
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

author:Entertainment circle
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

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In today's entertainment industry, the enrollment of the children of celebrities has often become a hot topic in society. Recently, Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei took their daughter to the primary school for an interview, which aroused widespread attention and discussion.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

is different from the traditional practice of ordinary celebrities choosing high-end private schools, but they chose an ordinary public school in Hangzhou - Qiantang Experimental Primary School. This move not only shows their approachable side, but also makes people more curious and admirable about their concept of family education.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

In the show "Riding the Wind and Waves", Zhu Dan can be said to have opened a new performance mode, which is completely different from her previous image. Every time she goes on stage, it's like she's showing the audience a brand new version of Zhu Dan!

Not only is the stage performance outstanding, but the energy is so strong that people want to applaud when they see it. Her rap is even more bright, and her sense of rhythm is steady, stirring up the stage.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

The best thing is that Zhu Dan not only performs well, she also shows her high emotional intelligence, which is simply a social expert. In the show, she not only had fun with all kinds of contestants, but also made a lot of explosive good friends, among which the friendship with Shang Wenjie was particularly dazzling.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

These two girls are simply full of tacit understanding, as if they are bound, so netizens directly gave them the name of "Zhangshang Mingzhu", which does not lose the current star CP at all, and this friendship is too explosive!

Career success often comes with more stability and choices in life. For the couple Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei, not only have they made a new breakthrough in their careers, but their relationship has also become more and more stable, which is enviable.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Netizens have said that they like to watch the interaction of the couple more and more, because they have no star shelf at all, just like ordinary friends around them, and they are very down-to-earth.

Recently, it was the season of primary school admission, and their daughter has grown up to more than six years old and has reached the age of elementary school.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

For many people, most of the children of celebrities choose expensive private international schools, but Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei have taken a different path. They did not pursue show-off and pomp, but chose an ordinary public school for their daughter - Qiantang Experimental Primary School in Binjiang District, Hangzhou.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

This decision has been widely discussed and praised. Many netizens were surprised, because celebrity families usually choose more high-end educational resources, but Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei showed their attitudes and values towards education in a plain way. Their choices not only show their pragmatism and thoughtfulness, but also show their respect and cherishment for ordinary life.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Not long ago, on June 29, some netizens broke the news on social media that they actually met Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei at Qiantang Experimental Primary School in Hangzhou! That's right, this celebrity couple brought their little princess to participate in the verification and interview of the primary school, and they are simply the lucky ones!

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

It is said that the scene on that day was like a lively giant panda exhibition, crowded with people, and Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei also quietly slipped here. It seems that they really regard themselves as ordinary people, they don't have a star shelf at all, they are as easy-going as Lao Wang and Lao Li of the house next door, they line up with everyone casually for verification, and they don't put themselves on the shelf of a big star at all.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Netizens described Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei as looking thin, not at all like the star images created on TV, they are simply a realistic version of "Thin Li". Their performance on the scene is even more amazing, someone took out their mobile phones to take pictures of them, they actually smiled so happily, they didn't mind, they are super people-friendly stars!

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

What's even more touching is that Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei held hands throughout the whole process, showing meticulous care. Zhou Yiwei held coffee in one hand and a cartoon backpack on his shoulder, which should be full of materials for his daughter, and didn't let Zhu Dan do it at all, and communicated with her softly from time to time, probably because he was afraid that she would be too nervous.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Zhu Dan appeared without makeup that day, not caring about the eyes of the people around her at all, showing her more and more confident side. Her skin is in very good condition, and although she is 44 years old, she can hardly see wrinkles, which may be closely related to Zhou Zhouwei's careful care.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Normally, parents often entrust others or teams to handle the major events of celebrities' children's enrollment, and they rarely appear in person.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei resolutely broke this convention. Regardless of their busy schedules, they personally accompanied their daughter to the Qiantang Experimental Primary School in Hangzhou for admission verification, which quickly attracted widespread attention and heated discussions in the society.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

The couple's actions demonstrate the importance and care they place on their children's education. They are not only celebrities, but also excellent parents who practice themselves. Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's performance at the scene was even more impressive: they accompanied their daughter hand in hand and heart to heart, without the slightest star frame, completely showing their approachable side.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

It is worth mentioning that despite being in the spotlight, Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei still maintain a super high degree of proximity. They treat every netizen and every shot so friendly and natural, they are simply a big warm man and a big warm woman in life!

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Although the admission interview requirements of Qiantang Experimental Primary School are strict, including reading picture books, reciting ancient poems, listening to audio and reciting nursery rhymes, taking mathematical thinking tests and skipping rope tests, the competition is quite fierce. These steps not only test the overall quality of children, but also challenge the patience and support of parents.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

For Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's daughter, whether they can successfully pass these assessments is undoubtedly a real challenge. But with such a pair of parents who are so good and so concerned about their children's growth, I believe that she can also be brave in the face of competition and show her talent and potential.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

After reading these, it really makes people look at Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei. Not only have they been successful in their careers, but they have also maintained an ordinary and people-friendly attitude in life.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Their choices and performances undoubtedly convey a positive social value. Celebrities can also live a simple and real life like ordinary people, which is a real role model. With such Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei, it is no wonder that they are liked and respected by so many people.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Zhu Dan's performance in her career and life this year not only shows her growth and progress, but also allows us to see the deep relationship between her and Zhou Yiwei.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! Husband and wife hand in hand throughout the whole process, and choose ordinary public office to be down-to-earth

Their choices and behaviors are not only touching, but also make us more recognized and admired them. I hope that their lives can always be happy, and I also hope that Zhu Dan can have more wonderful performances in his future career!

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