
The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

author:Xu Xu.


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The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

Text: Xu Xu.

Edited by Xu Xu.

When it comes to the region of Palestine, I believe many people will find it tricky and easy to get involved in endless debates. It is not only a meeting point of religious beliefs, but also a focal point of conflicting interests. The latest draft resolution on "Enhancing Palestinian Statehood" put forward by the United Arab Emirates has undoubtedly pushed this area of turmoil to the center of the international stage.

The UAE's draft resolution hits the nail on the head

The UAE has submitted a draft resolution entitled "Upgrading of Palestinian Statehood" at the United Nations General Assembly, the core of which is the expectation that Palestine will be accorded the same status and rights as other full Members of the United Nations, such as participating in and speaking at United Nations meetings. This draft resolution undoubtedly addresses the current pain points of the international community in dealing with the status of Palestine.

The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

Israel responded strongly, and the United States could hardly say anything

In the face of the UAE's deafening draft resolution, Israel bore the brunt of its strong dissatisfaction. The Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations has aggressively stated that the draft resolution is contrary to the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and to peace and stability.

The representative of Israel stated that "the draft resolution is contrary to the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations"

Israel's tough response is not surprising, as Israel has long been negative about granting full Palestinian statehood.

As an important participant in traditional Middle East affairs, the United States is also difficult to talk about this time. Once the draft resolution is adopted, it is highly likely that Washington will stop funding the United Nations and its agencies. This will undoubtedly trigger widespread attention and discussion on US foreign policy in the region.

The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

The debate over membership in the United Nations has a long history

The roots of this controversy must be traced back to the long-standing desire of Palestine for full membership of the United Nations. However, this effort has always been resolutely opposed and obstructed by Israel and some other Western countries.

As early as 2011, Palestine formally submitted an application to the United Nations Security Council to join the European Union, but ultimately failed due to the crucial veto of the United States. Although the other 14 members of the Security Council voted in favor at that time, the unanimous approval of all 15 members of the United Nations was required for full membership in the United Nations.

"The U.S. cast a crucial veto, resulting in the failure of the Palestinian application for membership"

The failure of this resolution undoubtedly dealt a blow to Palestine's efforts to join the European Union at that time, and also reflected from one side the differences and deadlock in the international community in the process of resolving the regional issue.

The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

The conflict of interests under the geopolitical game

Throughout the course of the Palestinian question, the struggle of geopolitical interests has always been the root cause of the unresolved conflict. For Israel, on the one hand, there are certainly territorial disputes based on religion and nationalism; However, from a practical point of view, the obstruction of Palestine to full statehood is more due to considerations for its own security and regional influence.

As an important ally of Israel in the Middle East, the United States naturally does not want to see the interests of its allies on key issues suffered. So, while the White House has never spoken out on it, there is a high probability that it will vote against it once the draft resolution is put to a vote.

As for why the UAE is making trouble at this juncture? Analysts believe that this is not only support for long-term ally Palestine, but also an attempt by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf countries to gather diplomatic influence.

In any case, the international community's complex differences and games on this regional issue have once again highlighted the long road to regional reconciliation.

The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

Two Prospects: Reform or Upheaval?

Looking ahead, whether Palestine can finally attain full membership of the United Nations depends to a great extent on the consensus of the international community on this issue.

The optimistic outlook is that, with the continued appeal of international public opinion, a breakthrough will finally be made in the Middle East peace process, a historic reconciliation between Israel and Palestine will be reached, and with the support of the international community, Palestine will be granted full statehood, thus promoting regional stability and development.

The pessimistic scenario is that the dispute continues to escalate, the confrontation between the two sides intensifies, and regional instability continues. At that time, the Palestinian issue will continue to become a time bomb for the international community, the game between all parties will become more intense, and the situation in the Middle East will become even worse.

The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

What to do

In the face of such a difficult issue, we have reason to call on all parties to:

First, the United States should uphold an impartial attitude, play a constructive role on major issues, and avoid intensifying contradictions.

Second, both Israel and Palestine should have the sincerity to seek common ground while reserving differences and work in the same direction, and give priority to regional peace and development.

Third, the UAE and other Middle Eastern countries should exert their influence and actively mediate, instead of taking advantage of loopholes to add fuel to the fire.

Fourth, the international community should create a favorable environment for the Middle East peace process and contribute positive energy to the resolution of conflicts.

Only by fully understanding the intricacies of this chess game can we be steady and rational in the changing situation, so as to contribute our own strength to solving the problem. Peace and development in a region not only have a great stake in it, but also have a far-reaching impact.

The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

Netizens are hotly discussed

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

Some netizens believed: "The draft resolution of the UAE is very weighty and directly hits the pain point of the international community's treatment of the Palestinian status." If passed, it will greatly enhance Palestine's voice in the international community. "
Some netizens also held the opposite view: "I think this resolution is destined to be difficult to pass, Israel and the United States are both opposed, and according to international rules, it is difficult to finally gain support." It is likely that the UAE has other political agendas. "
Some netizens believed: "This once again reflects that there are serious differences in the settlement of the Palestinian issue in the international community, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough in the short term." All parties should work together to promote the Middle East peace process in an attitude of mutual understanding and seeking common ground while reserving differences. "
There is no shortage of netizens who sighed: "This problem has been plaguing the Middle East for decades, and the real root cause lies in the geopolitical game and the conflict of interests, which requires greater courage and wisdom to resolve."
Some netizens also put forward their own views: "I think the United States and Israel should adopt a more open and inclusive attitude on this issue, abandon prejudices, and listen more to the voice of the Palestinian people." Lasting peace in the region can only be achieved on the basis of fairness and justice. "

It can be seen that netizens have their own unique views on this complex and sensitive international issue, which fully demonstrates the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese people in paying attention to international affairs and thinking about global issues.

The United Arab Emirates submitted a draft resolution on the "Enhancement of Palestinian statehood" to the General Assembly

There will be a strong east wind one day

Looking at the whole text, it is not difficult for us to find that the dispute in the Palestinian region is no longer just a religious and ethnic contradiction, but has become more of a product of the interests of major powers and geopolitical games. The intransigence of Israel and the United States has undoubtedly exacerbated regional tensions. And the involvement of countries such as the United Arab Emirates may also contribute to instability and division.

In this regard, there is a long way to go to resolve disputes and reach reconciliation. However, we also have reason to believe that as long as all parties are sincere in understanding each other and seeking common ground while reserving differences, there will be a breakthrough in the Middle East peace process. After all, it is an eternal truth that peace breeds development, and development breeds peace.

In this process, China will, as always, play a constructive role and contribute its wisdom and strength to maintaining regional stability and promoting dialogue among all parties. The east wind will blow strongly, and the black clouds will clear!

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