
The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

The Guangdong men's basketball team is under tremendous pressure in a tense and highly anticipated G5 battle, but their challenge is not alone.

On the journey to Liaoning overnight, a veteran, Ren Junfei, set out with the team as scheduled.

His arrival means the re-cohesion of the Guangdong team's forward line and the rebirth of hope.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

As a player, Ren Junfei has his own unique characteristics.

Some fans believe that his performance on the court is very smart, like a chess master, who can always catch the flaws of his opponent and bring unexpected advantages to the team.

His sense of rhythm is also one of his characteristics, and some fans describe him as a conductor who can accurately grasp the rhythm of the game and bring consistent play to the team.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

Especially when it comes to critical moments, he always manages to deal with it calmly and impressively.

Of course, there are also fans who point out some of his shortcomings.

Some people said that Ren Junfei's athleticism is not very strong, and sometimes he is slightly lacking in speed.

However, his intelligence and keen insight often make up for this shortcoming, allowing him to continue to perform well in the game.

In general, the addition of Ren Junfei is undoubtedly a big benefit for the Guangdong team.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

His intelligence and consistency will add to the team's record, and I believe he will continue to perform well in the next games to bring more victories to the team."

The performance of the Guangdong team this season is indeed full of twists and turns, and some netizens said that they are like a roller coaster, rushing up for a while, and falling down again for a while.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

The performance during the game was sometimes exhilarating and sometimes depressing.

Some fans joked that watching the Guangdong team game is like watching a tense and exciting thriller, and there is really too much suspense.

Especially the problem of the inside line, which is really a weakness of the Guangdong team.

Although Zhou Qi tried his best on the court, like a hero, he was indeed a little difficult to support the inside line alone.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

Some fans joked that Zhou Qi is like a "lone hero" on the field, but unfortunately this is not a Hollywood movie, and it is difficult for one person to carry the entire team.

And the control of the rebound is a headache.

Some netizens said that seeing their opponents frequently grabbing rebounds was like seeing their hearts hollowed out, and they felt really aggrieved.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

Some fans even complained that the Guangdong team's performance in rebounding was like playing a game of "team basketball", where everyone was scrambling, but in the end they were always snatched away by their opponents.

In this regard, some fans put forward suggestions, hoping that the Guangdong team can improve on the internal problem and not let Zhou Qi fight alone.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

Some fans said that if more players can stand up and share the pressure of Zhou Qi, the rebounding problem of the Guangdong team can be alleviated to a certain extent.

The Liaoning team is not easy to deal with, but they have played quite steadily this season.

Netizens have said that every time they play against the Liaoning team, it is like fighting against a high mountain, and the pressure is great.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

In particular, Fu Hao and Zhang Zhenlin are simply the "twin stars" of the Liaoning team, and their performances can always catch the opponent's defense off guard.

Some fans joked that every time they saw Fu Hao on the field, it was like seeing a raging beast, and it was as difficult to prevent him as it was to catch the flying white whale.

And Zhang Zhenlin's vitality and hard work are even more breathtaking, he seems to be the "rebounding monster" of the Liaoning team, and every time he grabs a rebound, he can create huge pressure on the opponent.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

What's even more worrying is that the Liaoning team was always able to burst out with amazing combat effectiveness in the third quarter.

Some netizens said that every time they saw the Liaoning team exert their strength at the beginning of the third quarter, it was like seeing an invincible army, and they could always turn the tide of the battle at this critical time and catch the opponent off guard.

In this regard, some fans began to study countermeasures.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

Some people suggested that the Guangdong team should be fully prepared before the start of the third quarter, and the Liaoning team should not be given the slightest respite.

Some people also believe that at critical moments, it is necessary to use more rotation lineups to maintain the team's physical strength and combat effectiveness, so as to be invincible in the attack of the Liaoning team.

Just when the Guangdong team was facing difficulties, the addition of Ren Junfei gave fans new hope.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

Some fans said that seeing Ren Junfei go out with the team was like seeing a much-anticipated reinforcement, and his arrival seemed to give the Guangdong team a shot in the arm.

As a veteran, Ren Junfei's role is not small, he can not only demonstrate excellent skills on the field, but also teach experience to young players off the field, which makes many fans lament that his value is not only the gains and losses in the game.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

And Ren Junfei's presence also caused a lot of pressure on the opponent.

Some fans said that seeing the opponent's embarrassed appearance when defending him was like seeing a group of rats trapped in a besieged city, with nowhere to escape.

In this regard, some fans began to look forward to Ren Junfei's performance in the game.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

Some people believe that his addition will bring a lot of improvement to the defensive end of the Guangdong team, so that the opponent's attack will be more restricted.

Some people also said that Ren Junfei's arrival will bring more changes to the Guangdong team, and I believe that his joining can make the team win more victories at critical moments.

The internal problem has always been the heart of the Guangdong team, but with the addition of Ren Junfei, fans have begun to see a ray of light.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

Some fans joked that Ren Junfei is like a fire axe, which can instantly extinguish the flames on the inside line and make the opponent helpless.

The rebounding ability of the Guangdong team has always been a shortcoming, and some fans said that every time they saw the opponent easily grab the rebound, it was like giving them a shot of chicken blood, and they were super depressed.

But now with Ren Junfei, the situation has finally taken a turn for the better, and rebounding is no longer the weakness that plagues the team.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

The arrival of Ren Junfei not only increased the team's interior advantage, but also provided more playing time for players such as Waters, which made many fans lament the improvement of the team's overall strength.

Some people believe that with the addition of Ren Junfei, the inside line of the Guangdong team will never be as weak as in the past, and I believe that he can stand up at a critical moment and lead the team to victory.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

In terms of tactics, the Guangdong team has also made corresponding adjustments and prospects.

Ren Junfei's arrival on the field will definitely change the team's lineup and continue their offensive firepower.

But more importantly, at a critical moment in the game, they needed to take advantage in the first half to prevent Liaoning's onslaught in the third quarter.

The Guangdong men's basketball team, under the leadership of Ren Junfei, ushered in a counterattack to challenge the Liaoning team.

Despite the difficulties, they were full of confidence and determined to fight for their honor with tenacious will and united strength.

The No. 4 ace galloped to help Du Feng! Zhou Qi did not set off with the team! The 12-man roster can be adjusted, and the forward line is saved

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