
After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

author:Ancient and modern times
After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

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The golden sunlight spread over the entire field, and Gillian couldn't help but take a deep breath, the fresh country atmosphere filled her chest, and a satisfied smile bloomed on her face. She looked around at the familiar and affectionate land, and finally her eyes rested on her daughter, who was playing happily not far away, and her heart welled up with indescribable joy and satisfaction.

Yes! Heaven has mercy, may my dear child have the opportunity to grow up carefree in this fertile land left by the ancestors, Gillian silently prayed, how she hoped that the child could avoid the bustle of the city and stick to the pure and kind nature of the heart.

Looking back on countless past times, Gillian was once intoxicated by the bustling city and was blinded by the temptation of fame and fortune. However, when she set foot on this homeland again, she deeply felt the simple and authentic beauty of nature.

Gillian recalls every moment she spent with Bob, those sweet moments are now a thing of the past, and only the endless pain caused by his betrayal is left for her.

After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

Looking back, Gillian worked hard with her only right hand, hoping to help Xiaobo get out of poverty. Although the family's financial situation is not well-off, they nourish each other's hearts with sincere love, support each other, and move forward together.

Xiaobo unfortunately lost both legs, and Gillian needs to put him in the back basket every day and go to work in the repair shop. When she got home from work, she had to rush to another job non-stop, just to earn a meager income to support the family of three.

Although life is hard, Gillian never chooses to give up. She carried Xiaobo on her back, and the heavy burden bent her spine, especially on rainy days, and the pain was even more unbearable. However, whenever this happens, Xiaobo will always gently tap her back to relieve her tiredness; In daily life, he will also carefully tie Gillian's shoes, comb her hair, feed and dress, etc.

This conjoined couple is so dependent on each other, supporting each other, and nourishing each other's lives with their true love.

After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

Once upon a time, Xiaobo was a positive, optimistic and tenacious person. It is this positive attitude towards life that not only deeply touched Gillian, but also touched countless netizens.

However, who would have thought that this innocent love would eventually be confused by money and fame and fortune, and turn into a sad regret.

The most heart-wrenching thing is Xiaobo's indifference and neglect towards Gillian. In the past, he always tried his best to take care of Gillian's daily life, but now, he wastes his good youth on making money and pursuing other women.

Once the live broadcast was launched, Xiaobo threw himself into the warm praise of female fans on the Internet, as if opening a mysterious treasure chest of emotions. What's even more shocking is that he is obsessed with making his family privacy public, and even uploaded a discordant clip with Gillian to the Internet, which has aroused strong condemnation from many netizens.

After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

Obviously, Xiaobo's pursuit of money has long surpassed his love for his career, and even his original intention has been ignored by him. In the face of the persuasion of the majority of netizens, Xiaobo was still arrogant and ignored all suggestions.

His inner world has become extremely barren, only the endless desire for money and vanity remain, and the once innocent heart has long been nowhere to put it.

Xiaobo's betrayal caused an uproar on the Internet, and netizens accused him of why he was able to forget Gillian's affection for him over the years, and what kind of indifference and ruthlessness could make him make such an outrageous move.

In this storm of public opinion, more inside stories about Xiaobo's derailment were revealed: not only did he have an extramarital affair with a young and beautiful woman, but intimate photos of the two spread wildly on the Internet; What's even more excessive is that Xiaobo and this lover recorded an intimate video together to show off their sweet moments on the Internet.

After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

Seeing all this, Gillian could no longer stand Xiaobo's treachery, and could only resolutely choose to end the relationship with him. "God has eyes, and will eventually give those who are diligent and kind people due reward.

This is the words that Gillian often prays silently in her heart, and it is this sentence that supports her to live strong Now, she finally realized: In life, after all, she will face parting, even if Xiaobo has given her endless encouragement and support, but that is only in the past.

Therefore, Gillian decided to part ways with Xiaobo. Although she was deeply hurt by his betrayal, Gillian did not lose faith in life. She decided to bravely take on new life challenges with strong faith.

Recalling the past, the good times when Gillian and Xiaobo met were so unforgettable.

After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

It was a sudden car accident that ruthlessly took away their healthy bodies. Gillian lost her right arm, and Bo unfortunately had both legs crippled and her lower limbs severely damaged, and eventually had to undergo amputation.

When Gillian woke up from the intensive care unit alone, it was because Xiaobo gave her the important strength of firm belief in survival and endless courage. These two disabled people with similar fates are in a difficult situation, but they are close to each other, and the sincere and pure love between them is like a warm sun shining on the hearts of both parties that are full of scars.

After getting married, Gillian was extremely strong to bear the financial burden of the family, running between the repair shop and the job every day, diligently managing the housework, although earning a low salary, but always sparing no effort to ensure the basic living needs of the family of three.

Even in the face of bad weather conditions, Gillian never showed a trace of complaint or tiredness.

After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

Whenever she returned home, Gillian cared about Bo's daily life, tying his shoes, fixing his hair, feeding him, and putting on clothes. Xiaobo, on the other hand, is always considerate, and he will gently massage Gillian's tired back to soothe her hard work; In every detail of his daily life, he did his best to pamper his wife.

Looking back on those years, how much affection and friendship they paid to get to this happy moment today! Gillian often asks herself, if she hadn't met Xiaobo at the beginning, how would she face the future? It was Xiaobo who gave her the confidence and strength to face life bravely.

All the transformations started on that special day in 2018. At that time, Gillian and Xiaobo took their lovely daughter out to play, and by chance, their warm pictures were captured by enthusiastic netizens and uploaded to the Internet.

The video narrator affectionately writes: "Siamese couple and daughter spend quality time together, warm and loving." In an instant, this video full of humanity spread quickly on the Internet, and received countless likes and retweets from netizens.

After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

People were deeply touched by the touching love story of this "conjoined couple" and left messages to express their feelings. Someone said with emotion: "I once again believe in the existence of love!" Soon after, they won the reputation of "Internet celebrity family" and became a high-profile star family.

Realizing that this was a rare business opportunity, Xiaobo and Gillian decided to join forces to create their own social media accounts after in-depth discussions and try to get involved in the field of short videos.

They took a video of the warmth of their daily life and uploaded it to the platform to share this joy with the majority of netizens.

The sincere and touching precious moments of love and affection left by them have been warmly praised and paid attention to by the majority of netizens. The touching story of this "conjoined couple" who supported each other and lived together through the hardships of life deeply touched everyone, and people offered their most sincere wishes.

After the explosion of "Siamese Couple", the legless man abandoned his wife with a broken arm to find a new love, and the current situation is emotional

Soon after, Xiaobo and his family's popularity and influence skyrocketed in the online world. Many well-known brokerage companies have thrown olive branches to them, promising to give them generous remuneration and take full responsibility for the management and operation of their accounts.

Faced with such temptation, Xiaobo did not hesitate to choose the cooperation conditions proposed by one of the companies.