
Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

author:Xixi talks about the world
Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals
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Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, there is such a couple, and their love story begins with an unexpected wine table battle. The man known for his perseverance and strength, Hu Jun, the "big brother" who made Wu Jingjing couldn't help but be coquettish during the filming of "Changjin Lake", was defeated by a seemingly weak woman at the wine table.

This woman not only won in drinking, but also touched Hu Jun's heart with her sincerity.

This unexpected encounter opened the prelude to Hu Jun and Lu Fang's 25-year loving marriage. From a chance encounter in the cafeteria to a heart-to-heart conversation at the table with more than a dozen bottles of beer, their story is like a love movie with ups and downs.

In this Vanity Fair, they have walked hand in hand for nearly a quarter of a century, composing an enviable love legend with the method of "joining if you can't beat it".

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

Although Hu Jun has repeatedly rumored scandals after marriage, Lu Fang has always firmly chosen trust. Today, they have become a high-profile "model couple" in the entertainment industry, interpreting what sincere and lasting love is with practical actions.

Lu Fang was born in a literary family in Yunnan, and her parents were both literary and artistic workers. Under the influence of such an environment, she has developed a strong interest in art since she was a child.

After graduating from high school, Lu Fang resolutely chose to apply for the Central Academy of Drama and started her acting career. With her tall figure, beautiful appearance and excellent acting skills, Lu Fang received an invitation to be the heroine of the drama "Military Train" before she graduated, and her acting career seemed destined to be smooth sailing.

Completely different from Lu Fang, Hu Jun, although he was also born in a literary family in Beijing, his upbringing was quite bumpy. His father is a famous tenor singer, and his mother is an excellent drama actor, so it stands to reason that Hu Jun should be full of literary temperament.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

However, he was burly and had a bold personality since he was a child, which was very different from the image of a literary and artistic worker.

Hu Jun's childhood life was not easy. As the only son in the family, he was strictly militarized by his father. From waking up on time to tidying up housekeeping, the disciplined style of reward and punishment has made his life full of stress.

Although this harsh upbringing shaped his upright character, it also deprived him of much of the joy of his childhood.

After entering university, Hu Jun's life did not become easy. Although he has won the love of many people with his handsome appearance, the cost of living is still stretched.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

It wasn't until four years after graduation that he got the opportunity to star in "Military Train". When he saw that Lu Fang, who had just stepped into the showbiz, also received the same script, he was inevitably a little disappointed.

The gears of fate turned. At the rehearsal site of "Military Train", when Hu Jun met Lu Fang for the first time, he still had doubts in his heart. After all, he has been in the entertainment industry for four years, and Lu Fang is just a newcomer who has just left school.

He muttered to himself, "Good rabbits don't eat the grass next to the nest." However, reality soon gave him a resounding slap in the face.

One day, while eating in the cafeteria, Hu Jun found that he had forgotten to bring his meal card. Just when he was embarrassed, Lu Fang happened to appear and solved his urgent need. This chance encounter became the beginning of their story.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

Hu Jun, who originally planned to have nothing to do with after eating this meal, unexpectedly found that he had a good conversation with Lu Fang. In the end, the two even used fists to cheer up, and drank more than a dozen bottles of craft beer in one go.

Under the influence of alcohol, two people with very different personalities were relieved of their defenses. Hu Jun saw Lu Fang's gentle and considerate side, and Lu Fang also discovered the softness of Hu Jun's heart.

This unexpected wine table exchange brought their relationship to a new stage, and also laid the groundwork for future relationship development.

As time passed, the relationship between Lu Fang and Hu Jun deepened. Lu Fang's acting career is thriving, and she has won the love and recognition of the audience with her two works, "Zhao's Orphan" and "Home".

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

In contrast, Hu Jun's acting career seems much bumpy. Except for the unique "East Palace and West Palace", he has almost no other works that can make people shine.

However, Lu Fang always stood by Hu Jun's side and gave him unlimited support and encouragement. She firmly believes that Hu Jun's talent will eventually bloom and admires his perseverance.

Encouraged by Lu Fang, Hu Jun worked harder and harder, and finally waited for a turning point in his career.

The twist of fate occurred during a trip to Rome. Hu Jun, who was infected by the romantic atmosphere of the Eternal City, confessed to Lu Fang affectionately in the Roman Forum. This man, who usually gives people the image of a tough guy, is like a shy big boy at the moment, clumsily and sincerely expressing his love.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

Lu Fang was moved by Hu Jun's true feelings and readily agreed to his marriage proposal.

After marriage, Lu Fang focused on her acting career while taking care of her family. She knows the hard work of the profession of an actor, so she always silently creates a warm and comfortable family environment for Hu Jun.

Whenever Hu Jun was troubled by the role, Lu Fang could always give pertinent advice; When Hu Jun was exhausted from the hard work of shooting, Lu Fang's gentleness and thoughtfulness always soothed his fatigue.

Soon after getting married, Hu Jun received an invitation to "Lan Yu". The quality of this drama is excellent, but the large-scale plot involved in it makes Hu Jun feel pressured. He mentioned this matter to Lu Fang nervously, for fear that his wife would not understand.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

Unexpectedly, Lu Fang not only did not get angry, but encouraged Hu Jun to take on the challenge with a mischievous smile. Her understanding and support gave Hu Jun great courage and confidence.

The success of "Lan Yu" opened up a new situation for Hu Jun's career. He was not only nominated for the Golden Horse Awards, but also participated in excellent works such as "Dragon Babu" and "A River Spring Flows Eastward".

While their careers are thriving, they also ushered in the crystallization of love - their lovely daughter.

Whenever he looks at his sleeping daughter, Hu Jun will sigh: It was Lu Fang who gave him a warm home, so that he could enjoy the joy of family after busy work.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

This small family has become a harbor for them to resist the wind and rain of the outside world, and it is also a source of motivation for them to continue to move forward.

As Hu Jun's position in the film and television industry has become more and more stable, more and more actresses have cooperated with him. From Liu Tao to Carina Lau, Hu Jun has been involved in the whirlpool of scandals many times.

Whenever this happens, Lu Fang always behaves unusually calm.

She is well versed in the rules of the entertainment industry and knows that scandals are often unavoidable. Instead of being suspicious, choose to trust your husband. Faced with questions from the media, Lu Fang always responded indifferently: "I know my husband and believe in him as a person."

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

This attitude not only won the respect of the public, but also made Hu Jun feel warm and reassured.

Once, intimate photos of Hu Jun and Carina Lau went viral on the Internet, causing an uproar. In the face of overwhelming doubts, Lu Fang did not choose to remain silent.

She took the initiative to stand up and explain the ins and outs of the photo as a photographer and clarified the rumors for her husband. This move not only defused the crisis, but also showed her trust and support for her husband.

It is with Lu Fang's understanding and support that Hu Jun can have no worries on the road of acting. He has participated in many popular film and television works such as "Chu Han Fengyun" and "Red Cliff", and has established a unique tough guy image in the hearts of the audience.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

However, the actor's path has not been easy. Sometimes, Hu Jun's character is questioned and criticized by the audience. In the face of these voices, Lu Fang is always the first to stand up and cheer for her husband.

She will carefully analyze the audience's feedback and help Hu Jun continue to improve his acting skills.

With Lu Fang's encouragement, Hu Jun worked harder and harder. He constantly challenges himself and tries different types of roles. Even though he sometimes suffered setbacks, he always adhered to his acting ideals.

This spirit of continuous improvement also infected Lu Fang. She also worked hard in her acting career, and the two inspired each other to grow together.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

Through these years of tempering, the relationship between Hu Jun and Lu Fang has not only not been shaken by the disturbances of the outside world, but has become stronger. They proved with practical actions that in this vanity fair, sincere love can still exist for a long time.

Their story has also become a good story in the entertainment industry, inspiring more people to believe in the power of love.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Hu Jun and Lu Fang have gone through 23 spring and autumn together. In this Vanity Fair, their relationship has not only not been smoothed out by the years, but has become more mellow.

Many people wonder what is the secret of their relationship. Whenever asked this question, Lu Fang always replied with a smile: "Trust each other and support each other."

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

Trust is the cornerstone of their marriage. No matter how the outside world speculated, Lu Fang always stood firmly behind Hu Jun. She is convinced that sincere feelings will not be shaken by rumors.

This firm trust gave Hu Jun great courage and strength, allowing him to focus on his career without worrying about his family.

Support is the nourishment of their feelings. In their careers, they have each other's back. Lu Fang is not only Hu's most loyal audience, but also his harshest critic.

Her suggestions often bring new inspiration and breakthroughs to Hu Jun's performances. And Hu Jun also supported Lu Fang in pursuing her career and encouraged her to continue to explore and innovate on the road of acting.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

When faced with challenges, they choose to work together. When Hu Jun encountered a bottleneck in his career, Lu Fang would give him encouragement and advice; When Lu Fang needs to balance family and career, Hu Jun will also take the initiative to share the housework and give understanding and support.

This supportive attitude allows them to face life's challenges together.

Their feelings have no vigorous confessions, no earth-shattering promises, and only mutual support and understanding day after day. In this ever-changing entertainment industry, they use their ordinary lives to interpret what true love is.

The story of Hu Jun and Lu Fang is undoubtedly a warm and dazzling landscape in the entertainment industry. They have proved that even in an environment full of temptations and challenges, as long as they trust and support each other, love can still last.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

Their marriage is not only a source of their own happiness, but also an example for other couples in the circle, showing the true meaning of marriage.

The love story of Hu Jun and Lu Fang, starting from an unexpected meeting at the wine table, is still as sweet as ever after 23 years of ups and downs. Their feelings have no vigorous confessions, no earth-shattering promises, and only mutual support and understanding day after day.

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, they use their ordinary lives to interpret what true love is. From the first time we met, we didn't give in to each other, to the later hand in hand; From their firm trust in the face of scandals to their mutual support in their careers, Hu Jun and Lu Fang have proved the power of love with their actions.

Perhaps, the most beautiful appearance of love is to be able to walk hand in hand and face the ups and downs of life together. In this Vanity Fair, they choose to believe in each other, choose to support each other, and choose to grow together.

Actor Lu Fang: Married to Hu Jun because of drinking, sweet and affectionate for many years, I believe that her husband has no scandals

This kind of extraordinary in the ordinary is the secret of their long-lasting relationship.

The story of Hu Jun and Lu Fang is undoubtedly a warm and dazzling landscape in the entertainment industry. Not only did they create a happy family for themselves, but they also set an example for other couples in the circle.

In this environment full of temptations and challenges, they used practical actions to explain what is sincere and lasting love, showing the true meaning of marriage.

Their story tells us that true love doesn't need to be vigorous, but to support each other and grow together in ordinary days. This kind of unsung but unwavering love is the most precious feeling.

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