
Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

author:Lysa tells a story

Time flies, time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 14 spring and autumn seasons have waved goodbye. During this period, Wang Yu's life has undergone great changes. When his beloved Li Yu passed away, Wang Yu instantly fell into the abyss of deep self-condemnation and endless despair.

He thinks that this is God's severe punishment for his laissez-faire lifestyle in the past, and he ruthlessly took away the woman he loved in his life, and saw his beloved Li Yu leave him like this, Wang Yu seemed to be abandoned by the true meaning of survival, and his heart was full of endless sourness.

In the face of such a predicament, relatives and friends have reached out to help, hoping to help Wang Yu come out of the shadows and rekindle hope in life. Time smoothed the scars in his heart like a trickle, and Wang Yu gradually recovered from the grief of losing Li Yu and regained his love for life.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

He knew that Li Yu didn't want to see him so decadent and depressed, so he was determined to start a new journey in life.

A few years later, Wang Yu met a gentle, kind, virtuous and decent woman, the two got along well, their relationship warmed up day by day, and finally tied the knot and entered the sacred hall of marriage hand in hand.

Now, they have a lively and lovely child, and Wang Yu's life has finally found the direction and value of existence again.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

However, deep down in Wang Yu's heart, he still often misses the good times he spent with Li Yu. In his spare time, he would always go to Li Yu's cemetery in person to accompany her through the quiet time and pour out his deep thoughts.

At the same time, Wang Yu has never stopped caring for Li Yu's parents, and tried his best to care for and accompany these two elderly Li Yu's deaths, which brought unspeakable great harm to Wang Yu, and he can only commemorate that unforgettable love in this way.

2. Li Yu's wish before his death

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

Perhaps it was God's mercy on Li Yu that gave her a precious opportunity to realize her long-cherished wish in the last stage of her life.

As her condition continued to deteriorate, Li Yu and her family understood that it was only a matter of time before she left this world. Seeing Wang Yu crying silently beside him every day, comforting himself in pain but with sadness, Li Yu's heart was full of complex emotions.

This former magnificent young master has now paid such a huge price for himself, which is really moving.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

As time passed, an idea slowly took shape in Li Yu's heart. She realizes that she will finally say goodbye to this world, but will she be able to leave in the role of the long-awaited bride? So, one day, when Wang Yu stepped into the ward with an extremely sad mood, Li Yu reached out and gently held his wrist, tears flashed with gentle light in his eyes, and softly expressed his wish to him: "My only wish is to be able to wear a wedding dress to the end of my life, and it will be like walking into the ......palace of marriage with you."

Hearing these heartbreaking words, Wang Yu could no longer suppress the grief in his heart, and tears flew like rain washing the earth. He hugged Li Yu's slender and thin body tightly, sobbing bitterly, feeling guilty for his past mistakes.

However, after a moment, he told himself again, how can he let his beloved leave with regrets? Therefore, Wang Yu devoted all his strength to the preparation of this wedding, from the careful selection of the venue to every detail of the hands-on.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

In the end, at the last moment of Li Yu's life, she wore a white and flawless bridal dress, which was presented in front of everyone with the most beautiful posture, like an angel descending into the world. She closed her eyes quietly, as if she had entered the palace of her dreams, but the groom's seat was death.

Seeing the calm and peaceful sleeping face on Li Yu's face, the relatives and friends present were all moved, and they burst into tears on the spot, feeling sorry for this love story ruthlessly destroyed by illness.

3. Sweet memories of love

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

Whenever he recalls the good times spent with Li Yu, Wang Yu's heart is always full of emotions intertwined with sweetness and bitterness. The picture that was deeply in his mind was the image of Li Yu when they first met - wearing a red dress, facing the sky, but exuding a unique charm, which instantly attracted Wang Yu's heart dancing like a butterfly.

As one of the four young people in the capital, Wang Yu's handsome and chic appearance and illustrious family background are naturally beyond doubt, but before this, he has never been so deeply moved by a woman as he is at this moment.

Wang Yu, a master of love, quickly launched a passionate pursuit, and he carefully planned various opportunities to get along with Li Yu, even if he was far away, he had to see her every day.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

However, Li Yu turned a blind eye to his various tricks, and bluntly stated that he did not appreciate that kind of emotional play.

To Wang Yu's surprise, Li Yu's words shocked him, a veteran of the love field, and he was deeply attracted by Li Yu's sincerity and courage, and since then he has fallen into obsession with her.

So, this wealthy kid who was once overspoiled by his family embarked on a new life path of "transforming from a proud flower butterfly into an ugly toad" without hesitation.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

Wang Yu worked hard to learn how to handle housework and cook delicacies, just to win Li Yu's favor.

Even though he runs between various activities every day and is jokingly called "the complaining wife" by his friends, Wang Yu is still obsessed with it, as long as he can exchange for the warmth in Li Yu's eyes.

This affectionate kindness gradually moved Li Yu, and soon after, the two announced a sweet promise between lovers. Every day of their life is like the most romantic date, and the sweet smell fills the air.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

Although there are occasional minor frictions, these issues are always resolved quickly through honest communication. As time passed, their feelings for each other became deeper and deeper, and they began to draw a blueprint for their future life and prepare to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand.

After receiving the blessings of both parents, the matter of preparing for the wedding was put on the agenda. They are personally involved in every step of the process, just to create the most perfect wedding.

Wang Yu did not hesitate to spend a huge amount of money to invite a well-known wedding company, just to bring his beloved Li Yu an unparalleled wedding experience; And Li Yu carefully selected every detail, looking forward to this day becoming an eternal memory.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

Seeing their longing expressions, the friends around them all sighed, this is what love should look like.

However, fate ruthlessly intervened in this beautiful relationship.

No one expected that just as the two were immersed in the dream of the wedding, fate suddenly stretched out its claws. A sudden catastrophe ruthlessly shattered their dreams.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

During a routine physical examination, the doctor was shocked to find that Li Yu was suffering from a terminal illness - lymphoma, and it had entered an advanced stage. The doctor frankly told them that Li Yu had little life left.

This bad news was like a bolt from the blue, and happiness seemed to leave them in an instant.

After learning the news, Li Yu fell into endless confusion and despair. Why did such an unfortunate thing happen to you? They are just one step away from embracing happiness, but they can never reach it.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

Seeing the painful appearance of his beloved, Wang Yu also fell into deep self-blame and remorse. Could it be that Heaven is punishing him for his past indulgences? will take away the love of his life? All kinds of remorse and self-reproach poured in like a tidal wave, drowning Wang Yu in boundless despair.

In the face of the relentless invasion of the disease, Wang Yu resolutely decided to do everything he could to save his beloved. He made use of all his network resources, worked tirelessly, trekked through mountains and rivers, searched for famous doctors from all over the world, and threw his wealth as gorgeous as spring flowers, hoping to find that glimmer of life.

However, the unforgiving reality brutally reveals that money, despite its enormous power, still pales in the face of life and death. No matter how high the price is, Li Yu's condition still does not improve, but worsens day by day.

Li Yu, who was buried in a wedding dress 14 years ago, is now married to another boyfriend, and their story is tearful

Seeing the body of the person he loved growing haggard and emaciated, Wang Yu's heart seemed to be torn apart by life. He even began to reflect on whether it was because he had made some kind of mistake that he had been punished so severely.

However, no amount of remorse and self-blame can change the fact - Li Yu gradually disappeared from his life quietly, and he could only watch helplessly as it all happened.

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