
The name of this city in China is too "embarrassing", and several leaders have applied for a name change, but they have not succeeded!

author:Life is full of sunshine 168

Among these many place names, the name of Zhumadian City in Henan Province may not be as dazzling as "Beijing" and "Shanghai", and even a little "embarrassing" to some people.

For those who hear the name for the first time, what may come to mind is a quaint picture: a simple inn, a few tired horses leisurely eating forage, and the shopkeeper busily entertaining customers.

Indeed, the origin of the name of Zhumadian is indeed inextricably linked with the post station.

Tracing back the long river of history, the Ming Dynasty was Chenghua ten years, the imperial court set up a post station in this place to provide rest and horse exchange services for officials, merchants and ordinary people, because of this, the place originally called "Ramie Shop" was renamed "Zhuma Shop".

This name is hundreds of years, and this name has been deeply imprinted on this land with the passage of time.

In all fairness, although the name "Zhumadian" is unpretentious and even a little straightforward, but when you taste it carefully, it also reveals a strong breath of life, just like an old man who has gone through vicissitudes, quietly telling the story of the past, and like an amiable old friend, who has been with you for decades, not fighting or grabbing, and obscure.

The name of this city in China is too "embarrassing", and several leaders have applied for a name change, but they have not succeeded!

In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy and the continuous advancement of urbanization, Zhumadian, like many cities, has paid more and more attention to its own image construction and strived to enhance the city's popularity and reputation.

It is said that as early as the end of the 90s of the last century, local leaders had put forward the idea of changing the name of Zhumadian, hoping to choose a louder and more recognizable name, in order to enhance the image of the city, among which the highest voice is "Tianzhong".

The reason why "Tianzhong" is chosen is because Zhumadian is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, and has been called "Tianzhong" since ancient times, and has been called "Runan" and "Caizhou" in history, etc., these names are more atmospheric than "Zhumadian", more in line with its geographical location and historical and cultural connotation.

However, changing the name is not an easy task, it is not as simple and casual as changing a WeChat nickname, the name of a city, carrying the weight of history, the accumulation of culture, and the common memory of several generations.

Just like changing furniture at home, there are many factors to consider, to take into account practicality and aesthetics, but also to consider the opinions of family members, but also to do what we can, not blindly pursue tall.

The name of this city in China is too "embarrassing", and several leaders have applied for a name change, but they have not succeeded!

In the same way, when changing the name of a city, we must also be cautious, and we must fully consider factors such as history, culture, and public opinion.

Names are an important carrier of a place's history and culture, a link between the past, present and future.

Although the name of Zhumadian sounds ordinary, its historical and cultural heritage is very profound.

This is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization, and the legendary ancestors of humanity, Pangu and the Yellow Emperor, have an indissoluble bond with this land.

It has a long history, splendid culture, has given birth to many historical celebrities, and left a rich cultural heritage, The three words "Zhumadian" seem to be ordinary, but they carry thousands of years of historical accumulation, and are the precious wealth left to us by our ancestors.

The name of this city in China is too "embarrassing", and several leaders have applied for a name change, but they have not succeeded!

Changing the name easily is equivalent to cutting off history and people's memories, so that future generations will lose the clue to find their roots.

A name is the emotional sustenance of a place, the soul and symbol of a city.

For people who have lived in Zhumadian for a long time, the three words "Zhumadian" are not only a place name, but also a kind of feelings, a kind of nostalgia that is difficult to give up.

It's like an old neighbor who grew up watching you grow up, even if you haven't seen him for many years, you will still feel extremely familiar and familiar when you hear his name again.

If you change your name easily, it is equivalent to erasing people's memories and cutting off people's emotions, which is undoubtedly a harm to the natives.

The name of this city in China is too "embarrassing", and several leaders have applied for a name change, but they have not succeeded!

Finally, there are practical factors to consider when changing the name, including economic costs, social impacts, etc.

Changing a name is not as simple as changing a name, it involves all aspects of the problem.

For example, administrative divisions need to be adjusted, various documents and certificates need to be changed, street signs and signs need to be replaced, etc., all of which require a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

More importantly, it is necessary to solicit the opinions of the general public when changing the name, and if everyone does not approve of it, even if the name is changed, it will be difficult to convince the public, and it will cause social instability.

Therefore, changing the name is not a trivial matter, and it is not possible to make a decision lightly, but it is necessary to give full consideration to all factors and make scientific and democratic decisions.

The name of this city in China is too "embarrassing", and several leaders have applied for a name change, but they have not succeeded!

In recent years, although Zhumadian has not been successfully renamed, it has not been discouraged by this, but has devoted more energy to economic development, people's livelihood improvement, urban construction and other aspects, striving to improve its comprehensive strength, and striving to let more people understand and recognize themselves.

Zhumadian, an ancient and vibrant city, is writing its own wonderful in its own way.

I believe that in the near future, Zhumadian will be more confident and more open, showing in front of the world, and its name will be known and recognized by more and more people with the development.

A name is just a symbol, what matters is the connotation.

Just like a person, a name is just a code name, what really makes people remember is his character and ability.

Zhumadian, the city, will eventually leave a strong mark on the land of China with its unique charm.

The name of this city in China is too "embarrassing", and several leaders have applied for a name change, but they have not succeeded!

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