
Tangyin Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Party members and students "hand in hand" to help each other promote employment

author:Tang Yin melts media

"Today, representatives of outstanding party members and high-quality enterprises of the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will lead everyone to understand the development advantages of Tangyin, find the right direction of employment, and form a 'one-to-one' assistance model, so as to realize the 'seamless connection' from the school to the society." In order to further broaden the employment and entrepreneurship channels of college graduates, on May 8, Tangyin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Anyang Institute of Technology held a party day activity with the theme of "Hand in Hand to Promote Employment".

Tangyin Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Party members and students "hand in hand" to help each other promote employment
Tangyin Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Party members and students "hand in hand" to help each other promote employment

During the activity, the party members of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau first studied and visited the party building position of the Flight College of Anyang Institute of Technology and listened to the development of the party building work of the branch. Then came to the lecture hall, and the members of the propaganda team of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau explained the file management of college graduates, recruitment examinations, interviews, etc., as well as the relevant policies of the "Huanquan Yongliu" talent gathering plan, employment apprenticeship, etc., and the representatives of the enterprise preached the corporate culture, job requirements and salary, and answered questions for the students. At the end of the symposium, representatives of outstanding party members of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau presented employment gift packages and assistance contact cards to 36 college graduates. In order to get close to Tangyin and get to know Tangyin, the staff of the bureau led the student representatives to visit the production workshops and working environment of high-quality enterprises in Tangyin, such as Kelun Pharmaceutical, Yuxin Sugar Alcohol, Anjing Food, and Jinmailang, and came to the Tangyin County Museum to immerse themselves in the development and changes of the thousand-year-old county and the township of the Three Sages, and truly felt the strong vitality of the development of Tangyin's transportation, ecology, and industry.

Tangyin Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Party members and students "hand in hand" to help each other promote employment
Tangyin Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Party members and students "hand in hand" to help each other promote employment

"Ensuring employment is not only the key to improving people's livelihood, but also an important support for promoting social development. In the next step, our bureau will continue to innovate the employment assistance model, integrate policy assistance resources, improve the pairing assistance mechanism, and take the initiative to contact and pay regular return visits in accordance with the working method of 'one person, one file, one account, one person, one help, and one person's policy', so as to truly provide personalized, accurate and convenient 'one-to-one' employment guidance services for college graduates. Comrade Wang Xuemin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Bureau, said. (Correspondent: Xu Lanyue)

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