
Meet at close quarters! Violent fights in the DPP's professional parliamentary arena? Fight to stop the five bills

author:Land abandonment

Text: Lu abandoned

"517" everyone saw a similar picture, Han Kuo-yu had an extremely serious brawl for the first time since he presided over the legislature. The origin of this brawl is probably related to five bills, almost all of which restrict Lai Qingde's powers. Second, Lai Qingde has misgivings, believing that the expansion of legislative power will greatly restrain his executive power. In this case, it is necessary to fight to calm the matter.

Meet at close quarters! Violent fights in the DPP's professional parliamentary arena? Fight to stop the five bills

The chaos in the Taiwan Assembly Hall is divided into three phases, the first is the morning phase, the second is the afternoon phase, and the third is the evening phase. In the evening, six people were sent to the National Taiwan University Hospital, and in the morning there were constant conflicts. In the morning, the civil offensive and martial arts struggle had just begun, at noon more attention was paid to consultations, and in the evening there was voting. It is divided into three stages, and there are three people in the three stages who fight from morning to night. One of these three people is Zhong Jiabin, one is Guo Guowen, and the other is Wu Siyao. Wu Siyao is obviously the initiator, and the order she received should come directly from Lai Qingde, and these three people are the Chong group.

Guo Guowen ran through the audience, one meeting on the rostrum, and the other time grabbing Zhou Wanlai's notebook and his papers, Wu Siyao desperately held a press conference to condemn the violence, who is the violence? It is the DPP that is violent, and it is the DPP that deliberately wants to create such conflicts. It can be said that if we understand the history of the DPP, they will often support its scenes with fights when they have no choice but to do so, and this is the question of why the DPP has had a "violent Xiaoying" for a long time and why there is a violent rush to the group.

Meet at close quarters! Violent fights in the DPP's professional parliamentary arena? Fight to stop the five bills

In fact, they fight not to show other people, but to their own supporting masses. You see, we've struggled, and we've finally had a fight, and we have an explanation for you. Because the DPP has always had this habit of rushing to form a group since its founding in 1986, they are engaged in street movements and violence in the arena at this time.

These three Chong groups are all "new trends", one is Tainan, one is Pingtung, and one is Taipei, and all three are "new trends" on the orders of Qingde. The personal relationship between them and Lai Qingde is very good, Guo Guowen is single-handedly promoted by Lai Qingde, Zhong Jiabin is also, and so is Wu Siyao. The rushing skills of these three people shocked the audience, one hugged Chen Jinghui, one grabbed Zhou Wanlai, and the other held a press conference to scold and accuse others of violence. However, it can be said that during the whole process of "517", the DPP did not want to queue up to enter the meeting hall, and if it was according to the past practice, the DPP's Class A mobilization should also seize the entrance of the council hall and sleep in front of the council hall, and there is no other way.

This time, the DPP did not expect the KMT to move so quickly, because they did not believe that the KMT could be so diligent and take the initiative to line up, so the first wave of clashes began at 6:38 a.m. and lasted until 10 a.m. In the process of party-government consultations, the DPP did not budge an inch, and even said that it would not hesitate to fight. When the meeting failed, the DPP used various methods and procedures to make speeches, "tactics of the sea of cases," and so on, deliberately creating opportunities for collisions. If he fails to collide or fails to complete his mission, he is ready to fall.

Meet at close quarters! Violent fights in the DPP's professional parliamentary arena? Fight to stop the five bills

In fact, the DPP's self-emasculation was mainly for the sake of the boss Lai Qingde, and in this case, the two sides clashed. The really fierce conflict was in the second half, after noon, Zhong Jiabin had to break into the rostrum, Guo Guowen also had to break into the rostrum, and after the two of them failed, Shen Boyang and others stepped over their shoulders and entered the rostrum. Those who are really experienced are the last to charge into battle, and they will definitely not charge into battle when the deliberations are chaotic, because when the deliberations are chaotic, danger is most likely to occur.

So Shen Boyang said that if you step over my shoulder, if you want to step over the human wall and over the shoulder, your center of gravity must be unstable. The DPP is a party that is a dead friend but not a poor one, and Shen Boyang is the first time to be a party, so he can't figure out the situation. When engaging in this set, there is a set of procedures, who is the first stick, who is the second stick, who is the third stick, and whether there is anyone below to catch it has to be planned. But why did Shen Boyang fall when he went up to the group, whether someone pulled it is another matter, as long as you step on it, the center of gravity will be unstable, and if you are not careful, your head will hit the ground, which is too dangerous.

Meet at close quarters! Violent fights in the DPP's professional parliamentary arena? Fight to stop the five bills

At this time, the DPP condemns violence, is the DPP willing to gamble or not admit defeat? This character has always been present in the DPP, and there is still a fight with Han Kuo-yu, that is, the matter of the CEO of the Democracy Foundation, and the problem of the executor of the Democracy Foundation may end in scolding or fighting. From these, it can be seen that these are the pawns of the rushing group, and they are carrying out Lai Qingde's will, but others cooperate. In fact, if the DPP's 51 seats are really united, Han Kuo-yu will not be able to enter the venue at all. The DPP's 27 seats can stop Wang Jinping, but can't the 51 seats stop Han Kuo-yu? Because when it really came on the field, it was 1:3, one person rushed to three people to stop, the People's Party and the Kuomintang dropped Han Kuo-yu's seat, 61 seats vs. 51 seats, can you stop it? If you have engaged in these so-called protests, you can see immediately that there are always a few people who are really rushing.

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