
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children

author:Xiao Li Monk
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children
How stupid can a person be in a hospital? American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children

The "god operation" in the hospital: American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for the child

1. An absurd scene: American ginseng pearl powder milk shocked the four seats

In the busy pediatric ward of a hospital, the operation of a young mother shocked the medical staff and the patient's family members. She actually took out a packet of American ginseng and a box of pearl powder, mixed the two, and rushed into the child's bottle. This scene was unbelievable, and everyone present was extremely shocked.

2. Exploration of the cause: The mother is heartbroken for the health of her child

The young mother's name is Wang Li, and her child is often hospitalized because of her weak constitution. In order to allow her children to grow up healthily, Wang Li looked around for various supplements and home remedies. By chance, she heard that American ginseng and pearl powder are both very good tonics that can improve children's immunity. So, Wang Li did not hesitate to buy these two supplements, planning to try them for her children.

However, Wang Li did not carefully understand the usage and precautions of these two supplements. She mistakenly thought that mixing American ginseng and pearl powder together to give milk to her child would allow her child to absorb the nutrients of both supplements at the same time. This ridiculous idea made her operation extremely absurd.

3. Absurd plot: The dissuasion of everyone is ineffective, and the child's condition worsens

When Wang Li began to give her child this "special" milk, the surrounding medical staff and the patient's family members stepped forward to dissuade her. They told Wang Li that American ginseng and pearl powder are both tonics, but they are not suitable for children to drink directly, let alone mix them together for milk. However, Wang Li firmly believed that her approach was correct and insisted on giving her child this "special" milk.

As time passed, the child's condition did not improve, but became more and more serious. The child's appetite deteriorated, he lost his spirits, and even showed symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. This made Wang Li feel very confused and anxious, and she began to wonder if there was something wrong with her approach.

However, under the persuasion of everyone, Wang Li finally realized her mistake. Regretting it, she decided to stop this ridiculous practice immediately and take the child to professional treatment.

Fourth, the end: absurd behavior provokes deep thought, scientific parenting is very important

Although Wang Li's behavior is absurd, it also brings us deep reflection. In modern society, with the improvement of people's living standards, parents are paying more and more attention to the health and growth of their children. However, due to the lack of scientific knowledge and correct parenting concepts, many parents tend to adopt some ridiculous practices to take care of their children. Not only will this not help the child grow up healthily, but it may cause more harm to the child.

Therefore, we call on parents to establish a correct concept of parenting and learn more scientific parenting knowledge. In the process of caring for children, follow the principles of medicine and nutrition, and do not blindly believe in home remedies and supplements. Only in this way can children grow up healthy and happy. The absurd "tonic" in the hospital: American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk for children

1. Absurd move: to make up for his son's body, go astray

In the crowded hospital corridor, Wang Li's figure looked extremely anxious. Her child, Xiao Ming, is frail and frequently sick, which makes her feel anxious. In order to let the child recover as soon as possible, Wang Li asked around, looking for various home remedies and supplements that can enhance the child's physique.

One day, Wang Li heard a "magical" home remedy in the small talk of the patient's family - American ginseng mixed with pearl powder to make milk. This method is said to greatly improve the child's immunity and keep the child away from diseases. Hearing the news, Wang Li seemed to see a savior, and she couldn't wait to ask about the specific practices and purchase channels.

On the way home, Wang Li walked into a nearby pharmacy and bought a large bag of American ginseng and a box of pearl powder. Her heart was full of anticipation, fantasizing that Xiao Ming would be able to quickly become healthy and lively after drinking this "magical" milk.

After returning home, Wang Li couldn't wait to start her "tonic making". She mixed American ginseng and pearl powder in a certain proportion, and then carefully rushed into Xiao Ming's bottle. She looked at the milky liquid in the bottle, and her heart was full of anticipation and pride.

2. Absurd escalation: The child's condition is aggravated and the family is in turmoil

However, things did not go as smoothly as Wang Li imagined. After Xiao Ming drank this "special" milk, he did not show any signs of improvement, but began to have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. This made Wang Li feel very confused and anxious, and she began to wonder if there was something wrong with her approach.

Over the next few days, Xiao Ming's condition became more and more serious, he couldn't eat, his spirits were sluggish, and he even began to develop a high fever. Looking at the child's painful appearance, Wang Li's heart was like a knife, and she didn't know what to do.

Wang Li's husband and in-laws were also anxious like ants on a hot pot. They persuaded Wang Li to take the child to the hospital for professional treatment, and stop believing in those home remedies that have no scientific basis. However, Wang Li is stubborn, she firmly believes that her approach is the right one, but it will take some time to bear fruit.

Just when the family was in chaos and anxiety, Xiao Ming's condition suddenly deteriorated. He began to have symptoms of breathlessness and convulsions, which made Wang Li completely panicked. She finally realized that there might be something wrong with what she was doing, so she quickly called the emergency services.

3. The end of the absurd: scientific parenting, back on track

In the emergency room of the hospital, the doctors quickly rescued Xiao Ming. After a series of examinations and treatments, Xiao Ming's condition was finally brought under control. The doctor told Wang Li that Xiao Ming's symptoms were due to his stomach and intestines being unable to adapt to foods that were too nourishing, such as American ginseng and pearl powder. Moreover, this kind of home remedies does not have any scientific basis, but may bring more harm to children.

Hearing the doctor's explanation, Wang Li regretted it. She finally realized how much her ignorance and stubbornness had hurt her child. She decided that she must learn more about scientific parenting in the future, and no longer blindly believe in those home remedies and supplements that have no scientific basis.

After this incident, Wang Li began to actively learn about parenting. She has read a large number of parenting books and articles, and has participated in various parenting lectures and trainings. She gradually understood the importance of scientific parenting, and also learned how to make a reasonable diet and exercise plan according to the actual situation of the child.

Under Wang Li's careful care, Xiao Ming's body gradually recovered his health. He became more lively and cute, and he became more and more loved by the people around him. Seeing the changes in her children, Wang Li felt very relieved and proud. She knows that all this is inseparable from the help and support of scientific parenting knowledge.

Finally, Wang Li would like to say to all parents: parenting is a difficult and great task, and we need to keep learning and exploring. In the process of caring for children, it is important to follow the principles of medicine and nutrition, and do not blindly believe in home remedies and supplements. Only in this way can we let our children grow up healthy and happy.

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