
American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

author:Healthy life - Aixin


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Today, I would like to talk about my personal experience of eating American ginseng, hoping to help friends in need.

I have had a "soft spot" for American ginseng since menopause, but I have used it intermittently with Chinese medicine, and I have not been able to stick to it for many reasons.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Western ginseng

Western ginseng is a relatively expensive traditional Chinese medicine, and everyone is familiar with it. However, I have found that the price of Chinese medicine is relatively more expensive for prescriptions that use this ingredient.

American ginseng is sweet and slightly bitter, cool in nature, and returns to the heart, lungs, and kidney meridians. It is also known as American ginseng, foreign ginseng, etc., which is abundant in the United States, northern Canada, and now it is also commonly cultivated and cultivated in the northern part of the mainland.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Cultivation of American ginseng

American ginseng has a relatively high nutritional value:

It can replenish the qi and yin fluids in the body, clear heat evils, and promote the production of jin fluid. Clinically, it is used to treat dry mouth, dry cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath caused by the decrease of yin fluid, decreased fluid caused by stomach fire, body fever, sweating, thirst, yellow urine, fatigue, etc.

I think that menopause has left more "sequelae" to myself, the most obvious is because of the old age and internal heat caused by the internal heat, usually mainly reflected in kidney deficiency tinnitus, dizziness and brain swelling, poor sleep quality, etc., in recent years, I also obviously feel that the yin deficiency physique is more prominent, often the rise of false fire, insomnia and dreams, which is also a headache for me.

Although the symptoms are not very serious, they are quite disturbing.

Over the years, I have been looking for a more suitable way to maintain and improve my health, and now I basically use diet conditioning, try to choose the same source of medicine and food, there is no harm to the body, and I feel better than taking Chinese medicine.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Western Ginseng Bubble Water Shouts

In 2021, the National Health Commission approved American ginseng and other nine-flavor Chinese medicinal materials as medicinal and edible homologous materials, which can be used to make tea and drink or make soup, for daily health preservation, can assist in replenishing qi and nourishing yin, clearing heat and generating Jin, and the elderly who generally have this need can be properly concerned.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

American ginseng is included in the same source of medicine and food

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Soak it in water with wolfberry for better effect

I have been eating American ginseng recently, and I feel that it has improved in these aspects, so I would like to talk about my experience.

First, the symptoms of kidney deficiency and tinnitus have been reduced

I was a bit of a surprise at that.

Since menopause, the symptoms of kidney deficiency and tinnitus have been bothering and accompanying me for more than ten years, and sometimes I am miserable.

I realized that this kind of kidney deficiency tinnitus is more serious when you are on fire and sick, if you are in a good mood, sleep well, eat properly, and do not eat spicy and irritating food, it will be relieved, which is the deepest experience when sleeping.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Kidney deficiency and tinnitus

Recently, I have insisted on taking 4-5 pieces of American ginseng (about 10 small tablets) under the tongue every day, chewing when the saliva is soft, once in the morning, noon and once in the evening.

Sometimes, I also soak it in water with goji berries and drink it.

After eating like this for about a month, I found that my tinnitus symptoms were relieved a lot, and this tinnitus no longer affected my mood during the day and sleep at night.

American ginseng has the effect of assisting in nourishing yin and nourishing yin, calming the nerves and replenishing deficiency, but I realize that this effect is not obvious, but gradual, needs to be regulated at the same time with other foods, and is also inseparable from factors such as happy mood and good living environment.

Self-experience, eating American ginseng should avoid the following points:

1. Don't eat spicy and irritating food;

2. Don't get angry;

3. Don't mix too many traditional Chinese medicines;

4. Avoid eating things that are too greasy and too cold.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Less greasy

Second, sleep improved unconsciously

Many elderly people do not sleep well, it is likely to be caused by yin deficiency physique, such as heart fire, heart and kidney disconnection, all kinds of deficiency diseases are manifested in old age and body failure, in fact, it is also caused by kidney essence loss, visceral function deficiency, I am such a physique.

In the past, I always took gamma oryzanol and vitamin B1 to improve my sleep, and sometimes I would take melatonin, otherwise I would have insomnia and dreams, and I felt very tired when I woke up.

In the recent period, to be exact, since the beginning of spring, I have also paid more attention to regulating sleep, and in the past six months, I have not taken care of my 90-year-old mother at night, so I will no longer take sleeping pills, and I will improve through food.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

I don't take all kinds of drugs anymore

Unconsciously, I found that my sleep quality gradually improved, sometimes I could reach 5-6 hours of deep sleep in a night, and although it was very hard to take care of my mother during the day, I was still able to persevere.

I tasted and felt that American ginseng still has the effect of helping to improve sleep, and the effect is obvious.

It returns to the heart and kidney meridians, and has a comprehensive conditioning for the improvement of visceral dysfunction, and if you insist on taking it for more than a month, you will find that your sleep is gradually getting better.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Good sleep quality


These days, I obviously feel that my cardiopulmonary function has improved, I breathe smoothly, and I don't feel heart discomfort, which may have something to do with good sleep.

The mental state is good, maybe it is not necessarily the relationship between eating American ginseng, the elderly nourish the liver in spring and the heart in summer, and pay attention to the function of the internal organs according to the season, which cannot be ignored.

For example, this season, I will eat some seasonal dandelions, camellia, leeks, cabbage, hawthorn, some edible flowers made of delicacies, etc., it is necessary to bring a good internal environment to the body.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Scrambled eggs with leeks


The cardiopulmonary function has improved, the sleep is better, and I feel that I have eaten better, maybe this is all complementary to each other.

Although American ginseng has not been found to have the health care effect of regulating the spleen and stomach, the functions of the internal organs are one.

I now drink a glass of American ginseng honey water every morning, and I feel that it is really good to nourish my stomach, and it also has the effect of replenishing qi and blood.

Half a month ago, I bought five catties of Russian linden honey, and I really thought it was good to drink, better than the honey I had drunk before, and I felt very comfortable in my stomach.

Eating honey with American ginseng, I found that it strengthens the spleen and stomach, and also promotes digestion, and now I rarely feel full when I eat.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

After the American ginseng is boiled, add honey

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Western Participation Honey

Brief summary:

The above statement is my own experience in health care, not as a recommendation for any product, and I have never participated in these.

I usually don't have "three highs", and friends who eat honey need to pay attention to the changes in their blood sugar levels.

Although American ginseng is a very good medicine and food homologous health food, it is cold, and the elderly who are very weak need to follow the doctor's advice.

There are also many taboos in eating American ginseng, which cannot be eaten with certain medicines, and cannot be eaten with radishes, kelp and other foods.

It can be said that among all the ginseng types, I can't eat ginseng, I can only take American ginseng and codonopsis to improve my physique. The physique of the elderly is different, and they need to be cautious in choosing the same source of medicine and food, and it is good to be suitable for themselves.

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Elderly people regulate their bodies and choose ingredients that suit them

American ginseng is a good thing, I have been eating it recently, and I feel that these aspects have improved

Proper use of medicinal and edible homologous materials to promote health

Personal opinions are for informational purposes only.

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