
Wang Ruiyu: The detection of a special enemy case

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the third series of "Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials" (December 1986), written by Wang Ruiyu, and the original title is "The Investigation of a Special Enemy Case"


In 1946, I worked in the Jubei County Public Security Bureau, and in July, I annihilated a group of bandits who attacked our district office in Taiping District, Jubei County, and captured alive three spies, one of whom was Lun Shaoming. A "passport" of our Eighth Detachment on a business trip to Linyi and Juxian was found on his body, and this person claimed to be an intelligence staff officer of our Eighth Detachment who had penetrated into the enemy's interior. Therefore, we escorted Lun Shaoming to the garrison of our Eighth Detachment in Luzhong for verification, but after investigation, our army had nothing to do, and the "passport" of our army on Lun's body was fake. It has been confirmed that it is a fact that Lun had previously engaged in intelligence for our army, but he has severed relations for many years. Since then, the person's whereabouts are unknown. This time, he claimed that it was a staff officer of our army who was purely impersonating. So we took Lun Shaoming back to the Jubei County Public Security Bureau for a new trial.

At that time, Comrade Sun Shanzhai and I were working in the same county public security bureau, and the leaders specifically arranged for the two of us to be responsible for hearing and clarifying this case. Through interrogation, Lun preliminarily admitted that he was now a spy of the Kuomintang, who was active in the Anqiu area, and had participated in the attack on the Shibuzi District Office and the crime of brutally killing the staff of our district. However, he did not mention why he came to China's liberated areas this time with his "passport" and pretended to be our personnel. In the end, after my strict questioning, he really couldn't prevaricate, so he said vaguely: "I went back to my hometown of Juxian Lun's house to take a look, and the 'passport' I brought with me was to deal with the interrogation along the way." When asked about his family members, major relatives, he answered very naturally. The addresses of my aunt's house, aunt's house, and grandmother's house were all mentioned, but the situation of my father-in-law's house was not mentioned. After repeated questioning, he confessed the address of his father-in-law's house and the name of his father-in-law: Huangbu Village, father-in-law Song ××.

When the Kuomintang army began to attack our liberated areas, was it really just to go home and have a look? Why did he cover up the situation at his father-in-law's house? After the interrogation of Lun Shaoming, we believe that there must be six articles in it. After promptly reporting the situation and thoughts of the interrogation to the leaders of the bureau, we decided to go to Lun's hometown to find out the details and ascertain the facts. We first went to Lunjiadangmen Village in Ju County to find village cadres and conduct an investigation. Knowing that Lun's younger brother also fled to Anqiu, the two brothers have not returned home since they left. This proves that Len's "go home and see" is false. So we went to Huangbu Village in Juxian County to learn about his father-in-law's family and get in touch with him. When asking Lun if he had ever been to his house, Song ×× insisted that Lun Shaoming had never come. But according to the village cadres; Lun's father-in-law was born as a landlord, and he usually did not do his job properly, and his thoughts were reactionary, hoping that Jiang Jun would come over to "change the sky". Neighbors reported that in the middle of the night not long ago, they heard an unusual call for the door of his house, and when the militia went to check the household registration the next day, they also found all kinds of signs that outsiders had come. This is a very important clue, Mo Feilun really went to his father-in-law's house?

According to the information obtained from the investigation, we went back to the Jubei County Public Security Bureau to interrogate Lun Shaoming again. From the interrogation, it can be seen that although he still flatly denied going to his father-in-law's house on the surface, his expression showed a look of uncertainty, which aroused our suspicions even more. At this time, we learned through the interrogation of the other two spies who were captured with Lun Shaoming that before they attacked the Taiping District Office, Lun had been to the liberated area alone, and for this reason, he was also valued by his superiors. This series of circumstances shows that it is very likely that Tianlun went to his father-in-law's house a few days ago, and it is very likely that he has a special mission. But how can we get Lun to tell the truth? It seems that interrogation alone will not work, and in order to break through, it must be combined with reconnaissance work.

After systematic analysis and careful consideration, we decided to conduct a disguised reconnaissance and go directly to Conglun's father-in-law's house in Huangbu Village to open a breakthrough. After the leaders approved our plan of action, I pretended to be Lun's younger brother to get the truth out of his father-in-law. I was nineteen years old at the time, and from what I knew, I was about the same age as Len's brother, and his accent was basically the same. It is understood that Lun's father-in-law only knows that Lun has a younger brother, but he has never met, and I have worked as a scout, so I guess I can handle it. In order to be more sure, I memorized some of the social relations and family situation of the Lun family many times, and made full preparations for all the problems that his father-in-law might mention. Before leaving, Comrade Yin Cifen personally explained to me some problems and emergency measures, and then set out on the road with his burden and pretending to be a small trader.

After a day of traveling, the road was quite smooth, and I arrived at Huangbu Village after dark. Huangbu Village is located in the east of Zhaoxian, an important town in Jubei, two Huali, divided into east, north and west three Huangbu, Lun's father-in-law Song ×× lived in East Huangbu. According to the location known in advance, Song ××'s home was found at the west end of Donghuangbu Village. It is a courtyard with north and south houses facing each other. As soon as I entered the door, I saw an old man in his fifties sitting in the south room, with two black mustaches, and others eating in the north room. I think this might be Len's father-in-law. So he put down his pick, stepped into the south house, lowered his voice and said, "You are the cousin, right?" I'm Lun Shaoming's younger brother, are you old? The old man slipped very much, but he just said "hmm", and did not say anything on the spot. After examining me for a moment, he suddenly asked, "Where are you from?" "Hit the north." "What are you doing at this time?" "Find my brother." "Where is your brother? When did he come here? "It's also in the north, he told me a few days ago that he came to your house, but he has been out for a few days, and he hasn't gone back yet, and he didn't feel at ease, so he sent me to find him."

Song ×× asked a series of questions, and I answered them all as I had prepared in advance, and his face slowly softened, but he was not completely relieved. Seeing that he went out for a while, he led two people from outside, pretending to be the militia of the village, and tested me again, but did not ask any leaks, and saw that I was full of anxious expressions, as if I was looking for my brother, so I finally believed in my "cousin", and said to me with money: "His cousin, don't blame me for asking you, the wind is tight at the moment!" A few days ago, they sent someone to inquire about your brother, if you don't get it right, it will be a big deal! "Then he led me into the Tibetan closet, took out ginseng wine, asked my wife to cook a few dishes, and warmly entertained me.

After I was full of wine and food, I took out the spy certificate hidden in the barrel of the pen and handed it to Song ××, and said, "My brother has been out for many days, and he hasn't returned yet, I don't know what happened." Song said: "Your brother came here on May 17 to stay for three days, and before leaving, he said that he was going to the garrison of Hao Pengju's rebel army, and he had something to do with a few friends, and he also brought a letter to others. I then feigned knowledge and asked, "I wonder what happened to him?" Song said: "He didn't tell me in detail what he was going to do, I just knew that he went to the Haobu station." "I'm afraid it's not Hao who has been detained, Hao is now a member of the Communist Party." He shook his head again and again: "No, no." "You dare to say you can't?" I provoked Song's words out of this excitement. Shaoming said that the letter he was referring to was sent on behalf of Chiang Kai-shek, and Hao Peng did not dare to detain him if he had the courage to do so.

I couldn't help but be surprised when I heard this, what a Lun Shaoming! Sure enough, he had come to our liberated areas with a special mission, and he even sent a handwritten letter to Chiang Kai-shek, which we could not have expected in advance. In order to grasp this matter, I pretended to be anxious and said: "Yes, the above is also anxious about this letter, so I was specially sent, if there is a deviation, it will be terrible, have you seen that letter?" Song said mysteriously: "I didn't see the letter, but he put down a stack of carbon paper before leaving, saying that he would take it after finishing his work, and now he hasn't come to get it for many days." I asked again, "Will he be captured by the Eighth Route Army?" Song said: "No, he has worked for the Eighth Route Army before, and besides, he still has the 'passport' of the Eighth Route Army, even if he encounters the Eighth Route Army, he can cope with the past, and it is estimated that he still lives in the area of Hao's garrison Cross Road." "When did he get from here?" "May 19 days unknown." At this point, the truth of Lun Shaoming, a Kuomintang spy, who had come to the liberated areas, was clear. Matters. I have to go back and report to the leader immediately. In order to make Lun Shaoming honestly explain the problem as soon as possible in front of more evidence, I said to Song: "I took the carbon paper left by my brother with me, and pretended to be a petty business to inquire about his whereabouts." "That's it." Song immediately took out the carbon paper and handed it to me, and it was already the middle of the night. Song went out again and brought the two people who had tested me before, and confessed, "These are our own people, you brought them to Anqiu to help find an errand to do." "I asked them about their names and experiences, and learned that these two people had been traitors during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and had been fought by the masses several times in the future when they complained against traitors, so they held a grudge. At the beginning of the Kuomintang army's attack on the liberated areas, they secretly did a lot of bad things. Then he said to them, "Wait at home first, and I will come and receive you when I have finished my work." "These two guys are very grateful and have escorted me out of the village.

After I hurried back to the Jubei County Public Security Bureau, I immediately reported what I had learned to Yin Cifen and other comrades, and reorganized the interrogation of Lun Shaoming with Comrade Sun Shanzhai. At the beginning of the interrogation, I said straightforwardly: "Lun Shaoming, tell me about going to your father-in-law's house!" Lun glared at him: "What's the matter?" It seemed that I still didn't want to confess, and before he could "close the door," I suddenly lit up the carbon paper I had brought from Song ×, and shouted: "The incident on the night of May 17th! As soon as he saw this stack of carbon paper, he knew that the "East Window Incident" had happened, and as soon as it became normal, beads of sweat the size of beans suddenly appeared on his face, and he knelt on the ground with a "plop". "I ...... I'll be honest. On the night of May 17, I secretly went to my father-in-law's house to have a look, and after two days of staying, I came back. Seeing that he still didn't want to confess completely, Comrade Sun Shanzhai was furious and slapped the table "popped": "Lun Shaoming!" If you don't come to your senses until you die, the policy of the Eighth Route Army is limited, and if you are not honest today, we will shoot you! "Then there was a fierce chase and fierce fighting, so that he would not have the slightest opportunity to think about cunning." Lun Shaoming! I want you to confess that letter, that handwritten letter from Chiang Kai-shek to Hao Pengju! ”

The cunning Lun Shaoming saw that our materials were sufficient and the evidence was conclusive, and the spiritual defense line had completely collapsed, so in order to save his life, he had to honestly confess his crimes. It turned out that as early as the beginning of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lun Shaoming defected to the Kuomintang and joined the military unification spy organization, and later, because he was familiar with the situation in China's liberated areas, he stole our intelligence many times, and constantly led bandits to our liberated areas to sabotage and did a lot of evil things. Hao Pengju, an opportunistic soldier who had once revolted and joined our army in January 1946 under our military and political pressure, wavered under the situation of Chiang's army's large-scale attack on China's liberated areas, and secretly colluded with Chiang Kai-shek, Xue Yue, and others in a vain attempt to break away from the people and defect to the Kuomintang again. In order to prompt Hao Pengju to speed up the process of betraying our army, Chiang Kai-shek personally wrote a letter to Hao Pengju to lure him to surrender. Because Lun Shaoming's family was from Ju County and he was familiar with the situation of Hao Bu's station, his boss sent him to hand over Jiang's letter to Hao Pengju. After receiving the task, he sandwiched the letter in the double leather of the carbon cardboard box, dressed up as a businessman doing small business, and took the forged "passport" of the eighth detachment of our army and the road slip of Shibuzi Town and went on the road. He passed through the route of Baifenzi, Shibuzi, Jingqiu, Meng Tuan, Guan Shuai, and Yuligou, infiltrated the liberated area, and rushed to his father-in-law's house late the next night, and hid in the wall of his father-in-law's house for three days in order to avoid accidents. After reading the letter, Hao rewarded him with 50 yuan Gangyang, approved the receipt, and walked out of Hao's station overnight and returned to Anqiu. After Lun returned to Anqiu, he was rewarded by his boss for completing this important task, and the boss gave him a piece of gold as a reward for this operation, and was accompanied by his team leader to fool around in the tavern for a day.

Comrade Sun Shanzhai and I immediately reported the situation to the leading comrades of the Public Security Bureau, and the leaders of the bureau immediately reported to the head of the Jubei County Party Committee and Binhai District. It has provided a reliable basis for higher-level military and political leaders to grasp the dynamics of Hao's ministry in a timely manner.

On January 26, 1947, the capricious Hao Pengju really cut himself off from the people and rebelled. However, because the army and people in our liberated areas had already been prepared, they immediately launched a campaign against the rebellion, and within two days they completely annihilated two divisions of Hao's department, and captured Hao Pengju alive 11 days later, thus achieving a perfect victory.


Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 3 (December 1986)

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