
The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

author:Lao Zhao said history

1. Li Jiaming is so powerful, but the road of life is always walking under his feet!

Looking at the present, the once little-known "grassroots actor" Li Jiaming has transformed gorgeously and has become a well-known Internet celebrity. On major social media, he can often be seen gathering with many celebrities in the film and television industry, showing his brilliant achievements in the entertainment industry.

However, looking at his infinite scenery now, I am afraid few people can imagine that just a few years ago, this hot-blooded young man from Yuncheng, Shanxi Province was still struggling with the hardships of life.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

Indeed, if we want to understand Li Jiaming's magnificent life journey, we have to go back many years. In 1983, Li Jiaming was born in an ordinary rural family, and has had a deep love for literature and art since he was a child.

Subsequently, he finally realized his dream and was successfully admitted to Shanxi Art Institute to study performance, and since then he has embarked on a long journey to chase his dream.

However, Li Jiaming did not become complacent because of his first appearance, but continued to improve his acting skills, looking forward to more opportunities to break through himself.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

2. When he was destitute, he encountered countless difficulties, and even lost his way for a time.

People may not know that behind Li Jiaming's glory today, there was a sad and difficult time. As a child from a poor family, Li Jiaming has had an incomparable passion for literature and art since he was a child.

On the occasion of the college entrance examination, he was finally admitted to Shanxi Art Institute as he wished, and began his journey to pursue his dream.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people, and just when Li Jiaming's career is at a low point, his father unfortunately suffers from a high disease. As a young actor who is new to society and has a meager income, Li Jiaming really can't afford his father's huge medical expenses.

Seeing his relatives getting haggard day by day, his heart was tormented, but he was helpless.

In order to raise the funds needed to treat his father, Li Jiaming seized the precious opportunity to participate in two films in 2020. However, who would have expected that the crew would not be able to pay the salary he deserved on time, which undoubtedly made his already difficult situation worse.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

In this way, he was originally financially constrained, and fell into an even more embarrassing predicament.

After suffering heavy blows one after another, Li Jiaming once felt lost and confused about the future. Although he still gritted his teeth and persisted, in the dead of night, tears often slipped quietly.

As a person with lofty ideals and ambitions, how can you not yearn to change the trajectory of your life through your hard work? However, the ruthlessness and indifference of the real world brought heavy blows to this young hot-blooded man again and again, and made him fall into endless pain and torture.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

3. Struggle to survive and no way to ask for help, and the heart is like crying blood with grievances

At that time in 2020, in order to earn enough money to cover his father's medical expenses, Li Jiaming finally seized the rare opportunity to participate in two movies. However, what he didn't expect was that the crew never paid him the salary he deserved at the agreed time, which put him in a more difficult predicament.

In the face of this sudden heavy blow, Li Jiaming could no longer maintain his former composure. As a young man, he was supposed to be energetic and scrappy, but now he had to worry about his livelihood all day long.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

Although he once stepped into the industry with great enthusiasm, the reality showed him incomparably cruel and ruthless.

The salary issue has undoubtedly become the most serious blow to an actor's career.

Time flies and after being neglected, Li Jiaming's heart once again fell into unprecedented pain and confusion. As a dutiful son, his greatest wish was to be able to provide adequate medical support to his father, but the current predicament left him helpless.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

In the silent night, Li Jiaming paced alone in the room, crying bitterly, and the anger and helplessness in his heart were like a surging wave, completely swallowing him.

Just when Li Jiaming was in a desperate situation, a glimmer of life finally quietly came. Jigong's grandfather, You Benchang, generously donated 10,000 yuan to him at one time, which brought him a glimmer of hope for life.

Looking at the money in his hand, Li Jiaming's mood was complicated and indescribable. Although it could not completely solve his immediate needs, it was undoubtedly an important opportunity to change his fate. An elderly person who has never met before can reach out so selflessly, Li Jiaming was moved to tears again, because he knows that there is still such a sincere and kind good quality in the world.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

Fourth, bravely move forward and be reborn in adversity

As the old saying goes: "There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village." After receiving 10,000 yuan of selfless assistance from the elderly Jigong, Li Jiaming was not satisfied with the status quo, on the contrary, he regained the courage and motivation to move forward from this experience.

At this critical moment, the explosive development of online short videos revealed a new path for him. Li Jiaming deeply regretted and decided to set off again in this vast new frontier to create more brilliance.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

With the rich resources and valuable experience accumulated in the film and television industry for many years, he did not hesitate to devote himself to the creation of short videos. Li Jiaming's video content is mainly based on interesting stories in life, using humorous and witty techniques to sharply satirize some unreasonable social phenomena and arouse people's in-depth thinking.

Although these contents seem to be easy to understand, Li Jiaming has put a lot of effort into polishing every detail, so that the audience can enjoy a unique artistic experience and profound social reflection.

His video works are like a bright mirror, vividly reflecting the living conditions of the people at the bottom and the dark side of society.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

Such a rigorous and in-depth work quickly won the love of many die-hard fans on the Internet. The audience was not only fascinated by Li Jiaming's talent and innovative thinking, but also deeply moved by his perseverance and never-say-die spirit.

With the help of the short video platform, Li Jiaming has found a new way to realize his self-worth, and at the same time, he has successfully obtained rich financial rewards through his own efforts. However, just when he was finally able to provide for his father's medical bills, fate played a cruel joke on him again.

Li Jiaming's loving father died at this time, and when he rushed to the hospital with endless guilt and self-blame, he could only face his father's cold body.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

Li Jiaming was grief-stricken, as if all his previous perseverance had become meaningless, he fell to his knees and cried loudly.

However, his father's instructions on his deathbed were like a wake-up call, which made him firm in his determination to continue to move forward: "Son, you must not give up, I can't accompany you on this road, but you must fight for your dreams to the end."


The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

Fifth, the persistent pursuit of dreams eventually becomes a good story

Despite the loss of his loved ones, Li Jiaming did not stagnate because of this, but devoted himself more fully to the short video career. As his influence grew, he began to pay attention to more social issues, hoping to bring a little change to society through his works.

In Mr. Li Jiaming's photographs, we can often find the figures of those working people who are at the bottom of the society and working hard. They face a high-risk professional environment and a meager income every day, but still cannot earn the respect and rewards they deserve, and their living conditions can be described as walking on thin ice and worrying every step! However, with his deep love and artistic talent, Mr. Li Ka Ming bravely revealed the plight of these people, thereby inspiring a common concern for social justice and human connection.

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

He has gone from a small role that was gradually marginalized by show business to a master filmmaker who today has millions of loyal followers on all major social media platforms, deeply influencing and changing the lives of many people.

With his indomitable spirit and unwavering determination, Mr. Li Jiaming has written a legendary chapter full of passion and inspiration.

It is worth mentioning that this story has finally been widely recognized and praised. Many netizens cheered for him, liked and left messages, and some people sighed that "the life of an actor is not just glamorous on the surface"; Someone else directly said that "Mr. Li Jiaming is indeed a very inspirational figure and cannot be ignored".

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

What is even more touching is that although Mr. Li Jiaming has experienced hardships in the process of growing up, he has never chosen any immoral or illegal path because of the pursuit of profits, and has always adhered to the pure pursuit of art, and he still maintains a single state, which has won him the respect and love of the majority of netizens.

Mr. Li Jiaming vividly explained with his own practical actions that there are still those honest and trustworthy "honest people" in today's society. His story undoubtedly brings profound inspiration to each of us, telling us that as long as we stick to our ideals and move forward bravely, even the most ordinary individuals may eventually radiate brilliant brilliance.

Sixth, summarize admiration and share the same arms

The 40-year-old "grassroots actor" has not been paid for three years, and his humble salary has been ignored, and he has not yet started a family

Now, with the vigorous development of his career, Mr. Li Jiaming has finally been able to get rid of the shackles of economic pressure. He began to seriously think about a happy life in the future. After all, no matter how brilliant a person has achieved in his career, if he lacks the support and companionship of his family, then all his efforts will become meaningless.

As a "little person" who was once despised, Mr. Li Jiaming shows us the endless possibilities of life through his life experience. With perseverance and pure and flawless pursuit, he was reborn again and again in the face of adversity, and finally radiated a dazzling light.

Indeed, Mr. Li Jiaming's story is a great inspiration for us, and it also provokes us to reflect deeply on social injustice.