
Bizarre operation under financial constraints: Some units in the system only pay performance and stop paying basic salary

author:Fortune Nanning 1L3


In this chaotic world of compensation, base pay and performance are playing a game of reversing the order. You heard it right, that's the reality! When the finances were tight, they even took the lead in performance and then put aside the basic salary. This is simply a reversal of pay payments, who would have thought? No wonder people are confused, and everyone is beginning to wonder what a mess of fiscal management this is!

Compensation confusion: base salary vs. performance

Why this bizarre situation? We must reveal the truth behind this. Financial constraints are certainly a reason, but why should you take performance first, not your base salary? What kind of wisdom and challenges are hidden in this? Because the performance is all-encompassing, the composition is more complex, and all kinds of bonuses also belong to performance, so the performance is taken first to avoid some performance bonuses that are overdue and not made up, or cannot be issued due to the impact of financial revenue and expenditure. The basic salary, on the other hand, is a fixed guarantee for everyone and must be repaid, so in the case of financial constraints, the basic salary is put on hold.

Bizarre operation under financial constraints: Some units in the system only pay performance and stop paying basic salary

Such an approach has sparked widespread controversy and questioning. People began to wonder that such

Is payroll a smart move? What is the impact of this chaotic salary order on the people in the system? These issues urgently need to be explored in depth. This may be a small point of conflict in the field of payroll, but it reflects the hidden dangers and challenges in the entire financial management system.

Wisdom and Mistakes: A Smart Approach to Financial Difficulties

A smart move in a financial predicament sounds like the kind of easy thing to do while eating hot pot and singing. However, the reality is not so simple. Like a captain desperate for his life, we navigate through storms with difficulty, but their command may not always be perfect. Are these so-called "smart responses" a smart move or a wrong choice?

Bizarre operation under financial constraints: Some units in the system only pay performance and stop paying basic salary

In times of financial strain, people are always looking for ways to find solutions. And some local government F, in order to cope with the financial pressure, even started a battle called "wage protection". They sold the rights to scenic spots, reservoirs, and even raised the prices of public services and goods. This seems to be a reasonable approach, but it has caused widespread dissatisfaction and controversy. As fiscal pressures mount, the smart moves of politicians seem to be becoming more and more stupid.

The question is whether these so-called "smart moves" can really solve the underlying problem. Or are they just a stopgap measure in a financial predicament? We must analyse the long-term impact of these measures and whether they can really address the challenges posed by fiscal pressures.

Fiscal challenges: burdens and pressures within the system

When it comes to local finances, we have to mention the enormous burden on the system. Have you heard of it? The salary expenses of public officials account for 40% of the fiscal revenue! Yes, you heard it right, it's not a small number, but a heart-pounding huge amount. It's like a person with a heavy burden, walking on a path that gets narrower and narrower, and the future is uncertain.

Bizarre operation under financial constraints: Some units in the system only pay performance and stop paying basic salary

The crux of the question is, how important is the remuneration of public servants? And how does this pressure affect the stability of local finances? This pressure is heightened as land finances are struggling, and whether this huge financial burden is really worth the cost.

We need to re-examine the pay structure within the system and find new ways to address the financial pressures. We can find a more sustainable development path by optimizing the salary policy and reducing the burden on local finances.

Shifting Thinking: A Smart Approach to Fiscal Challenges

From "guaranteed wages" to smart financial management, this may seem like a shift in thinking, but it's not that simple. We must face a key question: how can we find a new way out of our fiscal predicament?

Bizarre operation under financial constraints: Some units in the system only pay performance and stop paying basic salary

In the current fiscal situation, we urgently need to change the "wage protection" mentality of the past. This approach appears to guarantee the remuneration of public officials, but it ignores fiscal sustainability. What we need is not just a simple guarantee of pay, but also a smarter way of managing our finances. This means that we must be prepared for the "tight days" that may arise. This kind of preparation is not only an emergency measure for the finances, but also a comprehensive adjustment and optimization of the entire financial system.

This shift in mindset doesn't happen overnight. We need to conduct an in-depth analysis of the current fiscal situation and find appropriate strategies and responses. Perhaps we need to reduce the burden on local finances by optimizing the salary structure; Perhaps we need to find new sources of finance through innovative fiscal policies. Either way, we must be open-minded, actively face challenges, and find new ways to solve problems.


This act of wisdom may seem difficult, but it contains infinite possibilities. Let's look forward together and find new ways to solve problems. Only in this way will we be able to truly meet the financial challenges and meet the challenges of the future.