
In 60 years, more than 4,000 performances, the forever blooming "Qionghua" danced again

author:Shangguan News

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the premiere of the ballet "Red Detachment of Women" by the National Ballet of China. When "Qionghua" danced in the childhood "second class" of many Shanghai audiences, whose memory was awakened? With the opening of the 2024 Shanghai Red Culture Season, from May 16 to 17, this masterpiece of Chinese ballet will be staged at the Wanping Theater in Shanghai.

In 60 years, more than 4,000 performances, the forever blooming "Qionghua" danced again

Since its premiere, the National Ballet of China's "Red Detachment of Women" has performed more than 4,000 times, and has become a masterpiece of Acura great women. "Red Detachment of Women" tells the story of Hainan Island, China in the thirties of the twentieth century, the maid Qionghua who escaped from the bully Nanba Tianfu, with the help of Hong Changqing, a representative of the Red Army Party, and her comrades-in-arms, after the test of blood and fire, from a bitter and bitter country maid, gradually transformed into a staunch revolutionary soldier, vividly depicting a magnificent picture of the strong and unyielding revolutionary spirit of Chinese women.

In 60 years, more than 4,000 performances, the forever blooming "Qionghua" danced again
In 60 years, more than 4,000 performances, the forever blooming "Qionghua" danced again

In the play, the shape of Qionghua kicking the purple gold crown upside down, the heroic dancing posture of the female soldiers of the Red Army, and the moving melody of many musical works in the work, such as "Wanquan River" and "Women's Army Training Song", are still indelible memories in the hearts of many people today. As a temple carrying the artistic memory of a generation, Wanping Theater explores how to better present the classic work of "Red Detachment of Women" to contemporary audiences in inheritance and innovation.

In 60 years, more than 4,000 performances, the forever blooming "Qionghua" danced again
In 60 years, more than 4,000 performances, the forever blooming "Qionghua" danced again

To this end, Wanping Theater and the National Ballet of China have joined forces to transport the classic images such as "Qionghua" and "Hong Changqing" in the play, as well as the stage costumes of the "Women's Army" characters to Shanghai, and build an immersive check-in space in the theater hall, so that every audience who enters the theater can feel the indomitable spirit of the "Women's Army" and the unique historical style.

In 60 years, more than 4,000 performances, the forever blooming "Qionghua" danced again

In addition, Wanping Theatre has also planned a series of interactive experience activities: ballet workshops and vocal training workshops; bringing familiar melodies to the University of the Elderly; On the day of the performance, the basic training of ballet was opened, and the art door of the theater was opened for lovers of ballet and theater performances.

In 60 years, more than 4,000 performances, the forever blooming "Qionghua" danced again

The launch of a series of cultural activities is not only a multi-dimensional and in-depth excavation and presentation of the "Red Detachment of Women", but also an echo of the indissoluble bond between the "Detachment of Women" and Shanghai. It is reported that Shanghai is the cradle of the creation of the "Women's Army", and the Shanghai Film Studio's revolutionary war-themed film "Red Women's Army" was a smash hit in the 60s of the 20th century, and later the film version of the ballet "Red Women's Army" also appeared on the screen, starring the second-generation "Qionghua" Xue Jinghua from Shanghai. Since its performance, the ballet "Red Detachment of Women" has left many impressive performances in Shanghai, including major theaters in Shanghai, Shanghai Municipal Party School and other places.

Reporter / Liu Yi

Editor / Fan Lujia

Photo / Shanghai Wanping Theatre

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