
Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Taro is good to eat, it can lower blood pressure." Aunt Li said to the busy Aunt Chen while wiping her sweat, and Aunt Chen was lying in her vegetable garden, holding a hoe in her hand, digging taro diligently.

She is a retired teacher, and after retirement, she spends most of her time taking care of the vegetable garden, growing vegetables, and raising flowers and plants. "Really?" Aunt Chen stood up, patted the dirt on her hands, and looked at Aunt Li with curiosity on her face, "Can taro really lower blood pressure?" ”

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

"Of course, I heard from Dr. Zhang next door, he has been working in the hospital all his life, can he still have a vacation?" Aunt Li looked determined. Hearing this, Aunt Chen's heart suddenly ignited the idea of giving it a try.

Her blood pressure was already a little high, and the weather has been hot recently, and her blood pressure has jumped up from time to time. Thinking about it, she involuntarily sped up the speed of digging taro, planning to make a taro meal at noon to take care of her body.

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

At the lunch table, Aunt Chen brought a plate of fragrant braised taro, looking at the table full of dishes, her heart was full of anticipation. Not only did she eat several pieces herself, but she also specially gave them to her wife and grandson to taste. After eating, Aunt Chen always felt much more down-to-earth, but she was a little puzzled: Can taro really lower blood pressure?

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

With this question, Aunt Chen decided to go to the hospital to find a doctor to ask for clarification. In the afternoon, she sneaked to the hospital and found an old acquaintance, Dr. Li. Dr. Li is an experienced and well-informed TCM practitioner. "Dr. Li, I heard that taro can lower blood pressure, is this true?" Aunt Chen asked impatiently as soon as she sat down.

When Dr. Li heard this, he couldn't help but smile, nodded and said, "Taro does have a certain nutritional value, but it is not a special medicine for lowering blood pressure. "So what's so good about taro?" Aunt Chen continued to ask.

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

Dr. Li patiently explains, "Taro is rich in dietary fiber and a variety of vitamins, which are good for the body. It aids digestion, boosts immunity, and also moistens the intestines. But when it comes to lowering blood pressure, the effect of taro is not significant. In fact, the treatment of hypertension mainly depends on a comprehensive diet and lifestyle habits. ”

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

Aunt Chen listened carefully, but she was still a little puzzled in her heart: "Then what can I eat to effectively regulate my blood pressure?" Dr. Li smiled and said, "As you get older, you really need to pay more attention to your diet. In addition to taro, there are several foods that have a good effect on regulating blood pressure. ”

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

First of all, Dr. Lee mentioned celery. He said: "Celery contains a lot of potassium, which is very helpful in regulating blood pressure, and eating celery every day can effectively reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Celery is also a diuretic, which helps the body flush out excess sodium and further control blood pressure. ”

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

Dr. Lee then goes on to mention onions: "Onions contain a substance called quercetin, which has a strong antioxidant effect and can help dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Moreover, onions also have anti-inflammatory effects, which are very good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. ”

He then talks about garlic: "Garlic contains allicin, a substance that helps lower cholesterol and prevent blood clots, which helps control blood pressure. In addition, garlic also has a bactericidal effect, which can enhance the body's immunity. ”

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

In addition, Dr. Lee recommends legumes: "Various legumes, especially black beans, are rich in protein and dietary fiber, which is very good for heart health. Beans are also rich in magnesium, which can help relax blood vessels and stabilize blood pressure. ”

"There are also whole grains, such as oats, which are not only rich in fiber, but also help stabilize blood sugar and prevent cardiovascular disease," says Dr. Lee. Long-term consumption also has a certain effect on controlling blood pressure. Hearing this, Aunt Chen's heart suddenly brightened, and she nodded hurriedly: "I see, it seems that eating taro is not enough." ”

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

Dr. Li smiled and nodded: "Yes, regulating blood pressure requires many efforts, not only to eat reasonably, but also to maintain a moderate amount of exercise to avoid overwork and mood swings. ”

After listening to this, Aunt Chen sighed: "I really learned this time, I should pay more attention to my diet in the future, and eat more celery, onions, garlic, beans and whole grains." Seeing that Aunt Chen understood, Dr. Li did not forget to advise: "Remember, eat less salt, drink more water, maintain a moderate amount of exercise every day, and try to avoid staying up late." These are all important for controlling blood pressure. ”

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things

What do you think about taro? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is taro a blood pressure "regulator"? You should pay attention to your diet when you are old, and you can try to eat more of these things