
Reminder: Although American ginseng and ginseng are the same kind of medicinal materials, they are very different, so don't mix them up!

author:Doctors say health

  The middle-aged body is weak and can't afford it, and the wolfberry ginseng is in a cup. As long as it comes to health food supplements, it is inseparable from ginseng, a great tonic medicinal material. However, many people only know that ginseng is a tonic, and the specific subdivision is not very clear.

  Therefore, the label of ginseng on the market is regarded as ginseng and eaten indiscriminately, I don't know it, I don't know the medicinal properties, it is better not to make up, it is a trivial matter to waste money and waste medicine, and it is worth the loss to eat the cold and heat of the body.

  For example, American ginseng and ginseng are the same type of medicinal materials, but they are very different inside. What are the specific differences between American ginseng and ginseng?

Reminder: Although American ginseng and ginseng are the same kind of medicinal materials, they are very different, so don't mix them up!

  1. Medicinal properties

  In terms of medicinal properties, American ginseng is a slightly cool medicinal material, which is also described in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, a classic medical book in the mainland. Therefore, cold or cold herbs such as American ginseng are good for people with fever in the body.

  American ginseng can alleviate or eliminate heat in the human body, and in layman's terms, it has the effect of defeating fire. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, American ginseng has the functions of clearing heat, purging fire, cooling blood, and detoxifying fever.

Reminder: Although American ginseng and ginseng are the same kind of medicinal materials, they are very different, so don't mix them up!

  Ginseng, on the other hand, is a slightly warm herb that is more suitable for people with qi deficiency and yang deficiency.

  Because such a person has cold symptoms in the body, and hot or warm herbs are just the right symptoms, proper consumption of ginseng food supplements can reduce or eliminate the discomfort of cold symptoms. That is to say, the medicinal properties of ginseng are opposite, ginseng has the effect of dissipating cold in warmth, replenishing fire and helping yang, warming meridians and channeling, and returning to yang to save adversity.

Reminder: Although American ginseng and ginseng are the same kind of medicinal materials, they are very different, so don't mix them up!

  2. Efficacy

  American ginseng has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, clearing away heat and generating energy. It has a certain improvement effect on symptoms such as qi and yin injury, lung qi deficiency, thirst for jin wounds, and shortness of urine and red urine. It is worth noting that when eating American ginseng, you need to avoid strong alkaline foods such as radish, mung bean and grapes, so as not to restrain your appetite and make your body uneasy.

Reminder: Although American ginseng and ginseng are the same kind of medicinal materials, they are very different, so don't mix them up!

  The description of ginseng in the "Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine" is that it has the effect of greatly replenishing vitality, invigorating the spleen, benefiting the lungs and soothing the nerves, and benefiting the brain and mind. It is often used for the treatment of symptoms such as qi deficiency, sagging of central qi, lack of spleen temper, and lack of pulse.

  It is recorded in the "Book of Scriptures" that ginseng is the main tonic for the five organs, calming the spirit, fixing the soul, stopping palpitations, removing evil spirits, brightening the eyes, and being happy and intellectual. However, the medicine is poisonous, and there will still be rashes, insomnia, diarrhea and other conditions after taking it for a long time, and it is better to eat ginseng occasionally.

Reminder: Although American ginseng and ginseng are the same kind of medicinal materials, they are very different, so don't mix them up!

  Third, the place of origin

  The main production area of ginseng is located in the eastern mountains of the northeast of the mainland, at the Changbai Mountains. Also known as human titles, jade essence, divine grass, etc., ginseng occupies a place in the "Three Treasures of the Northeast".

  A small amount of wild ginseng also grows in the remnants of the Changbai Mountains in North Korea, and it is worth noting that the ginseng produced on the Korean Peninsula is often called Korean ginseng. If someone takes Korean ginseng and says it is more valuable than ginseng, they must be lying.

  As the name suggests, most of the ginseng is not from Asia. That's right, American ginseng is native to Canada and the United States, and interestingly, American ginseng is called American ginseng and American ginseng.

Reminder: Although American ginseng and ginseng are the same kind of medicinal materials, they are very different, so don't mix them up!

  Fourth, the shape

  Ginseng has a reed head, a branch, and a fibrous root. No transverse scars. The section is floury, the cambium ring is not obvious, there are cracks.

  American ginseng has no reed head, no branches, fibrous roots, transverse scars, slightly powdery sections, obvious cambium rings, and obvious cortical resin tracts.

  5. Taste

  Whether it is ginseng or American ginseng, it has a slightly bitter taste after brewing. The ginseng soaked in water tastes sweet and has a hint of earthiness, just like a lawn that has just rained.

  In fact, ginseng and American ginseng are very different from each other in terms of medicinal properties and efficacy, "one nourishes qi and nourishes the spirit, one clears heat and dispels fire, one dispelles and one tonifies is very different", so in the process of health and dietary therapy, we must distinguish them according to our own physique and symptoms, so as to really benefit the body.

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