
Xingyue's secret shopping cart? Netizens picked up Taobao accounts, and erotic underwear became a hot discussion!

author:Creative Fred 4x7


Wang Xingyue's mystery shopping list

Some netizens broke the news on social media, claiming to have discovered Wang Xingyue's Taobao account, and pointed out that there was a suspected record of buying erotic underwear in the account. This news quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens expressed surprise at it.

Xingyue's secret shopping cart? Netizens picked up Taobao accounts, and erotic underwear became a hot discussion!

After all, Wang Xingyue, as a public figure, has attracted much attention in his private life. Some netizens joked: "Is this to transform into a fashion blogger?" Don't even let go of erotic underwear! Some fans also stood up to defend Wang Xingyue, believing that this is just ordinary people's shopping behavior and should not be over-interpreted.

The idol's freedom of love?


With the fermentation of the incident, the question of whether Wang Xingyue is in love has also become the focus of discussion. Some netizens pointed out that even if Wang Xingyue is really in love, this should not be a reason for him to be attacked.

Xingyue's secret shopping cart? Netizens picked up Taobao accounts, and erotic underwear became a hot discussion!

After all, as an actor, his private life should be respected. But there are also different voices that believe that as public figures, especially idols, their actions will have an impact on fans, so they should be more cautious. Some netizens jokingly said: "It seems that the current idols not only have to sing and dance, but also have to talk about love, they are really all-round talents!" ”

The mystery of the authenticity of the account


Regarding whether the Taobao account mentioned in the revelation really belongs to Wang Xingyue, it has also become the focus of debate among netizens. Some people think that it is too hasty to conclude that it is Wang Xingyue himself based on the shopping records in the account alone.

Xingyue's secret shopping cart? Netizens picked up Taobao accounts, and erotic underwear became a hot discussion!

Other netizens believe that such revelations often have a motive behind them, which may be to create a topic or other purposes. Some netizens humorously commented: "In these years, even Taobao accounts can become the 'black material' of stars, the times have really changed!" ”

Online violence and fan culture


Wang's incident has also sparked discussions about online violence and fan culture. Some netizens pointed out that neither Wang Xingyue nor other celebrities should be subjected to unwarranted attacks and slander because of their private lives.

Xingyue's secret shopping cart? Netizens picked up Taobao accounts, and erotic underwear became a hot discussion!

However, some people believe that the phenomenon of overprotection and blind following in fan culture is also one of the reasons for the frequent occurrence of such incidents. Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that being a star is not only to prevent paparazzi, but also to prevent fans, which is really a high-risk profession!" ”

Controversial summary


Wang Xingyue's incident has undoubtedly once again pushed the contradiction between the privacy of public figures and the public's right to know to the forefront. In this era of information explosion, everyone is being monitored and evaluated to a greater or lesser extent,

Xingyue's secret shopping cart? Netizens picked up Taobao accounts, and erotic underwear became a hot discussion!

And even more so for public figures. For or against, this discussion of Wang Xingyue reflects the blurred understanding of the boundaries between privacy and openness.

Xingyue's secret shopping cart? Netizens picked up Taobao accounts, and erotic underwear became a hot discussion!

Some netizens humorously concluded: "It seems that in the future, stars will not only have to practice their acting skills, but also learn how to be 'invisible' on the Internet, which is really full of skills!" ”

Xingyue's secret shopping cart? Netizens picked up Taobao accounts, and erotic underwear became a hot discussion!

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