
Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

author:Lao Zhao said history

1. The current situation of Sun Yaowei: I know that I cherish the present and enjoy the beauty of time!

The torrent of time ruthlessly washes everything, and Sun Yaowei, who was popular all over the country in the past, has now gradually faded out of the public eye. However, the once household name did not feel lost because of this, on the contrary, he faced life with a more open-minded and calm mindset.

Today's Sun Yaowei has long left behind his persistent pursuit of fame and fortune, and has learned to enjoy the moment and cherish everything he has in front of him. When night falls, he will always sit alone in front of the window, gently close his eyes, and enjoy the mellow glass of red wine in his hand.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

While tasting the wine, let the long river of memories roll in my heart, and those crazy years of youth emerge in my mind one by one like a marquee.

has the excitement of becoming famous on the stage for the first time with a hit song "It's Nice to Meet You"; There are also careers that fall into a trough, and they use alcohol every day to kill their sorrows. However, today's Sun Yaowei has learned to be nostalgic, but he is no longer indulging in the glory of the past.

He knows that those glorious years that were once dazzling have long become history, and only by cherishing the present can he truly understand the true meaning of life.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

At this moment, what Sun Yaowei cherishes most is his beloved Chen Meishi who is by his side, and the fans who have always supported and inspired him. It is these people who have endowed Sun Yaowei with endless spiritual strength and motivation in life, allowing him to regain confidence and look forward to the future during the trough of his life.

Looking back, Sun Yaowei also once doubted his self-worth and felt confused about the meaning of life. However, it was the tolerance and understanding of his wife Chen Meishi and the fans that injected him with the courage and determination to move forward.

They proved to Sun Yaowei with practical actions that no matter what a dazzling star he used to be, or now he is unknown, they will sincerely care for this man.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

2. Early experience and career start

Looking back at his past, he was born in Hong Kong in 1973 and has shown a talent for intelligence and wit since he was a child. His parents doted on this only son, took care of his upbringing, and tried their best to let him spend a good childhood and adolescence without worries.

At the age of 19, Sun Yaowei finally got his wish and stepped into the door of the Department of Computer Engineering of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a famous university in Hong Kong. It was in that intimate campus environment that he began to fully engage with and fall in love with the art of singing.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

By chance, a singing competition in college turned out to be the starting point of Sun Yaowei's music path. His unique and charismatic voice, as well as his slightly shy but confident stage performance, amazed the audience and the judges, and instantly won him wide attention and appreciation.

Record company professionals did not hesitate to take a fancy to Sun's outstanding talent and unlimited potential, and quickly took him under their umbrella, officially launching his career as a pop singer.

As expected, Sun Yaowei became famous with the popular classic song "It's Nice to Know You", which made him famous in just a few months.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

The subsequent release of several albums pushed Sun Yaowei's popularity to the peak, and his reputation as the "Four Little Kings of Hong Kong" made him shine in the Asian pop music scene.

Young and promising, he has very high expectations for his career development, with the ambition to dominate the music industry and the courage to move forward, determined to become a real first-line superstar.

However, the road of life is always full of ups and downs and twists and turns, and Sun Yaowei's career is no exception. Just when his career was in full swing and turned purple, a seemingly uneventful Japanese performance became the last straw that crushed his career.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

In 1998, Sun Yaowei, who was already one of the "Four Little Kings of Hong Kong" who was already a household name at that time, originally planned to hold an unprecedented concert in Japan. However, due to the serious lack of preparation of the staff, and even changed some of the arrangements without authorization as the performance was approaching, the performance had to be cancelled.

The record company was extremely angry about this incident and decided to take severe punishment measures against Sun Yaowei and completely ban his acting activities. Overnight, all the honors and popularity that Sun Yaowei once had in the music world came to naught, and the reputation of the "Four Little Kings", which was once highly anticipated and famous, has now become a laughing stock and irony in people's mouths.

Just because of a trivial mistake and excessive complacency, Sun Yaowei's thriving career has fallen rapidly like falling into an abyss, which is embarrassing! The former superstar with infinite scenery has become an ordinary person who has been snubbed and forgotten by everyone in the blink of an eye.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

He was mired in endless loss and despair every day, drinking all day long, and he was willing to degenerate, and his once glamorous life was now bleak.

However, it wasn't long before the once-famous public figure was completely forgotten, and even the opportunity to sing in bars was scarce. Sun Yaowei fell into a predicament of physical and mental exhaustion, full of confusion about life, and lost all hope and motivation.

Just when he felt that his future was dark and there was no hope in sight, fate opened the door for him to rise again in an unexpected way.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

Fourth, the tortuous road to rebirth

Although fate is full of twists and turns for everyone, as long as we face it bravely and make unremitting efforts, we will always usher in a turning point in life. For Sun Yaowei, who is at a low point, the light of hope for a re-emergence finally quietly descended at this moment.

In 2000, a friend's introduction became a key turning point in Sun Yaowei's life. He was invited to join the crew of the costume drama "Princess Huaiyu", and won warm applause from the audience with his superb acting skills, which made those once loyal fans go crazy for this long-forgotten king again.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

It is worth mentioning that the heroine of the play, Zheng Jiayu, has been questioned and personally attacked by the outside world due to her private life, but Sun Yaowei resolutely chose to stand by her side at this moment, fully supporting and protecting her.

As a result, the two formed a deep emotional bond and fell into a belated romance. Although this relationship failed to reach the palace of marriage, it undoubtedly became an important turning point for Sun Yaowei to regain confidence in life.

A few years later, in 2007, Sun Yaowei met the true love of his life - Chen Meishi when he was filming another costume drama "Dragon Dragon on the Fifth Day of September". Chen Meishi not only has a sweet appearance, but also has excellent acting talents, and most importantly, her unique personality charm deeply attracted Sun Yaowei.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

Their love story began in private, and they have been together for a full ten years! And in the dawn of 2019, Sun Yaowei mustered up the courage to hold the slender waist of his beloved Chen Meishi and stepped into the sacred marriage hall! It is precisely because of such a solid, reliable and virtuous wife that has become a harbor of emotional sustenance, that Sun Yaowei can regain his strength at a low point in his life and gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Whenever he was on the verge of collapse, it was Chen Meishi who silently supported him behind him, encouraging him to move forward firmly. With the selfless support of his wife, Sun Yaowei gradually regained his enthusiasm and fighting spirit for his career.

5. A review of the cancellation of performances in Japan

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

The critical moment that brought Sun Yaowei's career to the bottom is still deeply imprinted in his mind. Now, 25 years later, he finally realizes that refusing to perform in Japan was perhaps the wisest thing he had ever done.

In 1998, although the decision of the moment cost him dearly, his career almost collapsed. However, if he had violated his principles and reluctantly stepped onto the stage without adequate preparation, the consequences would have been dire.

Sun Yaowei has been taught by his parents since he was a child to be a person who adheres to principles and upholds dignity. The performance in Japan that year was perfunctory in preparation and did not receive the attention it deserved.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

As a professional singer, he knows how irresponsible it is to treat every performance like this.

Therefore, Sun Yaowei resolutely chose to stick to the bottom line, preferring to anger the record company and face a ban than to perform a performance that disturbed his heart. This decision undoubtedly put him at the lowest point in his career, but at the same time, it also allowed him to maintain his integrity.

It was because of his refusal that Sun Yaowei successfully avoided the embarrassing situation of Waterloo on the stage, thus defending his dignity. The choice at this moment completely reversed the trajectory of his fate and forced him to rewrite a new chapter in his life.

Watching Sun Yaowei 25 years later, refusing to perform in Japan at that time may have been the right choice

Although the road ahead is full of twists and turns, Sun Yaowei has grown along the way, eventually shaping a unique lifestyle. He learned to face the impermanence of fate bravely, but also to appreciate what he had.

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