxy of Liao, Song, and Jin, it had not been resolved, and finally had to be revised separately from the three histories, and the orthodoxy was not established. In this regard, the Han scholars at that time were very dissatisfied. Zhou Boqi, who personally participated in the revision of the three histories, said: "Yu Yu is the history of the Taishi, and the edict repairs the three histories of the Song, Liao, and Jin, and the kings and ligens to be controlled, the first discussion of the discipline is not in agreement, and the taboo is private, so as to make peace with it, like a mouthful." Although his book is written, it is distributed in the world, and the public opinion cannot be concealed[35]. Zhang Shen wrote in Cong Guitang, who engraved the "Tongjian Continuation": "Because of the recollection of the imperial court's compilation and revision of the three histories, although the scholars knew that the Song Dynasty was orthodox, they were suspicious of the Song Shengguo. Shichen Wang Li because of the book "Three History Orthodoxy", deduced the words of Xiuduan, wanted to take Liao as the history of the north, Jin as the history of the north, the Song Dynasty from Taizu to Jingkang as the history of the Song Dynasty, and the history of the Southern Song Dynasty after Jianyan. So far, although the great doctors have thought that they are ashamed, they have not been able to hold a certain theory to drive away the confusion of the world for hundreds of generations. ”[36]

Those who are dissatisfied with "thinking that they are ashamed" naturally include Chen Huan. However, Chen Huan, who was in the opposition, was very subtle in his remarks about the official compilation of the official history, avoiding and not mentioning the controversy over orthodoxy, only saying that "the new history is complicated and unimportant", and it is not easy for readers to read it. Chen Huan compiled the "Tongjian Continuation", except for the first volume to fill in the gaps of the predecessors and the second volume to describe the pre-history of the Khitan and Western Xia, the whole book is completely narrated by the Song Dynasty, in fact, the Song Dynasty is the orthodoxy. Chen Huan clearly pointed out in the "Tongjian Continuation of the Book Example": "The Liao year was under the Song dynasty, and there was no one superior. After the Yuan Dynasty destroyed Jin and Western Xia, Chen Huan still insisted on the system in the Song Dynasty, saying that at this time, "the destiny of heaven is not endless". Zhou Boqi also saw this very clearly, so he said with appreciation in the "Preface to the Continuation of Tongjian": "The treatise on the Zijing, how can it be said that there is no one else in the world [37]? ”

If we explore Chen Huan's motivation for compiling the Tongjian Continuation from a broader perspective, the prosperous Jiangnan printing and publishing industry, in order to cater to the people's thoughts about the homeland after the death of the Song Dynasty, published a large number of historical books related to the Song Dynasty, such as the Complete History of the Song Dynasty [38], the Political Dignitaries of the Three Dynasties of the Song Dynasty [39], the Continuation of the Song Zhongxing Chronicle of the Governance of Tongjian, [40], and the Legacy of Qiantang [41]. The "Song History Fever" in society, coupled with the publication of the "History of the Song Dynasty" compiled by the official government later, all played a certain role in promoting Chen Huan's determination to compile a complete history of the Song Dynasty. [42]

Fourth, the historical view of Chen Huan reflected in the "Tongjian Continuation".

Chen Huan's compilation of the "Tongjian Continuation" also has a widely circulated anecdote. The Ming people Du Mu "Du Gong Tan Compilation" contains:

Si Ming Chen Zijing tried to write the "Tong Jian Continuation Compilation" during the victory of the Kingdom, and wrote that Song Taizu abolished the Zhou lord as the king of Zheng (original note: the old compilation Kuang Yin was the king of Zheng in the Zhou Dynasty, and now it is abolished in Yifeng. ), thunder and shock. Zi Jingling said: "God will discount Chen Huan's arm, and he will not replace it." "Three days later, Zijing dreamed of a place where a king dwells. Someone reported: "Mr. Chen is the most important." The one who sat in it, dressed in a yellow robe, sat up and said, "Why am I more responsible than I am to usurp evil?" Zijing knew that he was Song Zu. He said: "Your Majesty wants to die, that is, you will die." It is not easy to write a straight pen in history. Then I was shocked. Later, he was killed by my ancestor. [43]

This anecdote is either attached by chance, or Chen Huan's own narration, to emphasize that the historical books he compiled are all written in straight letters, so as to play a kind of advertising effect. "The Synopsis of the Four Libraries" also has the same opinion: "Although this novel is attached to the discussion, it also shows that it is a fabrication to praise and disparage. [44] However, Dong Hubi, Qi Taishi, and ancient Chinese historians did have a fine tradition of writing straightforwardly without fear of power. Because of this widely circulated anecdote, Chen Huan also entered the list of famous gangzheng historians. Mingren Xie Zhaoqian's "Five Miscellaneous Works" wrote: "Dong Hu's pen is unchanged when the white blade is present. Sun Sheng's "Yangqiu", the power is angry and does not change. Wu Jing's book, the prime minister prayed for it. Chen Huan's chronicle, thunder and lightning shook him and was not moved. If so, it can be said that history can be said. ”[45]

As the narrative backbone of "Tongjian Continuation", how to write Zhao Kuangyin's establishment of the Song Dynasty on behalf of Zhou is indeed an unavoidable problem. The anecdote above reflects this fact. How to write is very indicative of the compiler's view of history. The Ming scholar Zhu Yunming's "Zhuzi Crime Knowledge" is a rare collection of several remarks by Chen Huan on the characters of the Song Dynasty, most of which discuss how to write Zhao Kuangyin on behalf of Zhou. One of its clouds: "Taizu is the main general, and he can't control the crowd, so that he will change his shape." If the Song people make the history of the Song Dynasty, they can be secretive about it. Respecting the purpose of the "Spring and Autumn Period" and continuing the book of the "Outline" must not be constrained by secular views and be justified. If you think about the future merits, and the previous evil, the monarch and the ministers will prevent the bad ones. This fool has a rich man and a group of subordinates have his own room, and the deacon is, isn't it righteous and righteous with his words? This is a letter written by Chen Huan to Jiang Jian, who later wrote the preface to his "Tongjian Continuation", which shows that they were discussing the compilation of the "Tongjian Continuation". In Chen Huan's view, the future achievements should not be lost, and the great defense of the monarch and the minister is the bottom line.

Chen Huan also specifically explained the reason why he used such calligraphy to narrate history: "If you don't talk about the righteousness in the future, the gentleman will not take it." Taizu has inherent virtue and the mandate of heaven, but the courtiers of Zhou are also the ministers of the king, and the crime cannot be punished. If it is reinstated, the beauty of virtue and politics of the future generations is not expected, and the righteousness of the monarch and the minister has been damaged first. This fool is so sad that he does not avoid popular discussions, and holds this pen, is it thoughtful? That is to say, Chen Huan did not stand on the position of Hou Zhou to praise and disparage, but wanted to set an example for future generations. He believes that "Taizu won the country with benevolence, and governed the country with benevolence, and the merits and crimes were not concealed." Emphasizing that the righteousness of the monarch and the minister cannot be transgressed seems to have great limitations in today's view, but such an evaluation of Zhao Kuangyin's dynasty of Zhou, at least in Chen Huan's era, still seems independent and unique, and even unacceptable, so the above anecdote is generated.

In a discussion with a friend, Chen Huan gave a specific explanation of the reasons for the narrative and expression of the historical events of Chen Qiao's military mutiny at the beginning of the third volume of the "Continuation of the Compendium": "In the book of the present day, it is called 'Northern Han and Liaohua Zhou', so it is called the discussion of the Han Dynasty; 'Zhou envoy Zhao Kuangyin Marshal Yuzhi', so he is also responsible for his responsibility; 'until Chen Qiao stands on his own and returns', so he takes advantage of the situation and steals it; 'Zhao Kuangyin is called the emperor', so he is also suspicious of his heart; 'the lord of the Zhou Dynasty is the king of Zheng', so he is also the ruler of the state; and 'the name of the country is Song', so he becomes a traitor." Unclear and simple? Since his sin cannot be punished, he should write it directly and follow the posterior training, which is the purpose of the "Spring and Autumn Period". ”

A friend tactfully persuaded: "The law of "Spring and Autumn" is a sage. To this, Chen Huan replied: "Foolishness is not not the merit of Taizu, but the name of stealing is especially because of its sin, so that those who want to imitate it in future generations will know and be afraid." If it is given as the deacon said, then the time of heaven and man is not necessary, and how can those who are kings be content above the ministers? "Spring and Autumn" is the righteousness of the sage, I am afraid it is not so. [46] It can be said that the greatest effect of the penmanship of "Spring and Autumn" can be said to be the greatest effect of the "Spring and Autumn Period" penmanship. Therefore, Chen Huan wrote this way, upholding the tradition of "Spring and Autumn".

However, "Spring and Autumn" has the requirement of "being a sage", which seems to contradict the "Spring and Autumn" "according to the facts, and its righteousness is self-seeing". Therefore, Chen Huan had to distinguish between the merits and demerits of historical figures when dealing with the narration of specific historical events. This can also be seen as a breakthrough in Chen Huan's inherent dilemma in the brushwork of Spring and Autumn. In fact, the penmanship of "Spring and Autumn", which is the basis of Yili historiography, places too much emphasis on the role of historical appreciation and criticism, and it is easy to deviate from historical facts. Since Chen Huan has taken up the task of inheriting Zhu Xi's "Tongjian Compendium", he must face the problem of how to balance historical understanding and historical facts.

In addition to the Northern Song Dynasty Zhou, in the "Zhuzi Crime Knowledge", there is also a discussion of Chen Huan's discussion on the characters of the Southern Song Dynasty: "The history is based on the loyalty of (Zhang) Jun to Zhuge Liang, and Ran Liang can make Wei Yan and Yang Yi not similar or different for life." Jun killed Qu Duan with Wu Jue. Liang can tolerate filial piety, Jun can't tolerate Li Gang and Zhao Ding, and he is depressed, so he is not as good as Liang. [47] From this point of view, it can be seen that Chen Huan is indeed worthy of being an honest historian reflected in the above anecdotes, rather than judging the characters with orthodoxy and comparing them with righteousness. This Zhang Jun's treatise, Chen Huan almost unchanged was written into the "Tongjian Continuation" volume 18. [48] The preserved theory of historical figures can be corroborated with the "Tongjian Continuation". It can be inferred from this that most of the historical theories mixed in the "Tongjian Continuation" also reflect Chen Huan's historical knowledge, that is, historical understanding.

It can also be seen from Chen Huan's own remarks that the "Tongjian Continuation" is not a copy of history, but a written history. The history written, whether it is the penmanship of the Spring and Autumn Period, the writing of the book or the straightforward writing, or the selection and commentary, all reflect the historical understanding of the compiler.

After entering the Ming Dynasty, the greatest praise received by the "Tongjian Continuation" was that the Song Dynasty was orthodox. Chen Ting, a Ming scholar, wrote in "Ink Talk on the Two Mountains": "The Yuan people used Yi Di to the Song Dynasty, and discussed the revision of the three histories of the Song, Liao, and Jin. At one time, many pavilions and old ministers died, not knowing that the Song Dynasty was orthodox, and privately because of the country, they were ashamed to be listed in Yidi and hypocrisy, but advocated that Yuan Chengjin, Jin Chengliao, and Liao Chengjin were orthodox. The so-called debate between China and the outside is not time to repeat, and it is said that the Southern Song Dynasty is the remnant of Jingkang's wandering soul. Those who are unscrupulous will be called subordinate to Jin after Jianyan, so they want to be attached to it. Huiji Yang Weizhen wrote "Orthodoxy", repeating more than 1,000 words, hoping to break his words, but not the province. However, it is impossible to judge the end of the public opinion, and it is slightly imitating the historical example of the north and the south, and the three kingdoms are each chronicled, and the family is its own history. The words contained in the "History of Jin" were not strange at that time. Later Siming Chen Huan's "Tongjian Continuation", said that the Song Dynasty was orthodox, the year of the big book, and the Liao, Jin, and Yuan were divided into them, which deeply alluded to the friendship between the Spring and Autumn Period and the seizure. [49] From this, it can be seen that when the Yuan Dynasty repaired the three histories of Liao, Song, and Jin, many of the Shi ministers died in the old Jin Dynasty, so they degraded the Song Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty was the Han regime and was proclaimed in the Song Dynasty, so Chen Huan's "Tongjian Continuation" was widely praised. For example, the people of the Ming Dynasty have such praise: "The works of the history of the Song Dynasty are not the same, Li Yan has "Tongjian Long Edition", Chen Zhongwei has "Erwang Benji", [50] Chen Huan has "Tongjian Continuation", Jiexi has the three histories of Song, Liao, and Jin, but Chen Huan's compilation is Zhizheng Yan. ”[51]

The Tongjian Continuation is orthodox in the Song Dynasty, but its chronological periodization is not calculated from the first year of Jianlong (960), which was established by the Northern Song Dynasty. Zhang Shenxu pointed out: "He thought that the Song Dynasty had been rejuvenating the country for four years from Jianlong to Taiping, which was tantamount to five dynasties, so he used Jiazishu. Four years later, the system of the square system was compared with the Han and Tang. "Why do you need to start from the fourth year of Taizong's Taiping Xingguo (979), which has been established for more than ten years in the Northern Song Dynasty? Because this year is the year of the Northern Song Dynasty and the Northern Han Dynasty. Therefore, Zhang Shen pointed out: "Song Taiping rejuvenated the country for four years, after the destruction of the Han Dynasty, the world was mixed, and the time was unified, and after the Jin Dynasty, the north and south were unified, and the Sui and Tang dynasties were unified. [52] Four years before the Taiping rejuvenation, in Chen's view, the Northern Song Dynasty was no different from the Five Dynasties, sweeping away the separatist regime and completing unification.

Such a periodization of the times is actually adhering to Zhu Xi's historical understanding. Zhu Xi clearly said: "There is no orthodoxy at the beginning, and those who get it at the back are the beginning of orthodoxy; There is orthodoxy at the beginning, and there is no orthodoxy after that. If the early Qin Dynasty has not yet achieved orthodoxy, and the first emperor has merged with the world, it will be orthodox. At the beginning of the Jin Dynasty, it was not orthodox, and since Taikang, it has been orthodox. At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, it did not gain orthodoxy, and after the destruction of Chen, it became orthodox. If this dynasty to Taizong and Taiyuan, it is orthodox. [53] Continuing the historical narrative of the Tongjian Compendium, Zhu Xi's historical understanding is directly applied in the Tongjian Continuation, which also reflects Chen Huan's recognition of the Taoist view of history.

This kind of periodization dominated by historical understanding is not only unique, but also reasonable. The narrative backbone of the "Tongjian Continuation" is the history of the two Song Dynasty, so the four years of Taizong Taizong of the Song Dynasty are regarded as the real opening of the Song Dynasty. And to record the end of the Song Dynasty, Chen Huan is also extraordinary, neither ending with the Yuan army entering the city to accept the surrender, nor stopping at the fall of Lu Xiufu's precipice and mountain where the emperor went to the sea, but until Wen Tianxiang took justice. Regardless of whether there is a clear consciousness or not, this kind of writing also transcends the traditional historical view centered on the emperor. After recounting Wen Tianxiang's generosity, the "Tongjian Continuation" was abruptly suspended. For the hundreds of thousands of words of history of the Song Dynasty that he has worked hard to write for 320 years, he is so stingy with pen and ink that he has not commented on it. Is it a transcendence of the dynastic view of history, or is it inconvenient to say? It's hard to speculate, it's better to be silent than to be sound.

If it was in the Ming Dynasty, which was dominated by Han rulers, it would not be surprising that the Song Dynasty was orthodox. In the era of the reign of the Meng and Yuan dynasties, Chen Huan's compilation of the "Tongjian Continuation" with the Song Dynasty as orthodox may imply the national consciousness in his heart, but the historical knowledge shown is commendable. Of course, from the perspective of the background of the times, the objective relaxation of the literary network and the control of the mainstream discourse power of the Han scholars in Jiangnan also made Chen Huan naturally make such a choice.

However, the orthodoxy of the Song Dynasty was not just due to Chen Huan's preference for this dynasty. He expressed this understanding in the "Tongjian Continuation of the Book Example": "The Khitan was founded and tied to the Liang, Tang, Jin, Han, and Zhou, and respected Huaxia. [54] This suggests that even if it were not for the Song, he would have taken the Huaxia regime as an orthodox. I don't think this is Chen Huan's racial prejudice, but a recognition of the mainstream of history.

Despite the orthodoxy of the Song Dynasty, Chen Huan still avoided the tendency of praise and disparagement in the calligraphy of the "Continuation of Tongjian", and tried to maintain the "neutrality" of the historical revisionists. For example, in October of the seventh year of the ninth year of Yuanfeng, the volume was contained: "The edict was set to hand over the border and return it with six counties and two mountains." Examining the "History of the Song Dynasty", Volume 16, "Shenzong Ji", which is the historical source of this account in the "Tongjian Continuation", is recorded as: "The edict is divided into the border of Lu, and it is given to it in six counties and two mountains." "Is it a condescending reward, or is it the return of what belongs to someone else? Obviously, such a wording is not an expression from the position of the Song Dynasty.

Although Confucianism has the dogma of "not saying anything, strange forces and chaotic spirits", it is often difficult to avoid writing history, including the serious historian Sima Guang also recorded a lot of such things in the "Zizhi Tongjian". In addition, how to deal with a large number of scholars' notes, and the way in which the official histories of the past dynasties are handled, some quotes a lot, and some outline outlines. For these two issues, Chen Huan has his own way of dealing with them. This is what he said in the "Tongjian Continuation of the Book Example" before the book: "Those who are lucky and auspicious are tested in the matter, and those who neglect the discussion are written in the time, otherwise they are not." "Studying things" and "acting in time" are the historical writing of the past tense, and this way of dealing with them is quite appropriate.

Whether it is the public criticism of "complicated and few essentials", or the secret contradiction of not establishing the Song Dynasty as orthodoxy, although Chen Huan was dissatisfied with the official revision of the "History of the Song Dynasty" by the Yuan Dynasty, his compilation of the "Tongjian Continuation" is still based on the "History of the Song Dynasty". This is not only reflected in the adaptation and supplement of the "History of the Song Dynasty", but also in the acceptance of the historical understanding of the Yuan Dynasty Shichen. For example, under the article "Emperor Taishang Daojun collapsed in the Five Kingdoms of Jin" in the fifth year of Shaoxing in Volume 15, which records the death of Song Huizong, there is this passage:

Shi Chen said: Huizong is not the foolishness of Hui, the violence of Sun Hao, nor the robbery of Cao and Ma, and his loss of the country. Therefore, Cai Jing used his thin and clever assets to help him with his ambition of extravagance and obscenity. They indulge in nothingness, worship pleasure, and exhaust the people's strength. Gentlemen and ministers are at ease with each other. Neglecting national politics and doing nothing in the day. And the child is very active, and he increases the army and is diligent, and the disaster is chaotic, so that the country is ruined and humiliated, and he is in the same department as Shi Chonggui, and he has to say a lot? Since the ancients, the king playfully lost his will, and he was invincible, and Huizong was very angry. [55]

The "Shi Chen Yue" here seems to be a historical commentary by the author Chen Huan in imitation of Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian" and "Chen Guang Yue", but if we compare it with the "Praise Yue" at the end of the "History of the Song Dynasty", Volume 22, "Huizong Ji", we can see that it was completely copied from there, but the text was slightly modified and omitted[56]. In my opinion, Chen Li's almost unchanged quotation of the historical commentary on the History of the Song Dynasty is not only an endorsement of the historical facts described in it, but also an endorsement of not "blaming the numbers", that is, not regarding the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty as the result of the fate of heaven. Emphasizing personnel over the mandate of heaven is also a rare and commendable point for historians of righteousness.

In the "Tongjian Continuation", although "Shi Chen said" is rarely clearly marked, Chen Huan also sometimes inserts his comments in the narrative. These arguments were brought to the attention of later historians. In the "Tongjian Collection", which was also edited by the Ming scholar Dong Qichang, which was also a Ming scholar Zhu Xie, some of Chen Huan's discussions in the "Tongjian Continuation" were carefully excerpted and included under the relevant historical records in the form of "Chen Siming Said". In the Song Dynasty, the eighth and ninth volumes of the Song Dynasty excerpt Chen Huan's discussion of the seven articles in the "Tongjian Continuation", which shows that Chen Huan's historical understanding has also attracted the attention of later generations. [57] Chen Huan's discussion in the Continuation of Tongjian can also bring some inspiration to our study of the history of this period today.

Wang Ruilai: Historical Book Compilation and Cognitive Rejection: An Investigation from Chen Huan's "General Commentary"|202405-30(No.2713)

4. Chen Huan's other writings

In addition to this "Tongjian Continuation", according to the Ming scholar Qi Chengyu's "Bibliography of the Collection of the Tang Shengtang",[58] Chen Huanshang wrote a volume of "Song History"[59]. The completion of the "Song History" is also related to the "Tongjian Continuation". Qing Zhou Zhongfu's "Zheng Tang Reading Secretaries" on the summary of "Song History": "The Continuation of Song History" is a volume, Gu's "Forty Novels", written by Ming Chen Huan. See Chronicles. Zijing wrote the "Tongjian Continuation" in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, and was strict in the Zhou and Song dynasties, and this compilation invented its calligraphy. At the end of the Zijing, the great-grandson Gaochang Guzhen inscribed the cloud: Chen Gong, the great father of the right foreign great-grandfather, compiled the "Tongjian" and Mr. Yuyi Jiang wrote a volume, where there are twelve verses. His argument on the Song Taizu's victory and the orthodoxy of the husband Song must be treated by Taizong, the words are strict and righteous, and they understand clearly. The "Continuation" had already been published, and the book was not allowed to be attached at that time to see the meaning of its legislation. It can be seen that the praise and disapproval of the "Continuation" were shocked at that time, so it was a question and answer. When Shen Shitian Zhou's "Guest News" published his book "Continuation", the book Song Taizuyun "Kuang Yin stood on his own and returned", and suddenly lightning struck his case, and he sat upright without deterrence, saying, "Although the thunder hit my hand, I will not change it in the end". However, it is compiled from the first part of the "Continuation", such as the "Zizhi Tongjian" has explanatory precepts and book revisions. [60] From this, it can be seen that the Song Shibi is a collection of correspondence between Chen Huan and Jiang Jian on the compilation of the Tongjian Continuation. Chen Huan and Jiang gradually discussed the book of Song Taizu cited earlier, that is, part of the "Song Historical Discernment".

Directly related to the "Tongjian Continuation", Chen Huan also wrote "The New Book of Tongjian Pre-Edition" at the suggestion of a friend, which is equivalent to the introduction to the "Tongjian Pre-Edition" written by Jin Luxiang. Friend Dai Liang's "Preface to the New Book of Tongjian" describes the writing process of this book: "One day, Pingjiang Shouhailing Ma Jun said that the Zijing was compiled and solidified, so it continued that Sima and Jin's were not prepared, but Sima's "Tongjian" was a book owned by the family, while Jin's "Qianbian" was rare. And the body of his works is based on the title, and the book is taken from it, so there are many "Shangshu" and "Zuo's". "Shangshu" and "Zuo's", which bachelor doctor does not recite and learn? Now, if we cite the key points of the title, omit the complexity of the notes, and delete and correct it because of the old name, so that it can be passed on to the world together with the "Continuation", isn't it okay? In addition, the self-preface of the Jin family has a saying, and the later gentleman or the rest of the compilation, deleted as the previous era, is still the hope of the district. It's the description of the book, isn't it the will of the Kim family? However, if you are not broad and can be as good as the sub-scriptures, who can also be with this? So Zijing was devoted to the morning and night, and when he made a detailed point of his intentions, he wrote a treatise. [61] It can be seen from this that this book was written by Chen Huan at the suggestion of Ma Yulin, the prefect of Pingjiang, after the compilation and publication of the Tongjian Continuation.

Related to historiography, Chen Huan, Dai Liang, and others also compiled a "Essentials for Governing Peace." Dai Liang Xuyun: "The two emperors and three kings have been in five hundred years and once in five hundred years, from the rule of Zhou, it is more than a thousand years and there are Han, Tang, and Song as kings, but they cannot be viewed with the two emperors and three kings and called the extreme rule, He Simin was born in the misfortune of the later generations?" If the husband continues to have a country, can he not add it? In addition, those who are interested in learning are just concerned about learning. One day, Liang and Siming Chen Huan talked about this, thinking that the learning of the human monarch was the best thing for the emperor of Sheguxi. And the actions of the emperors of ancient times, see those who are in history, and the class can be examined. Considering that since the morning and the night, tens of thousands of people, there is no time to look through and observe, it is the reason for the rule of the two emperors and three kings, and the reason why the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties are the kings, and the maxims of the ancestors, and the praise of the historians, will be compiled into a book, called "Zhiping Essentials", and its title is ten articles. The gentleman is in all directions, covering the Tao of the Gentleman, and the first of the "Jundao Chapter". The position of the king is only in the use of the phase, and the second in the "Ren Xiang Chapter". will use violence, will be good to be good, the third of the "General Chapter". The establishment of officials and the appointment of personnel, the important matter of the country, the fourth part of the "Employment Chapter". The people are the foundation of the state, and love is solidified, and the fifth chapter of "Loving the People" is described. What the country depends on is nothing more important than food, and the sixth chapter of "Sufficient Food" is described. To go to chaos and try to rule, it is necessary to be a soldier, and the seventh part of the "Soldiering Chapter" is described. Punishment is to be courteous, and prudence is the key, and the eighth chapter of "Prudent Punishment" is described. Shekou overthrows the state, and it is valuable to be far away, and the ninth chapter of "Far Away" is stated. Jun Neng Na, Si Wu Wu, narrated the tenth end of the "Na Na Chapter". The good and the other are all in the name of empty learning, and they are in the name of scholars, and they are simple in compiling and cultivating. However, the lord of Kaiji, the king of the inheritance, can be immersed in this, and ponder deeply, and the king of the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty, and the reign of the two emperors and three kings are chased, and the effect of learning from the ancient is repeated today, and the work of this book is not a small supplement. ”[62]

Regardless of the changes of time or the revolution, the political ideal given by Confucianism to traditional knowledge people to govern the country and level the world has never been extinguished. You can't be a golden iron horse, you can't strategize, and you have to make plans, which is also a sense of responsibility to transcend the dynasty with the world as its own responsibility. This point is also clearly evident in Chen Huan and his friends, a group of intellectuals, so there is this political textbook for the emperor.

The Ming dynasty Wang Qi's "Continuation of the General Examination of Literature", volume 179, "Examination of the Scriptures", also recorded the book "The Ruler and the Hoof" [63]. "The Unification of the Ming Dynasty" Volume 8 "Suzhou Mansion Liuyu" also contains: "Chen Pu, a native of Fenghua, Mingzhou. To the middle of the road with the younger brother to travel to Wu, then the family continent. He is erudite and talented in history, and is the author of "Tongjian Continuation", "Ruler and Hoof", and Park also has "Taste Edition" and "Yunxuan Collection". [64] However, the Qing dynasty Feng Guifen's (Tongzhi) Suzhou Prefecture Chronicles, vol. 139, has a different record: "Chen Pu's "Taste Edition", "Yunxuan Collection", and "Ruler and Hoof" are three volumes. Qian Zhiyun, or Chen Huan, is a native of Fenghua and lives in Changzhou. [65] The "Qian Zhi" here refers to the "Yuan History and Art Chronicles" written by Qian Daxin, a famous scholar in the Qing Dynasty. Check Qian Daxin's "Yuan History, Art and Literature" volume 4, and it is indeed recorded: "Chen Pu's "Ruler and Hoof" three volumes. Or as Chen Huan. [66] In other words, it is possible that the book "The Ruler and the Hoof", which teaches people how to write letters, was written by Chen Pu, the brother of Chen Huan. Although the "Synopsis of the Four Libraries" also includes a synopsis of the book "The Ruler and the Hoof" in the inventory, the last sentence also expresses doubts: "It may not really come from the Tsuiya." ”[67]

In addition, Wang Shizhen's "Juyi Lu" of the Qing Dynasty contains: "On July 20, the emperor sent the fifteenth volume of the Yuan man Chen Huan's handwritten record of the "Memorandum of Assignment", and the use of the house was used to build the field house, including the sixth year of Jiajing Dinghai Shidong Jushiba. [68] Although the "Memorandum of Assignment" is only found in "Juyilu", Wang Shizhen is also conclusive.

Chen Huan should also have a book called "Notes on the Past Dynasties". Although there is no record of this book, Chen Huan is under the "Emperor Yao Tao Tang Clan" in the first volume of the "Tongjian Continuation": "See Jin's "Tongjian Pre-Edition" and "Notes on the Past Dynasties". Under the "Emperor Shun Youyu Clan": "See "Prefix" and "Notes". Under Zhou's "Destruction of Shang", Yiyun: "I have seen the "Pre-Edition" and "Notes". This conclusive "Notes of the Past Dynasties" should be regarded as a completed work, otherwise Chen Huan would not have repeatedly annotated it in the "Tongjian Pre-Edition" in the way of mutual sees. Regarding this note, Chen Ji's "Preface to the Continuation of Tongjian" quoted above, has already been mentioned: "(Chen Huan) bundled hair is a book, that is, the knowledge of the ancestors belonged, tasted Shen as a picture, passed on to comrades, and put it as a notebook 200 volumes, hidden at home. Chen Huan himself also mentioned in the "Tongjian Continuation Inscription": "Yu read the history of the past dynasties, and the most important thing is a hundred volumes of notes." The number of volumes of "Notes of the Past Dynasties" is recorded by Chen Ji as "200 volumes", which seems to be based on Chen Ji's self-recorded "100 volumes". This work, which Chen Huan called "Notes on the Past Dynasties", should be related to the "Chronicles of the Past Dynasties" compiled by his grandfather. [69]

Although the ancient Chinese intellectuals specialized in their studies, their training was mostly all-round. With Chen Huan, a famous historian, Dai Liang also has this evaluation: "Zijing, the Manqing of this world." [70] That is to say, Dai Liang directly compared Chen Huan with the famous poet Shi Manqing of the Northern Song Dynasty. Examining the literature, I really found that Chen Huan still has poems in existence, and I quoted them a little to see his poetic talent. Mingren Zhao Qimei's "Iron Net Coral" volume 8 Chen Huan "Send Zhangwu County's Official Jiading Title to Write a Poem to Taihu Lake Stone": "Taihu Lake is a stone, and it is heavy on all sides. The shadow pillow is blue and the moon is covered with brocade moss. The golden peak is hidden, and the exquisite green is open. Yulu floating cactus, Danxia shines on the rooftop. The clouds are pure and the lotus flowers are out, and the star is empty and the weaver girl is coming. The title of the door is old, and the crown is ancient. [71] According to this, this poem is also included in the "Quanyuan Poem". [72] The eighth volume of the Qing dynasty Wu Sheng's Daguanlu Yuan Ming Xianfa Shu also contains a five-character poem: "Lu Ming Qing is diligent and virtuous, and the family is infernally virtuous." Check Zhirong's first life, and promote Gui to see the grandchildren. Qi bamboo yin green, silver and yellow forever. Sad for the long night and moon, and the light of Liang Yuan. Written by Sishu Chen Huan"[73] After the poem, it was signed "Written by Siming Chen Huan". However, the poem was lost by the "Quanyuan Poem".

5. Chen Huan's political participation and its fate

In the process of compiling the "Continuation of the Tongjian", Chen Huan traveled to various places. This is both related to livelihood and his involvement in politics. Huang Yu, a Ming scholar, said in "Shuanghuai Year's Notes" that "Chen Yu tasted things in the four Ming Dynasty and Zhang Shicheng was the editor"[74]. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Shicheng raised troops and seized the south of the Yangtze River, which was once very popular. Therefore, it is natural for Chen Li, who lived in the south of the Yangtze River, to participate in the shogunate of Zhang Shicheng and become an editor with his literary talent. "Shuanghuai Year's Banknote" goes on to say, "At the beginning of the country, the levy was for revision, and the bachelor was straightened." That is to say, after entering the Ming Dynasty, Chen Huan entered the central government as a senior secretary.

After Chen Huan entered the imperial court, he was further promoted, which was recommended by Yang Xian, the powerful minister at that time. In the "Zishan Dafu Zhongshu Zuo Chengyang Qu Yang Xian Biography" recorded in the 11th volume of Jiao Hong's "Records of the Contribution of the National Dynasty", "Zishan Dafu Zhongshu Zuo Chengyang Qu Yang Xian Biography" contains: "(Constitution) wants to hold power, but to create a 'unified mountains and rivers' flower to show the bureaucrats, in order to see their compliance. Those who possess themselves will not be exceeded, and those who do not will go. People don't understand what it means. One day, Hanlin edited Chen Huan into the confession, and when he saw the word charge, he said: "The word is expensive." The so-called only the sky is above, and there are no mountains and Qi people. 'The constitution is overjoyed, and in the next few days, it will be played in Hanlin to be systematized. Its tyrannical lawlessness is more like this. ”[75]

Shen Guoyuan, a Ming scholar, compiled "Emperor Ming Congxinlu": "The official system of the Hanlin Academy, with Zhu Sheng, a bachelor, as a bachelor, and Chen Huan and Zhan as direct bachelors. [76] Mingren Wang Qi's "Continuation of the General Examination of Literature" Volume 48 "Election Examination" specifically records the time when Chen Huan served as a direct bachelor, which contains: "Chen Huan, a native of Fenghua, Zhejiang, Hongwu first raised the Ming Scripture, and served as a direct bachelor in the second year. [77] Not only does it record the time, but the record of the "Continuation of the General Examination of Literature" also reveals a new fact, that is, Chen Huan had participated in the imperial examination in the early Ming Dynasty. The Ming scholar Xue Yingyi's "Charter Record" clearly recorded that Chen Huan was a straight bachelor in the first month of the second year of Hongwu. [78]

Chen Huan became a straight bachelor, and Xie Yingfang, an elderly Confucian in his hometown, also wrote a poem entitled "Congratulations to Chen Zijing to the Academy": "Bai Yu is placed here for the hall, and the poems and books live up to everyone." The peanut color pen is beautiful, and the catkins robe is new in the rain and dew. Eight bricks tend to be banned, and the country is open to the gentry. The fishermen on the Wusong River are also singing the praises of loneliness. ”[79]

Becoming a straight bachelor is equivalent to becoming the emperor's secretary. Therefore, Chen Huan had the opportunity to work closely with Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. Mingren Huang Zuo's "Hanlin Ji" volume 6 "Yan Yin Genghe" contains: "On the 2nd day of November 20 in the second year of Hongwu, he went to the imperial foreign court and summoned the bachelor Song Hao, the attendant bachelor Wei Su, the attendant scholar Zhan Tong, the straight bachelor Chen Huan, the waiting Wang Yi, and the living note Wei Guan Wu Lin sat left and right. He ordered the official to eat and give him wine and drink. The above has been exhausted repeatedly, and the lieutenant official has promised to persuade him very strongly. The number of Ephsis wins the cup. He said, 'But it doesn't hurt to drink.' At the end of the wine, the prince Yu Hanmo gave a chapter of the poem "Winter", and the small preface of the complex system was at the beginning, and the fate was advanced with poetry. The first is the first, the second is the second, the view, Lin, the two, the same and the second, the last, the poem is based on the people's suffering. Shang said: 'Vegetarian old age, does it mean to worry about the common life?' So they got drunk and walked away. ”[80]

Such days did not last long, and Chen Huan's time as a direct scholar was very short, only in the second year of Hongwu (1369). Mingren Lei Liji's "Chronicles of the Princes of the National Dynasty" contains: "Chen Huan, a native of Fenghua, Zhejiang, raised the Ming Jing at the beginning of the country, and served as a straight bachelor in the second year of Hongwu, and was a scholar this year. [81] As a result, there is more than one historical record of Chen Huan's career at the end of his career. There is also such a record in the same book and volume: "In the first month of the spring of the second year of Hongwu, Zhu Sheng was promoted to a bachelor, and Zhan Tong and Huan were straight bachelors. [82] It is recorded that Chen Huan "is an old man", which is actually a rumor of Chen Huan's unfortunate death. Qing Huang Zongxi's "Song and Yuan Dynasty Studies" volume 86 "Bentang Family Studies" contains in the article "Bachelor Mr. Chen": "At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, overseas Chinese lived in Baixia, and they were bachelors of Hanlin and died for non-crimes. [83] "Death without sin" is very vague. The Ming people Du Mu "Du Gong Tan Compilation" volume directly said that "I was killed by my Taizu later". [84] The Ming scholar Lu Cang's "Gengsi Edition" recorded that "in Hongwuzhong, Zijing is a living note, and he sits and dies" [85]. So, what did Chen Huan do because of "sitting and dying"?

In this regard, the Qing people talked about moving the fourth volume of "Guoyi" and recorded it in detail: "Yang Xian, the right Cheng of Zhongshu Province, is the left Cheng, looking for ambush and punishment." Xian, Yangqu people. Less official Jiangnan, familiar with history and good at discernment. Shangke Jinling was retained, so that Zhang Shicheng returned, in addition to the doctor's consultation, the provincial affairs of the south of the Yangtze River. Sensitive, quite good in the shade, try to persuade the government of supervision, and don't listen. Li Si Nongqing, double the tax in western Zhejiang, the people are very hard. Moved from Henan and Shanxi provinces, and was relieved of power. It also created a charge of 'unifying mountains and rivers', and the bureaucrats attached it. Edited and edited by Chen Huan congratulated him on his great nobility, and the performance was to be made. Liu Bing, the servant of the imperial history, impeached Wang Guangyang, and impeached Zuo Anshan, the servant of the Criminal Department. I feel that it is in vain, and I will go to prison. Taishi ordered Liu Ji to issue a constitutional treachery and ambush him. As a result, Liu Bing, Chen Huan, and Mr. Ling all abandoned the city. [86] From this, it can be seen that Chen Huan was implicated by Yang Xian and died a tragic death. [87]

It is often dangerous for a scholar to speculate and take sides for the sake of changing his own fate. Standing in the wrong line, the distance from the guest to the prisoner was very close. Judging from the previous records, in November of the second year of Hongwu, Chen Huan was still drinking and feasting happily with the emperor, and was tortured to death by abandoning the city about a month later. Fate is unpredictable, which is emotional. In the Song Dynasty, scholars became scholars of the Hanlin Dynasty, which was equivalent to becoming the leader of the literati, and was only one step away from the ruling group of the political commanding heights. Under the background of the politics of scholars in the Song Dynasty, many scholars had no worries about their lives, and legend has it that Song Taizu also made an oath not to kill scholars. [88] In the Ming Dynasty, scholars inherited the spirit of Song scholars, but did not have the relaxed political environment of the Song Dynasty. That's why there will be tragedies like Chen Huan.

Chen Huan was executed, and people were reminded of the anecdote of the lightning strike caused by his compilation of the "Tongjian Continuation", so there was a new annex. The seventh volume of the Ming Dynasty Lu Cang's "Geng Si Compilation" recorded: "In Hongwuzhong, Zijing is a living note, sitting and dying, and he is about to be executed. [89] In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang did not know about this anecdote, obviously because of the aftermath of the posterity.

According to the Ming dynasty Wang Wei's compilation of "(Zhengde) Gusu Zhi" volume three or four: "The living note of the national dynasty is in the melon mountain of Yangshan Mountain. [90] In other words, Chen Huan finally rested in Suzhou, where he lived. According to Wang Shizhen's "Juyi Lu" volume 31 quotes Shidong Jushi Baluoyun: "Zijing, the Chinese characters." has no children, and his suicide note belongs to his grandson Gu. The Gu family migrated to Yuhang from Siming. [91] The aforementioned quotation of Zhou Zhongfu's "Zheng Tang Reading Secretaries" also records that "the inscription of Gaochang Guzhen, the great-grandson outside the Zijing", is consistent with the record of "Juyilu". This is Chen Huan's posthumous affairs.

Conclusion: The significance of Chen Huan

Authors and works, producers and products, have an inseparable connection, and knowledge of books must be about people. Whether Chen Huan, the compiler of the "Tongjian Continuation", was a Yuan or Ming person, starting from the specific bibliographic issues of the times, the above first investigated Chen Huan's family history and exchanges, which can also be summarized as a spot in the scholarly circle at that time. Focusing on the "Tongjian Continuation", it focuses on excavating Chen Huan's motivation for compiling the Song Dynasty as orthodoxy, and reveals Chen Huan's consciousness that he was not satisfied with the "History of the Song Dynasty" revised by the Yuan people and tried to transcend the dynastic view of history. It also examines Chen Huan's other works other than the lesser-known "Tongjian Continuation". Finally, it specifically examines Chen Huan's political participation in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, which is another aspect of Chen Huan as the compiler of the "Tongjian Continuation". This investigation uses a case study to show the tragic life of a scholar in a traditional society who has been up and down under the tide of the times. The investigation is not only intended to discuss the historiographical ideas of the historians of that era, but also to serve as a cross-section, trying to present the fate of an ordinary scholar.


[1] Yongying et al., Siku Quanshu General Catalogue, Vol. 47, History Department, Third Edition, Chronology, Tong Jian Continuation, Beijing, Zhonghua Book Company, 1965, p. 428.

[2] Dong Ji et al., eds., The Whole Tang Dynasty, Broken Sentences, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1983.

[3] Peng Dingqiu et al., eds., Quan Tang Poems, Dianxiaoben, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1960.

[4] Zeng Lizhuang and Liu Lin, eds., The Whole Song Dynasty, Dianxiaoben, Shanghai: Shanghai Resignation Publishing House, 2006.

[5] Peking University, Institute of Ancient Literature, ed., Quan Song Poems, Dian Xiaoben, Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2006.

[6] Li Xiusheng, ed., Quanyuan Wen, Dianxiaoben, Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 1998.

[7] Yang Xuan, ed., Quanyuan Poems, Dianxiaoben, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2013.

[8] Mo Youzhi, Fu Zengxiang Supplement, Fu Xinian's Collation of Tibetan Garden Supplement Xuan Ting Zhi Jian Biography Bibliography, vol. 4, Beijing, Zhonghua Book Company, 2009, p. 247.

[9] So far, the main studies on Chen Huan and his Tongjian Continuation include Qian Maowei, "A Brief Narrative of the History of Chen Huan, a Scholar from Eastern Zhejiang" (Journal of Ningbo University, No. 2, 1992), Zhang Wei, "Chen Huan's Historical Re-exploration" (Historical Research, No. 3, 2000), and Cao Jincheng's "Historical Sources and Historical Affairs: The Mengyuan Dynasty in the Continuation of Tongjian", Social Sciences Academic Press, 2020.

[10] The author's related research papers include: "The Practice of Yili Historiography: Chen Huan and His <通鑒續編>Gains and Losses", Chinese Literature and History Review, No. 4, 2021, pp. 287-310; "Yuan Ren is <宋史>Zhengfa Reply: A <通鑒續編>Case Study", Song Studies 2022, vol. 3, pp. 238-245; "A Rare Special Case in the History of Historiography: Chen Huan's <通鑒續編>Compilation of Hidden Comments", History Teaching, No. 7, 2022, pp. 3-6.

[11] The third volume of the anonymous "Bao You Fourth Year Dengke Lu" reads: "The seventeenth person of the fifth class is Chen. Photocopy, Taipei: Wenhai Publishing House, 1969, p. 243.

[12] Lu Xinyuan, Song Shiyi, Vol. 25, Chen Zhubiography, photocopy, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1991, pp. 269-270.

[13] Chen, "Bentang Collection", Wenyuan Ge Siku Quanshuben, 1185 volumes, pp. 1-523.

[14] Huang Zongxi, Quan Zuwang Buxiu, Chen Jinsheng and Liang Yunhua Dianxiao, Song and Yuan Xue Cases, vol. 86, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1986, p. 2900.

[15] Frontispiece Chen Jixu of the Continuation of the Compendium of the General Examination, Yuan Edition, p. 8. In addition, the sixth volume of Yuanren Chen Lu's "Anya Tang Collection" contains the "Preface to the Historical Chronicles": "Therefore, it is known that the Taizhou Secret Supervisor Chen Gongzi Wei Zhishi is in the court, and the elegant exercise is enough to be vulgar, and the slander is enough to Kuang Zheng, and the death is strangled by the ministers, and it is not of great use." Song died, lived in seclusion in the mountains of Juzhang, did not connect with the world, and said: I have no one to do, and my godson is also my duty. It is the day to take the book and save it, and the Iroru precursor to it, for the sake of the son. He also thinks that he is a good godson of Han Retreat, and the reason why people are different from cattle and horses is because they are through the past and the present. It is also taken from the history of the dynasties, since the Three Emperors reported to Xiangxing, written into four words, and the leaves are resonant. Quanyuanwen, vol. 1170, p. 268.

[16] Chen Ji, "Yi Bai Zhai Manuscript", vol. 32, "Mr. Bachen Ruzi Writes His Brother Ruquan Poems", Quanyuan Wen, vol. 1535, p. 328.

[17] Frontispiece Chen Jixu, Yuan Edition, p. 8.

[18] Frontispiece of Tongjian Continuation, Preface by Zhou Boqi, Yuan Periodicals, p. 5. Regarding Chen Mi's "Biography of the "Chronicles", Chen Lu's "Preface to the Chronicles of the Past Dynasties" has a cloud: "The young son of the male and young son is read by his book, and he is now old. As for the great religion of the world, it must be discussed for the sake of the future life. Quanyuanwen, vol. 1170, p. 268.

[19] Luo Zhenyu photocopied the unengraved manuscript of "Jin Shi Cui Compilation", Volume 2, and Chen Mi wrote "The Legend of the Three Virtuous Ancestral Halls of West Lake Academy". In addition, Shao Jinhan and others compiled the "Hangzhou Mansion Chronicles" volume 33 recorded Ye Sen's "Hejing Tomb Records": "Mr. Hejing's tomb is in Gushan. To the Yuan Jimao, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Confucianism promoted Yu Qiande Tart, and ordered the head of the West Lake Academy, Chen Mi Ruquan, to repair it with the forest. Preface to the 49th Year of Qianlong, p. 8.

[20] Liao Daonan: "The Legend of the Palace and Pavilion" Volume 4 "Chen Huan, a Straight Bachelor of the Hanlin Academy", contains: "Father, Professor Yuanraozhou. Wenyuan Pavilion Siku Quanshu, 452 volumes, page 194.

[21] Frontispiece Chen Jixu of the Continuation of the Compendium of the General Examination, Yuan Edition, pp. 8-9.

[22] See Wang Ruilai, "'Ji Gu Lu' Fa Wei", Historical Studies in Historiography, No. 3, 2017, pp. 1-9.

[23] Chen Ji, "Yi Bai Zhai Manuscript", vol. 32, "Mr. Bachen Ruzi Writes His Brother Ruquan Poems", Quanyuanwen, vol. 1535, p. 328.

[24] The History of the Song Dynasty, vol. 438, "The Biography of Huang Zhen", reads: "Bao You ascended to the rank of Jin Shi in the fourth year. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1985, p. 12991.

[25] "Song and Yuan Xue Case", vol. 86, "Dongfa Xue Case, Bentang Family Study, Bachelor Chen Mr. Huan", p. 2905.

[26] Di Lingzhi, "Ten Thousand Surnames", vol. 47, "The Biography of Huang Jue". Wenyuan Pavilion Siku Quanshu, 956 volumes, page 728.

[27] Chen, "Bentang Collection", vol. 35, Wenyuan Ge Siku Quanshuben, vol. 1185, p. 167.

[28] Huang Jue, Zhoushan Xiaoyin Yinlu, vol. 2, Quanyuan Poems, vol. 35, p. 187.

[29] Wang Ruilai, "The World of Pipe Rising: Case Analysis: Gender Highlighted in Poetry and Painting", Journal of China Women's University, No. 4, 2011; "Freehand Huang Gongwang: The Great Era of One Man's Refraction", International Social Sciences, No. 4, 2011.

[30] Anonymous "Poems", photocopy, Beijing: Bibliography Publishing House, 1993, p. 1524.

[31] Zhou Boqi preface to the frontispiece of the "Tongjian Continuation": "Give the weak crown to Hanghang, and be friendly with Ruquan." Yuan Journal, p. 5.

[32] Chen Huan, "Tongjian Continued Inscription", Yuan Edition, p. 15.

[33] Dai Liang, Zhu Rizu Annotation "Jiuling Shanfang Ji Ji Ji Annotation", vol. 12, "Tong Jiao Qianzhi Compilation Requires New Book Preface", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2023, p. 989.

[34] Li Youtang, Cui Wenyin and Meng Mowen Dian Xiaoxiao, Liaoning Historical Chronicles, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2015.

[35] Frontispiece of the Continuation of the Compendium by Zhou Boqi, Yuan Edition, p. 4.

[36] Frontispiece of Tongjian Continuation, Yuan Edition, p. 12. The historical background and longitude of the dispute over the orthodoxy of the Yuan, Song, Liao, and Jin histories, including Qian Maowei's "A Brief Narrative of the History of Chen Huan, a Scholar in Eastern Zhejiang" and Wang Ruilai's "A Brief History of the Song Dynasty" ("Books", No. 2, 1987), etc., have been discussed a lot, so I will not repeat them here.

[37] Frontispiece of the Continuation of the Commentary by Zhou Boqi, Yuan Edition, p. 4.

[38] Anonymous, Wang Shengdian School, The Complete Text of the History of the Song Dynasty, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2016.

[39] Anonymous, Wang Ruilai, "The Political Leaders of the Three Dynasties of the Song Dynasty", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2010.

[40] Liu Shiju, edited by Wang Ruilai, "Continuing the Song Dynasty Zhongxing Chronicle of Seniority", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2014.

[41] Liu Yiqing, Wang Ruilai Xiaoxiao Kaoyuan, Qiantang Legacy, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2016.

[42] For the "Fever of Revision" in the early Yuan Dynasty, see Wang Ruilai, "An Examination of the Political Leaders of the Three Dynasties of the Song Dynasty", Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Press, 2015, pp. 156-172.

[43] Du Mu's "Du Gong Tan Compilation" volume, series of books integrated into the first edition, p. 3.

[44] Yong Ying et al., "Siku Quanshu General Catalogue", vol. 47, History Department, 3rd Edition, "Tong Jian Continuation", p. 429.

[45] Xie Zhaoqian, Fu Chengxiao, Five Miscellaneous Figures, Vol. 13, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2012, p. 243.

[46] For the above quotations of Chen Huan and his friends discussing Zhao Kuangyin's remarks on behalf of Zhou, see Zhu Yunming, Zhu Zi's Crime Knowledge, vol. 2, Ming Edition, p. 26.

[47] Zhu Yunming, Zhu Zi Sin Zhi Lu, vol. 3, Ming Edition, p. 49.

[48] At the end of the article "Dismissal of Zhang Jun, Sentence of Fuzhou, and Execution of the Second Year of Longxing" in the second year of the "Tongjian Continuation", it is written: "The time is based on Jun's loyalty, and it is too similar to Han Zhuge Liang." Ran Liang can make Wei Yan and Yang Yi not the same and different for the rest of their lives, Jun kills Qu Duan because of Wu Jue, Liang can tolerate filial piety, Jun can not tolerate Li Gang and Zhao Ding, and slander them, so he is not as good as Liang. "Page 8.

[49] Chen Ting, "Two Mountains and Ink Talks", vol. 8, Changsha in the 22nd year of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Changsha engraved the Yinxuan series of books, p. 3.

[50] According to the record of the sixth volume of the "Political Leaders of the Three Dynasties of the Song Dynasty" and written by Chen Zhongwei, it should be "The Second King Ben Mo", also known as "The First and Last of the Two Kings", in Wang Ruilai's note, pp. 450-511.

[51] Huang Chengzhang compiles (Yongzheng) Tongzhou Xinzhi, vol. 5, quoting the Ming language, engraved in the second year of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty, p. 35.

[52]《通鑒續編》卷首張紳序,元刊本,p. 13。

[53] Li Jingde, ed., Wang Xingxian, Zhu Zi Linguistics, vol. 105, "On Self-Annotations: General Outline", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1986, p. 2636.

[54]《通鑒續編書例》載《通鑒續編》卷首,元刊本,p. 4。

[55] Tong Xuan Continued Edition, vol. 15, Yuan Edition, p. 94.

[56] "History of the Song Dynasty", Volume 22, "Huizong Ji", "praised" Yun: "The reason for the loss of Huizong is not the foolishness of Ruohui, the violence of Sun Hao, nor the usurpation of Cao and Ma. So Cai Jing used his thin and clever assets to help him with his ambition to be extravagant and promiscuous. They indulge in nothingness, worship tourists, and exhaust the people's strength. Monarchs and ministers are resigned, neglecting national politics, and doing nothing every day. and children are practical, and they are good soldiers and diligent, and they are quick and chaotic. He was humiliated in Japan, so he was in the same department as Shi Zhen, and he was able to tell a lot. In the newly created state of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the king of Judant Wu was summoned to not do no benefit and harm, and not to use things for other things, and the situation of Xuan and Zheng was the Song Dynasty, and Chengxi, Feng, and Shaosheng were killed, and Huizong did the disadvantages of the two things? Since the ancients were playful and lost, indulged in lust and defeated, and the immortal, Huizong was very bad, so the special book was a ring. p. 418.

[57] Dong Qichang supplemented, Yan Wen Confucianism, Tong Ji Yao, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 2013.

[58] Qi Cheng, "澹生堂藏書目", Qing Song Dynasty Mantang Edition, p. 71.

[59] Chen Huan's "History of the Song Dynasty", the earliest extant edition is the inscription of Gu's Dashishanfang from the eighteenth to the twentieth year of Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty.

[60] Zhou Zhongfu, "Zheng Tang Reading Secretaries", Supplement Yi Vol. 9, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1993, p. 497.

[61] Dai Liang, Jiuling Shanfang Collection, vol. 7, Yongkang Hu retreat from the seventh year of Tongzhi to the eighth year of Guangxi, Yongkang Hu's retreat to make up the engraved Jin Huawei book between the Republic of China, p. 4.

[62] Dai Liang, Jiuling Shanfang Collection, vol. 3, Yongkang Hu Shi retired from the seventh year of Tongzhi to the eighth year of Guangxi, and engraved the book of Jinhua Jungle between the Republic of China, pp. 14-15.

[63] Wang Qi, "Continuing the Texts and Documents", vol. 179, engraved version of Songjiang Mansion in the 30th year of the Ming Dynasty, p. 1.

[64] Li Xian et al., Fang Zhiyuan et al., Daming Yi Tong Zhi, Chengdu: Bashu Publishing House, 2017, p. 409.

[65] Feng Guifen, (Tongzhi) Suzhou Prefecture Chronicles, engraved in the ninth year of Guangxi, p. 24.

[66] Qian Daxin, Chen Wenhe, ed., The Complete Works of Jiading Qian Daxin (Expanded Edition), Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2016, p. 200.

[67] Yongying, Siku Quanshu Zongmu, Vol. 191, Jibu Sanzong Collection, Ruler and Hoof, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1965, p. 1738.

[68] Wang Shiyu, Ju Yi Lu, vol. 31, Wen Hui Cabinet Siku Quanshu, 869 volumes, p. 700.

[69] As for Chen Huan's other works other than the Tongjian Pre-Edition, Qian Maowei's "A Brief Description of the History of Chen Huan, a Scholar from Eastern Zhejiang" and Zhang Wei's "Re-exploration of Chen Huan's Historiography" are both mentioned, but the perspective of this article is different from the details of the narrative.

[70] Dai Liang, "Jiuling Shanfang Collection", vol. 7, "Preface to the Poems of Sending Neng to the Venerable", Yongkang Hu Shi retired from the seventh year of Tongzhi to the eighth year of Guangxi, Yongkang Hu's retreat and engraved Jin Huawei book between the Republic of China, p. 21.

[71] Zhao Qimei, "Iron Net Coral", Wenyuan Pavilion Siku Quanshu, vol. 815, p. 497.

[72] Zengen Poems, vol. 53, p. 99.

[73] Wu Shengji, "Daguanlu", translated by Wujin Li Shisheng in the ninth year of the Republic of China, p. 65.

[74] Huang Yu, "Shuanghuai Sui", vol. 1, "Song and Yuan Tongjian", Qing Daoguang 11th to Tongzhi 2nd year Nanhai Wu's Cantonese Yatang Writing Room engraved Lingnan Testament, p. 7.

[75] Jiao Hong, "Records of the Dedication of the National Dynasty", engraved version of the 44th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, p. 16.

[76] Shen Guoyuan, ed., Emperor Ming Cong Xinlu, vol. 4, late Ming Dynasty edition, p. 27.

[77] Wang Qi, "Continuation of the Literature General Examination", vol. 48, "Election Examination", engraved version of Songjiang Mansion in the 30th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, p. 37

[78] Written by Xue Yingyi, edited by Zhan Long and Geng Yong, Volume 1 of the Chartered Chapters and Records was recorded in the first month of the second year of Hongwu: "The official system of the Hanlin Academy was established, and Zhu was promoted to a bachelor's degree, and Chen Huan and Zhan were both directly educated. Nanjing: Phoenix Press, 2014, p. 16.

[79] Xie Yingfang, "Manuscript of the Turtle Nest", vol. 10, Jing Manuscript of the Four Books and Three Editions, p. 18.

[80] Huang Zuo, Hanlin Ji, vol. 6, Wenyuan Ge Siku Quanshuben, vol. 596, pp. 921-922.

[81] Lei Liji, "The Chronicles of the Princes of the National Dynasty", vol. 19, engraved by Xu Jian, Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, p. 5.

[82] Lei Liji, "The Chronicles of the Princes of the National Dynasty", vol. 19, engraved by Xu Jian of Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, p. 32.

[83] Huang Zongxi, Quan Zu Wang, Chen Jinsheng and Liang Yunhua Dianxiao, Song and Yuan Xue Cases, vol. 86, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1986, p. 2905.

[84] Du Mu's Du Gong Tan Compilation, vol. 1, series of books, p. 5.

[85] Lu Cang, "Gengsi Ed.", vol. 7, "Chen Zijing", Ming Wanli Records Compilation, p. 3.

[86] Tan Qian, Zhang Zongxiang Dianxiao, Guoyi, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1958, p. 424.

[87] Regarding the cause of Chen Huan's death, Qian Maowei's "A Brief Description of the History of Chen Huan, a Scholar in Eastern Zhejiang", speculated: "It may have been punished for committing a crime after Zhishi. In short, since we cannot find detailed information about Chen Huan's life, we can only sketch and speculate as such. "Actually, as mentioned above, the cause of Chen Huan's death is very clear.

[88] Written by Wang Fuzhi, Shu Shiyan ordered the school "Song Theory" Volume 1 "Taizu" cloud: "Taizu leshi, locked in the palace, so that the heir to the throne, enter and kneel down." There are three precepts: first, to protect the descendants of the Chai family; 2. Doctors who do not kill people; 3. Do not add farmland gifts. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1964, p. 4.

[89] Lu Cang, Gengsi Ed., vol. 7, Chen Zijing, Ming Wanli Records Compilation, p. 3.

[90] Wang Wei, "(Zhengde) Gusu Zhi", engraved in the first year of Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty, p. 17.

[91] Wang Shiyu, Ju Yi Lu, vol. 31, Wen Hui Cabinet Siku Quanshu, 869 volumes, p. 700.

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