
Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

author:Chief Business Intelligence
Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn
  • Chief Business Intelligence
  • Chief Business Intelligence
Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Introduction: If you are heart-wrenched, the croissant you bought at Sam's, the tiger skin rolls you bought, the fried chicken you bought, the various cooked foods you bought without outer packaging, if you don't take some alcohol and spray the cart, you may not dare to put it.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Because you don't know if this cart in your hand will be just finished by the last "giant baby" customer? This phenomenon has already started at Sam.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Large-scale action of the shopping cart, regardless of the eyes of others

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

The couples who visit Sam's may be for fun, in order to increase the emotional temperature, so they simply played "you push me to drive" in Sam's, the brother pushed outside, and the sister sat inside?

And a lot of people are sitting in shopping carts with their shoes on, wondering if their shoes have just stepped in from the public toilet outside?

Even if you take off your shoes, who can be sure that these "giant babies" are not athlete's foot?

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Even if you don't step on the public toilet and don't have athlete's foot. Isn't it disgusting to wear a thin layer of pants if you are not healthy and suffer from some vague "diseases"?

These "giant babies" who sit in shopping carts, regardless of others, do their own thing, and the spicy eyes are not supermarkets, but you and me, who are also customers.

As we all know, Sam responded to the outside world that the shopping cart will be cleaned regularly, but it is impossible for customers to wash it once after sitting down, right?

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

And sitting in a shopping cart isn't cute at all! Even if a real child goes to Sam's, his feet stick out outside, unless some of the children's parents are sleepy and the parents have to put them in the shopping cart to sleep.

This can't help but remind the editor of the "cauliflower couple" who were scolded on the Internet a while ago.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Sam's "herd effect", not afraid of 10,000 in case

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Cauliflower couple

Why is it called "Cauliflower Couple"? Because the couple had a certain "infectious disease", but they were not good at home treatment, nor did they "behave" well, but wandered around other cities, and the places they went were terrifying.

In fact, it is not that they are discriminated against for being unhealthy, but this kind of malicious dissemination is really outrageous.

They also deliberately went to eat snail noodles together to smash people's rice bowls, and the owner of the snail noodles shop learned afterwards that they had cleaned and disinfected the store overnight, and even the bowls in the store were covered with bags, and the tableware was replaced with disposable products, and business had to be done.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

The boy in the cauliflower couple is called "Yibiao", and the girl is called "Guizhou cousin".

Guizhou's cousin once publicly said in the video that many of her clothes are purchased for 7 days for 0 yuan, that is to say, the clothes she bought from various e-commerce platforms, such as Taobao, Tmall, Douyin, etc., do not take off the clothes tag, and they will be returned and refunded for seven days without reason on the 7th day.

This caught many businesses off guard, quite explosive! It also scared the girls who were the same size as their cousins in Guizhou, if they bought the same type of underwear that was returned, such as some close-fitting pants and underwear, if the merchant did not pay attention to the return area and continued to sell to the next wronged customer, it was really scary.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Therefore, it is really necessary to check and wash the clothes purchased online before wearing.

Other Internet celebrities are popular by talent, they are popular by eyeballs, and they are getting bolder and bolder, and they even go to other cities, such as Foshan and Dongguan.

What's even more outrageous is that when they go to a certain city, they will first send a video to inform fans, which indirectly causes panic among the residents of that city, and of course, they are immediately driven away as soon as they arrive in Foshan.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Let's ask, who dares to stay in the hotel they have stayed in? Who dares to eat in the restaurant you have eaten? This kind of Internet celebrity is not blocked? Do you want to keep it for the New Year?

Sure enough, the more the couple "acted", the more excessive, and now the accounts of the two have also been blocked! The more visitors there are, the more excited they become, as the saying goes, "there is no harm if there is no sale".

Therefore, with the foreshadowing of the cauliflower couple in front, the current Sam's shopping cart "giant baby" phenomenon, many customers can no longer bear their behavior for the sake of food safety.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

The wind of IKEA's posing for the photo, still blows to Sam

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

There are also a lot of tutorials in a book that teach people how to take pictures in the shopping cart, you say that teaching people to take pictures in the supermarket can be endured, but in the shopping cart, who can bear it?

In fact, not only Sam, but also supermarkets that provide shopping carts with larger shopping carts, such as RT-Mart, cannot escape being used as a photo tool by giant babies, or as a prop to promote the relationship between couples.

As early as before, it was very popular to take pictures in IKEA's shopping cart, but IKEA's shopping cart, netizens have not been so indignant, IKEA is not a fresh supermarket, and it sells more household items, so it is harmless.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

However, this wave of shopping cart riding still blows to Sam, which is really incredible.

Of course, Sam also came out to respond, with a clear limit on the weight of the shopping cart and regular sanitization! But there is no way, even if the staff sees it, some dare to say it, some dare not say it, and turn a blind eye and pass.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Sam was already crowded, and there were some people who "occupied the pit and didn't", blocking the road to take pictures, and various poses emerged in endlessly.

In addition to sitting in the shopping cart, there are many beautiful women with good figures, whether in the escalator or in some aisles, in order to take photos of the atmosphere, directly cause the passage to be blocked, or directly take some food as props to shoot, and put it back after shooting.

But for uninformed consumers, food safety is not guaranteed, and in order to take pictures, they are really "hungry" and can do anything.

Just like some Internet celebrities in order to shoot the so-called sense of relaxation, they directly spread food on the side of the road and start shooting, and the food props must not be eaten after taking photos, a typical waste of food.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Take pictures without looking at the occasion, the main public place is your own home.

However, some netizens held the opposite opinion, saying that the shopping cart was not clean in the first place.

The cart is certainly not very clean! But it is not acceptable that you artificially make it unclean, especially when other customers are watching, you can play if you want to, play with your whole car at home, no one restricts you, if you have to play in public, then you have to accept other people's comments, after all, this behavior is controversial.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

He was angry at the behavior of the "giant baby", but he was helpless

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

For these uncivilized phenomena, some customers who can't stand it directly point out the uncivilized behavior of some women, but they are scolded back, saying, "Do you live by the sea?" "It means that the tube is really wide.

Some netizens even said that they were suffering from "Peter Pan syndrome", that is, they had reached physical maturity, but their thoughts and behaviors were still at the level of young children.

But now an easy-to-understand word is used, that is, "giant baby" instead, and it is obvious that giant babies are not divided between domestic and foreign.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

In the early 90s, an event was held in San Francisco, USA, and it was a sensation at the time. The participants were adults, sitting in strollers, wearing diapers, and even childish behaviors such as eating a bottle.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

But to be honest, it's not cute at all. Just like adults crowded into shopping carts now, no matter how cute they are, they are not cute.

Although it is your own personal freedom to do what you want to do, the bottom line is still on the basis of not affecting others.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn
Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

The middle class has taken a seat, and some of them have become "big injustices"

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

I don't know when "Afford Sam's" became one of the criteria for measuring whether a family is a middle-class family.

After all, Sam's is already a well-known "thousand-dollar supermarket", and ordinary people don't go there often.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

It's not that ordinary people can't afford to buy thousands of dollars, it's that there is no need to spend these unjust money, and you can buy very high-quality products in other supermarkets at the same price.

This is nothing superior, Guangdong charter public love to wear flip-flops. Mineral water is ten times the price difference between convenient and five-star hotels, and it is the same one!

Of course, there are also pseudo-middle-class groups, who may go to Sam's once a month to shop and buy a "poor ghost multi-piece suit", but in fact, they can't go there several times a year.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

After all, it's not free to go to Sam's, and the membership fee is used as a "ticket", and it is enough to provide the posting materials of the circle of friends every month.

Solid middle-class families just regard Sam as a daily routine, and there are two kinds of members alone, one is 280 yuan and the other is 680 yuan, and it is self-evident when queuing up to pay.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Of course, the higher-net-worth group visits the Olé supermarket. In short, it is an invisible "chain of contempt", with no cap at the top and no bottom at the bottom.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Therefore, these uncivilized giant babies are more or less accused of being "middle class" by netizens!

Either a panicked middle-class lady who is shopping and shopping, or a pseudo-middle-class lady (it is relatively rare for men to make shopping carts, and there are also one or two too spicy eyes).

However, they forgot with them that this is a warehouse-type shopping supermarket, which is big and big, but it is not an attraction, and it sells snacks, fruits, and all kinds of imported things.

Of course, there are also some middle-class people with better quality, and these phenomena have been ridiculed and called very "wronged"!

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Some people also questioned that Sam himself is also very problematic, he doesn't care about anything, why does he provide such a large shopping cart? No way, Sam loves to "pretend", and the giant packaging is also a well-known "scheming boy" in the industry!

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

The general product packaging box is very large, 400 yuan of giant potato chips, more than 600 yuan of giant chocolate, 168 yuan of giant instant noodles, and all kinds of dolls are taller than people, and now there are Sam Lamborghini children's cars also come out.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Sam Lamborghini stroller

With such a large size product, the shopping cart of the average supermarket is really not enough! The main penny, the packaging. In this way, you can also have peace of mind.

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Conclusion: Civilized consumption behavior starts from you, me and him

Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

Sam also has to reflect on this phenomenon, and he is silent when there is a clear rule. This kind of response is very "foreign brand", and foreign brands habitually dump the pot on others as soon as there is a problem, in short, it is not their own problem.

If this phenomenon happened in Fat Donglai Supermarket, maybe it would have been solved a long time ago? Even if not, there are many conscientious supermarkets, and if some customers inexplicably take some cooked food to do this and that and do not pay, they will more or less replace the product.

Similarly, if you go to Sam's or RT-Mart, a supermarket like this that has fresh and cooked food, I still hope that consumers can consciously order it!

In short, a slap doesn't make a sound! Whether it is a supermarket or a customer, only by making progress together can we create a good shopping environment.

What do you think of Sam's "giant baby cart" phenomenon? Please leave your views and comments.


Sam's large-scale action in the shopping cart tore off the fig leaf of the middle-class woman, which is the real overturn

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