
I went on a cruise to the Three Gorges Dam and the landscape was so beautiful that it felt like a fairyland

author:Ji Kaixin
I went on a cruise to the Three Gorges Dam and the landscape was so beautiful that it felt like a fairyland

Title: I went on a cruise to the Three Gorges Dam, and the landscape here is so beautiful that it feels like a fairyland

One sunny morning, I embarked on a journey to the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China. The purpose of this trip is not only to enjoy the magnificent scenery, but also to experience the beautiful feeling of being close to nature. The scenery along the way is gorgeous and colorful, and I feel like I am in a fairyland-like world.

When I arrived at the Three Gorges Dam, I was blown away by its grandeur. The towering dam towers majestically over the Yangtze River, sparkling on the water, like a magnificent picture. Boarding the boat, I could feel the majesty of nature on the river. The boat slowly sails across the Yangtze River, with undulating mountains and green trees along the way, and a beautiful view is in full view.

On the deck of the boat, I heard the tour guide talk about the history and construction of the Three Gorges Dam from time to time. I learned that the Three Gorges Dam is a masterpiece of modern Chinese engineering and the crystallization of human ingenuity and courage. It not only provides an important guarantee for flood control and power generation in the Yangtze River basin, but also becomes a business card of China, attracting tourists from all over the world.

As the boat approached the vicinity of the Three Gorges Dam, I saw a huge lock, into which the boat slowly sailed in. The locks are gradually raised, smoothly lifting the boat to another level above the water. This feat made me deeply sigh at the progress of human wisdom and technology, and also made me admire even more those engineers who strive for the well-being of mankind.

I went on a cruise to the Three Gorges Dam and the landscape was so beautiful that it felt like a fairyland

The boat sailed past the Three Gorges Dam, and I saw the winding scenery of the Three Gorges. The peaks on both sides of the canyon are steep and cloudy, like a fairyland. I was immersed in the beauty of the landscape, and I felt happy and peaceful. From time to time, birds fly across the sky, embellishing this magnificent picture, which makes people feel refreshed.

In addition to the natural scenery, I also met tourists from all over the world on the cruise. We exchanged our experiences and feelings about travel, and shared each other's joy and touch. In this atmosphere, I felt the friendship and closeness between people, as if I were a family.

Finally, the boat returned to the starting point, and I reluctantly left this beautiful view. On the way back, I reminisced about this unforgettable trip, and my heart was full of emotion and joy. The magnificent scenery of the Three Gorges Dam made me feel the magic and beauty of nature, and also made me love the land of my motherland even more.

Overall, I went on a cruise to the Three Gorges Dam and the landscape was so beautiful that it felt like a fairyland. This trip not only allowed me to appreciate the magnificent natural scenery, but also made me deeply appreciate the greatness of human wisdom and courage. I am sure that this trip will be one of the most cherished memories of my life, and I will always miss this beautiful land and this unforgettable experience.

I went on a cruise to the Three Gorges Dam and the landscape was so beautiful that it felt like a fairyland

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