
Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

author:Zhuxiao Institute
Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife
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Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

In 1994, Wu Qijiang, a teenager from Nanjing, stepped into the door of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse with a youthful dream. At the age of 16, he is slender and immature, shuttling between guests and providing them with attentive service.

At that time, he probably never imagined that his life would take such a huge turn.

26 years later, in October 2020, the audience in front of the TV was deeply moved by a TV series with an anti-epidemic theme. In "Together in Huoshenshan", it is Wu Qijiang who plays the heroic military doctor "Zhang Zhi".

His selfless dedication and strong sense of responsibility have moved countless audiences.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

From an unknown hotel waiter to a famous actor who brought the national audience to tears, Wu Qijiang's transformation seems to be an intractable mystery. What's the story behind this seemingly impossible transformation? Let's unravel this fascinating mystery together.

In 1999, 21-year-old Wu Qijiang stood at the crossroads of his life. Five years of working in a hotel has made him deeply aware of his inner love for acting.

He made up his mind to apply for a professional art college and chase his acting dream.

In order to achieve this seemingly unattainable goal, Wu Qijiang has made unimaginable efforts. He hired a cultural class teacher for one-on-one tutoring, memorized the questions without sleep or food, and only allowed himself to rest for three or four hours a day.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

During those days of preparing for the exam, Wu Qijiang's eyes were always bloodshot, but there was a determined light in his eyes.

The hard work paid off, and Wu Qijiang was successfully admitted to the Performance Department of Nanjing University of the Arts. When he first entered the university, he quickly won the favor of Jiangsu TV Station with his outstanding appearance and talent.

He has participated in the hosting of many popular variety shows such as "Super Shock" and "Straight to Life", and has become one of the pioneers in China's variety show hosting industry.

However, Wu Qijiang was not satisfied with the identity of the host. In June 2003, in the face of the invitation of Jiangsu TV to stay, he resolutely chose to give up and applied for the Beijing Bayi Film Studio instead.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

This decision made his parents deeply uneasy, but Wu Qijiang firmly believed that only by devoting himself wholeheartedly could he realize his dream of being an actor.

When I first arrived in Beijing, I didn't have a good time. Due to the lack of connections, Wu Qijiang was unable to get a suitable role for a long time. He has been deceived by the so-called "wild crew" many times, paying a high registration fee but not getting a real performance opportunity.

In the face of these setbacks, Wu Qijiang did not choose to give up. He traveled between various crews every day, took the initiative to recommend himself, and handed his resume to the assistant director.

Sometimes, he was even mistaken for a waiter at a small restaurant, but these misunderstandings did not shake his determination to pursue his dreams.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

During these difficult days, Wu Qijiang often sat alone on the edge of the bed in his rental house, looking out the window at the bustling Beijing and thinking about his future. Despite all the difficulties, whenever he wanted to give up, the voice in his heart that insisted on his dream would always sound, giving him the courage to keep going.

Wu Qijiang's persistence finally ushered in a turning point. In 2004, CCTV Sports Channel's "Human Sports" column conducted a national audition, and he stood out with his talent and won the starring opportunity.

This appearance opened the door to the showbiz for him, and also strengthened his determination to continue to pursue his dream of being an actor.

Looking back on this dream-chasing process, Wu Qijiang was deeply emotional. From hotel waiter to TV host to professional actor, every step is full of hardships and challenges.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

But it was these experiences that shaped his tenacious character and laid the foundation for his future success in the entertainment industry. Wu Qijiang's story tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts and make unremitting efforts for it, we will eventually usher in our own stage.

In 2004, Wu Qijiang's acting career ushered in the first important turning point. CCTV Sports Channel's "Human Sports" column auditioned actors across the country, and Wu Qijiang stood out from many competitors with his talent and won the opportunity to star.

When he stood in front of the camera, his dream for many years finally came true, and the long-lost excitement filled his whole body with strength.

After the show was broadcast, Wu Qijiang received unexpected praise. Many viewers mistakenly thought he was the host of a sports channel, and some TV stations even threw an olive branch to him.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

However, Wu Qijiang knows in his heart that his real dream is to become an excellent actor. He politely turned down these invitations and continued to look for opportunities to break through in the entertainment industry.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. Not long after, Wu Qijiang ushered in another turning point in his career. The broadcast of the hit series "Ugly Girl Invincible" really brought him into the audience's field of vision.

His handsome and chic appearance, coupled with superb and smooth acting skills, quickly won the love of the audience. Since the beginning of this drama, Wu Qijiang has starred in many popular works such as "Made in Youth", "Earth-shattering", "Big Torrent", "Marshal He Long" and "Our 10 Years", and has gradually become a new star loved by the audience.

In 2017, Wu Qijiang's career ushered in a new peak. He received an invitation to participate in "Dajiang Dahe", and was originally arranged to play the role of "County Magistrate Xu". However, an unexpected turn of events changed the trajectory of his career once again.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

On the second day of the first lunar month, director Kong Sheng personally drove from Beijing to Nanjing, had an in-depth exchange with Wu Qijiang, and decided to let him play a more challenging role.

Faced with this sudden change, Wu Qijiang was both apprehensive and excited. He knew it was a great opportunity to showcase his acting skills. In order to better interpret the character, he invested a lot of time in studying the background of the character and figuring out the psychology of the character.

His efforts were not in vain, and the broadcast of "Big River" pushed his acting career to a new peak.

In October 2020, Wu Qijiang once again moved the national audience. In the anti-epidemic TV series "Together Huoshenshan", he played the male protagonist and the heroic and fearless military doctor "Zhang Zhi".

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

His performance deeply touched the audience and brought many to tears. This work not only consolidates Wu Qijiang's status in the entertainment industry, but also shows his sense of social responsibility as an actor.

Looking back on this journey from a supporting role to a leading role, Wu Qijiang is often full of emotion. He knows that behind every opportunity, it is the result of his unremitting efforts over the years.

From the debut of "Human Sports", to the popularity of "Ugly Girl Invincible", to the success of "Big River" and "Huoshenshan Together", every step embodies his sweat and dedication.

This experience made Wu Qijiang cherish everything now, and also inspired him to continue to move forward on the road of acting. He always believes that as long as he maintains his love and professionalism for acting, he will be able to gain a firm foothold in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry and create more excellent works.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

In the entertainment industry, Wu Qijiang has gradually won the reputation of "drama idiot". This title stems not only from his love of acting, but also from his almost demanding self-demand and amazing talent for acting.

Wu Qijiang's memory is amazing. On set, he can often recite a full three-page line in just ten minutes, and he does it without missing a beat. This ability not only amazed the rest of the crew, but also greatly improved the efficiency of shooting.

Once, when cooperating with the well-known actor Heizi to shoot the TV series "Peng Pai", Wu Qijiang finished the four-page line in one breath without a trace of error.

Kuroko was deeply moved by his performance, and couldn't help but kneel down and call him the "King of Words". This scene is still talked about by the crew and has become a good story in the entertainment industry.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

In addition to his outstanding memory, Wu Qijiang's dedication to performance is also admirable. No matter how difficult or even dangerous the performance scene, he insisted on going into battle in person and never used a stand-in.

In his opinion, only by truly experiencing the situation of the character can the character be interpreted vividly. He often says that his goal is to be an actor who makes it impossible for the audience to easily press the remote control.

This dedication not only won the respect of the director and his peers, but also allowed the audience to feel his sincerity and enthusiasm on the screen.

This dedication and love for acting allows Wu Qijiang to master various types of roles. From a brave and fearless military doctor to a deep official in the city government, he can always interpret the role well and make the audience moved.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

On the set, he often figured out the role over and over again until he was satisfied. Even during breaks, he silently practises his lines, striving for every detail to be perfectly presented.

It is this kind of almost obsessive focus and unremitting efforts that has created Wu Qijiang's name as a "drama idiot". He used practical actions to interpret what a real actor is, and also set an example for future generations.

In Wu Qijiang's view, only by devoting oneself to the role can one create a work that touches people's hearts. This attitude is not only the secret of his success, but also the key to his ability to continue to shine in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

While his career is thriving, Wu Qijiang has never forgotten the importance of family. However, balancing career and family was not an easy task, especially when he was just starting to pursue his acting dreams.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

Wu Qijiang's father, a retired soldier, once resolutely opposed his son's entry into the film and television industry. This attitude once made Wu Qijiang feel deeply lost, but he did not give up.

He proved that his choice was correct with his practical actions. With the growing influence of Wu Qijiang, his father's attitude finally changed. Nowadays, whenever a movie starring Wu Qijiang is released in Nanjing, my father will charter the venue and invite his old comrades-in-arms to come and watch it.

And when Wu Qijiang's TV series is about to be broadcast, his father will actively promote it in the WeChat circle of friends, reminding everyone to watch it on time. Seeing that his father was proud of himself, Wu Qijiang's heart was full of relief and touch.

Although after becoming famous, Wu Qijiang still maintains a low-key and introverted style, and rarely exposes his private life to the public. He is rumored to be married and has a son, but he has never revealed anything about his wife.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

This respect and protection of family privacy has also won praise from many people.

However, it is precisely because of Wu Qijiang's low profile that it has caused some speculation and misunderstanding. In 2015, he cooperated with Wang Ruizi to shoot the anti-Japanese war drama "Life and Death Flop", in which the two played a pair of lovers.

This has sparked a lot of speculation on the Internet, and some people even think that Wang Ruizi is Wu Qijiang's wife. The intimate group photo circulating on the Internet, although it was only a scene shot by the crew, was mistaken for a portrayal of the real life of the two.

In the face of these rumors, Wu Qijiang has remained silent. It wasn't until October 2020 that he solemnly stated in an interview: "Wang Ruizi is not my wife, we are just partners who cooperate tacitly at work and friends who support each other on the road of career development."

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

This statement not only clarified the misunderstanding, but also showed Wu Qijiang's professional ethics as a public figure and his awareness of protecting personal privacy.

Wu's story teaches us that it's possible to keep a low profile and respect your family's privacy, even when in the spotlight. He managed to find a balance between his career and family, winning the hearts of his audience while protecting his personal space.

Wu Qijiang's story, from an ordinary hotel waiter to a high-profile famous actor, is undoubtedly an inspiring legend. His path to success teaches us that the realization of dreams requires perseverance and fearless courage.

On the road to pursuing his dreams, Wu Qijiang encountered countless difficulties and setbacks. From the initial opposition of his family, to the difficult life in Beijing in the early days, to the experience of being deceived by the "wild crew", every step is full of challenges.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

But he never gave up, but chose to keep learning and accumulating. From the host to the actor, from the supporting role to the protagonist, every transformation embodies his sweat and dedication.

Wu Qijiang's success also confirms the truth that attitude determines height. His love and dedication to acting allowed him to stand out in the competitive entertainment industry.

His amazing memory and in-depth understanding of the role have earned him a reputation as a "drama idiot". At the same time, his emphasis on family and protection of privacy has also won the respect of the public.

From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, Wu Qijiang used his own experience to interpret the value of hard work. His story tells us that as long as we have dreams in our hearts and actions in our feet, nothing is impossible.

Wu Qijiang: From a hotel waiter to a famous actor, the popular actress Wang Ruizi is not my wife

On the stage of life, everyone has the opportunity to become the protagonist, and the key lies in whether we are willing to pay and persevere.

Wu Qijiang's experience enlightens us that success is not achieved overnight, but requires long-term accumulation and continuous breakthroughs. His transformation from obscurity to the spotlight is the best proof of this perseverance and hard work.

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