
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday, and chose the ordinary public office to be down-to-earth, and the husband and wife held hands throughout the whole process

author:Fog and flowers on the clouds

With the arrival of the spring breeze, Zhu Dan's career has also ushered in new vitality. She and her husband held hands on Monday and participated in the recording of a popular variety show, as if bringing the sweet flavors of daily life to the national audience. In the show, they unreservedly showed their true emotions for each other, making the audience feel that celebrities also have the same family affection and love as ordinary people. Zhu Dan's sincerity and naturalness have moved countless audiences, and the happiness revealed in her smile and words has infected everyone who watches the show.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday, and chose the ordinary public office to be down-to-earth, and the husband and wife held hands throughout the whole process

Zhu Dan was not satisfied with the status quo, she chose to step out of her comfort zone and participated in the challenging "Riding the Wind and Waves" program. On this stage, she is like a pearl that has been tempered by time, once again exuding dazzling light. Each of her performances is full of power and charm, whether it's dynamic dancing or smooth rapping, it's a sight to behold. Although she didn't end up joining the group, her performance on the show has proven her versatility and talent, earning the respect and affection of the audience.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday, and chose the ordinary public office to be down-to-earth, and the husband and wife held hands throughout the whole process

On the stage of "Riding the Wind and Waves", Zhu Dan not only showed her artistic talent, but also reflected her high emotional intelligence. She has established a deep friendship with Shang Wenjie and others, and they support each other in the show and make progress together, and are affectionately known as the "Zhangshang Mingzhu" combination by netizens. Zhu Dan's interpersonal relationships are handled decently, and her empathy and sense of humor make her stand out among many contestants and become a caring sister in everyone's minds.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday, and chose the ordinary public office to be down-to-earth, and the husband and wife held hands throughout the whole process

The love story of Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei is like a warm movie, and their interaction is full of life. On social media, the bits and pieces of life they share make netizens feel warm, as if they are an ordinary couple, living a simple and happy life. They are informal, do not care about the aura of stars, but focus on each other and family, and this authenticity and simplicity make their image in the public mind more vivid and lovable.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday, and chose the ordinary public office to be down-to-earth, and the husband and wife held hands throughout the whole process

When Zhu Dan's daughter reached school age, the star couple made an unexpected decision — they sent their daughter to an ordinary public school instead of an expensive private international school. At the inspection site of the first-grade freshmen of Qiantang Experimental Primary School in Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei came in person with their daughters, and like other parents, they waited in line and patiently filled in the information. Zhu Dan appeared in front of the public without makeup, without a little star shelf, her face was filled with her mother's unique tenderness and expectation.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday, and chose the ordinary public office to be down-to-earth, and the husband and wife held hands throughout the whole process

The choice of Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei caused some surprise and controversy among the public, because this school is not a first-class school in Hangzhou, but an ordinary public school. However, their actions have also been appreciated by many because they not only participate in the school's verification process personally, but also compete on a level playing field like other parents, showing the importance they place on education and the expectations they place on their daughters. Their daughters are expected to inherit the good qualities of their parents and face the challenges of the interview.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday, and chose the ordinary public office to be down-to-earth, and the husband and wife held hands throughout the whole process

Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's decision is not only responsible for their daughter's education, but also a positive impact on society. They use practical actions to tell everyone that no matter what social status they are in, they should be down-to-earth and never forget their original intentions. Their daughter, accompanied by her parents, is about to start her learning journey, and with the encouragement and support of her parents in the face of new environments and challenges, she will be able to move forward and start a new chapter in her life.

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