
The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

author:Sima Zhao's heart

I didn't expect that Dong Yuhui and Teacher Yu would part ways in less than half a year!

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

When I heard the news that Dong Yuhui was leaving New Oriental, I couldn't believe my ears. I think back then, he was the golden sign of New Oriental, why did he leave so suddenly? Moreover, the name of reading mountains and rivers with Hui sounds very ambitious, is this the rhythm of flying solo?

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

Speaking of Dong Yuhui, I have to mention his legendary teaching stories. Back then, I saw the charm of his classroom. At that time, he was always able to explain complex knowledge points in the most easy-to-understand way. His classes were always full, and students rushed to get to his classes.

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

However, it is said that after that "small composition incident", there was a rift between him and the top management of New Oriental. Although we don't know the specific details, he has rarely appeared in New Oriental's classes since then. This departure may be the aftermath of that incident.

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

To be honest, I feel sorry for Dong Yuhui. When he was at New Oriental, he could be said to be like a fish in water, his students loved him, and his colleagues admired him. But now, he is leaving the place where he has struggled for many years and starting a new journey. The hardships and difficulties involved in this are probably only known to him.

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

Of course, I'm also looking forward to the future with Hui. After all, Dong Yuhui is a person with a lot of ideas and ambitions. I believe that he will lead his team to create a new glory. Moreover, the name is also really domineering and meaningful. I look forward to seeing them surprise and move us in the future.

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

But then again, Dong Yuhui's departure also makes me worry about the future of New Oriental. After all, he is the mainstay of New Oriental! After he is gone, will New Oriental decline? Or will there be new leaders who will stand up and lead New Oriental to continue to advance? All this is unknown!

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

In addition, I am also curious about what kind of surprise Dong Yuhui's team will bring us? Their in-depth communication with Professor Wang Liqun during their trip to Henan made me see the strength and ambition of their team. Does this name change and de-Orientalization mean that they will go down a more independent path?

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

At the same time, I also think that this incident has also brought great inspiration to us in the workplace. In the workplace, we must dare to face challenges and pursue our dreams! Just like Dong Yuhui, even if there is an unknown road ahead, we must bravely explore and pursue what we want!

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

Hey, I'm also a fan of Dong Yuhui, hahaha! I used to go to his classes a lot! Looking back now, those days were really beautiful! It's a pity that time flies, time flies, and now I can't go back to that time!

The cutting is complete! All the anchors with Hui are de-orientalized, and Mr. Yu said that there is no need to fight! Netizens were stunned

However, although Dong Yuhui has left New Oriental, the knowledge and inspiration he brought to us will always accompany us to grow! Just like the saying goes, "Some people are destined to be just passers-by in your life, but they can leave eternal memories." Dong Yuhui is such a person!

Finally, I want to say that no matter how Dong Yuhui develops in the future, I will always pay attention to his dynamics, and look forward to him bringing us more surprises and touches! At the same time, I also hope that New Oriental can find a new leader to continue to move forward! In short, this is an era full of changes and challenges, let us look forward to the future development together!

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